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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Whose fingers?? Maybe it was 3 skinny fingers :) And no shorts?? Seriously!! I encouraged people to dress kinda "really cool" this last Fri at co-op due to no air conditioning. I'm ULTRA conservative, but I guess I have a mix of something else... What else would she wear?? Jeans??!! Crazy :(
  2. NOT appropriate!!! It could mean "what the hell".... or "what the heck" and seriously, I would be telling her that's not ok to tell a child. What if your child had (luckily) never heard that work, before. Did she want to explain what "F**k means??? (then I'd be even more p*ss*d)
  3. Well, after directing a CC group for 3 years, and now having our own co-op, here are a few. Get a mom who can be with you more than not. Look at who is in your class, don't know how your group does it... but I believe it's being recommended for parents to stay in one classroom this year... (and then switch to your other child's classroom the next week) So, place your parents right in between children... assign seats. Decide what is "disobedient/distractive" and what is behavior you just don't like. The behavior that is not to be tolerated is one part... the part you just don't like... ignore. So, behaviors that might not be ok.... "raise your hand when you want to speak." When they don't, just don't let them answer... if possible. If they won't stop, then ask, "Mrs. Jones, pls talk to Little Johnny out in the hall" Don't be afraid to pull parents into taking kids out. You can also have all names on the board, then mark "strikes" by their names if they won't obey. Three strikes, you sit by mom the rest of the day. (or have to leave) Also, DO talk to your director about this!! This is her/his job to help you figure out. You can get better at classroom management, but you need "back-up" The other thing is you can take a few minutes each day to go over rules. DO you have a copy of "Think like a Classical Student, Think like a Christian Student"? Or, just talk about what makes classes work. I had one tutor who came in and just "wiped the slate clean" by explaining that CC is school, you must respect her and each other, and you would be out with your mom... if you don't listen. She did it with force and some compassion :) Give your Director a heads up... so she can come in and support you... (and let her know before..)
  4. Wow, thanks!! I was super afraid of how much it was! I've spent so much... and only have... (probably) because of the fact that I "brought home" the sickness :(
  5. My daughter danced at a place for one year while in preschool, changed to a school that is thought of as more rigorous... and now is back at the first school. (the one in between, she danced from 5yrs-12.5 yrs) There are just difference; some are hard to adjust to... for me. (Like, not being directd to point your toe, hard... etc.) But what we get out of this one is right for her. She's too tall to be a professional ballet dancer, but she loves to dance. She's good at it, and now she's expanded to hip hop and modern. She gets encouraged and she's also with "in town" kids, who are friends from the school she started going to. All this to say, that classes are "good/great" depending on circumstance :) Ours changed, and my daughter is relieved. She even went to the old school's Nutcracker performance. I asked if she was sad to not be in it, and she said "no, relieved". It was a good change!! Best of Luck!!
  6. If they don't have to be "academic" we have "jump rope" for an elective, I heard that legos, or things like .... trying to think of what it was called.... "gummy things" or something... was one co-ops favorite elective. A class full of maybe making things to play with... or something. (Like playdoh, flubber... etc) :)
  7. I haven't tried steroids, yet. I wonder how spendy it will be to get there... UGH :(
  8. Yes, invasive!! This has been a spendy journey. I've tried lysine, although I could try it again. I've spent a few hundred, already.... :( And yet, the worst part is, she's not well yet. :( Anyone had their kitty's "Lungs flushed?"
  9. Hey Everyone :) My 9 year old cat is wheezy. Best cat ever, and I brought home the new kitty. Since November, it's been one thing after another. Basically she has something that can't be kicked with antibiotics, the homeopathic meds I tried... good food... it's crazy! My "kitty" that I brought home was sick. He ended up just fine, although a bit of a runny nose sometimes... but basically just fine. But, my big cat just can't get all the way well. (Oh yes, I tried Anti-virals, too) She is wheezing, although not coughing anymore... and when she breathes... there is this sound that it makes... (through her nose) The vet said that the next thing would be to "flush her lungs".... (oh yes, we did an x-ray of her lungs which looked a bit asthmatic. I have to say, I don't have a fortune to spend on this.... It's already been quite a bit ;( Suggestions??:bigear::bigear:
  10. What type of studio is this? For most of my daughter's dancing years, she did Royal Academy of Dance. Now she's doing a much more informal one. I can't imagine this happening at either one. I would, unless I signed to agree for this, take her somewhere else. I would call another studio, explain that you are looking for a spot for her... just say "our current studio isn't working out for us" and move...right... on. Bummer about not getting to participate in the December performance.. but hopefully there will be an end of year one! ;)
  11. First, wet is best. Get one with no grain. Second, get a cat water fountain to encourage drinking. Mine drink out of the tub... which is somewhat the same. I would also buy purified water (not spring)....for them. I think there are things to add to the water... (a bit at a time), too... but don't remember exactly. All my animals jump in the tub to drink water, but most people wouldn't be on call 24/7 for water hand outs :)
  12. I like OXOs. When I worked at a Dept store years ago... they had to order more, all the time, because I sold so many :) (They have an opener that leaves no sharp edges. Don't get the cheap one.... get one at someplace like Macy's)
  13. Instead of smacking the child's tush, when this happens, don't you wanna smack the parent's head?? (Where is that NEWSPAPER??!!) Now, since we don't get to do what we want to... I just say, "Little Johnny, that's not appropriate classroom behavior. Would you like to stop that, or would you like to talk with your mom for some ideas on how to stop?" Seriously, it's not inappropriate to make sure your child can learn, as long as you're kind. It's VERY inappropriate for the teacher to have to put up with snotty, "me centered" children. (or chatting parents in the back!)
  14. Well... Ashland is great for Shakespeare festivals, and Salem is great... cuz we have a great hs group here. I would kinda recommend one over the other... to actually live in... depending on your personality and views. I see Ashland as a much more liberal... "free" spot to live. I know plenty of liberals here, around Salem... but there seems like more of a mix. BUT, even though I live here... that may not be a fair way to view the two places. I did like Ashland to visit, but at least where we visited... it wouldn't be where I raise my family. Good Luck!! :)
  15. Also, it's important to remember that other people's "bad behavior" and yours, might not match. For example, some are horrified with running in the church bldg, others are more concerned with children not hurting other children's feelings..... (Or properly addressing adults, or not chewing with their mouth open... etc.)
  16. It was an attention getter... they were obviously hiking, and didn't mean to do anything wrong. There is no reason except attention, that they were held. Like a big bully... having a smaller child. Crazy!
  17. PS, Heather did this for her school, I think.... (cut some chapters...)
  18. We just started SOTW in our co-op. Not much help, as we take 45 weeks for each book. (We do 30 weeks a year... so 1.5 years a week. I wouldn't trim the Greek gods from Ancient, as they are a major part of history... and knowing the gods made/make for an educated person. Point to knowing gods and myths as a foundation of being able to understand works, such as Shakespeare. That being said, we started with one or two lessons on Creation! ;) So... not less, but more :) I would say... listen to 2 chapters... but only pick on project. So, you could easily listen to 1.5 chapters... over two weeks... or something like this. Or, if everyone has the cds or books... assign the chapter in between? Just some thoughts :)
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