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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Again, I hope this is somehow wrong, but am too sad to look. I met him, years ago. And his wife was someone we chatted with on more than one occasion. (before they married) I totally believe that ending a pregnancy through removing a baby before it's viable is wrong. BUT, a child who is in a tube will not grow to full term, regardless of if the mother was willing to die. And, a mother who has 8 other children, who died for naught would not be making a wise choice, anyway! Sometimes men need to insert their foot BEFORE they speak, :glare:
  2. Hanna Andersson and Children's place were the best for us. the Hanna Andersson ones don't have the exposed waistband. If she's sensitive, that could be why; also "boy cut" ones might be better, as they are airier :)
  3. Not that it's necessarily bad, but last time I looked, State Directors had to read at least one of his books, and they do comment about him. Now, I had never heard the upsetting news about him, and so won't further comment. BUT, I have to say I'm very sad about news I've read in the last threads. AND, I'm not sure that just because he has horrible beliefs with some things, that everything is without worth. Particularly with Lutherans, that might have you come to other conclusions about Luther. I didn't realize his last few years of belief and disenchantment with certain people until I read up on him. Quite sad, although perhaps his was because of dementia? At least when I read information dementia was the only reason I could see a turn such as he had. :(
  4. I would love to have organic coconut and almond flour. Most of what I see has not been. Anyone have great organic flour? :)
  5. Seriously, child molester? When did that start? I'm not sure that's fair, unless there's news I didn't see or hear. :confused:
  6. If you want easy, consider the belly hugger in the right size. It covers the tummy, which is what gets noticed, anyway. You can make it or buy it. :) I would have bought them in a heartbeat if I had seen it when I nursed. :)
  7. I thought that it was mentioned that the attached wasn't his. Ok, I'll read it.... Misunderstood. ;(
  8. I still have to hope that it's misunderstood what he meant. Regardless of what they knew before, if they needed to know about Christianity, it seems like Love and not work would have brought them to Christ.
  9. I can't think he supports slavery as happened in the South. Perhaps he's talking about slaves in the Bible? And confusing the two? And even slaves in the Bible, did they not get freed after a maximum of 7 years? Perhaps that's not correct. :(
  10. And now you get to look up neutering and choices with this. And, when you want to get this done, as to not mess with growth platelets. :)
  11. Seriously, since it's your daughter's job... and you'll only call it "Miles", I'd let it go :) Now, I wanted Henry for my dog... and my son got to name it Brownie!! ;) And... I have to call him Brownie, too... and... I do all the work! :)
  12. You could do it like I am kinda suggesting. Do Highschool and the youngers, separately. If you wanted to do a "full curricula" you can do MFW with your youngers, and then when the oldest cycles off to HS.... then they do. OR if you want to do SOTW, then just start it and go through until Vol. 3 and if your youngest isn't ready for 4, then you just cycle off the rest of your children to do start the cycles over.... and whatever student is ready for Vol. 4 does it on their own and then moves on to Highschool... or on to the MFW Explorers.... Seeing that your youngest is 7... you could probably just do either MFW or SOTW and your youngest would be ready for Vol.4 or the Explorers series by the time you get there.... I think it's almost impossible to stay with the same cycle as at least HS with younger children... just my thoughts. :)
  13. No doubt! My brother took "field trips" and would let us know when he returned. Waiting was always hard; I can't imagine guys being overseas there when there was no real communication possible :( Prayers for a safe, speedy return!
  14. Weird, here in Oregon, where it doesn't seem we're really "ahead" students can be bussed to the middle school to take Algebra.(so at 7th can be taking Algebra) Algebra was the "normal advanced" path for my two oldest, and my youngest that's in school... will take it in 9th.
  15. Weird question, perhaps, but is she from the same culture that you are? Sometimes that makes all the difference. Here, from someone who's been here for a length of time.... absolutely not! Sorry :(
  16. There are rules about this! You need to make it double crusted, with sprinkled sugar, and bring it over to my house. Thanks! :)
  17. Did you look on the library shelf to make sure you didn't take it back? Otherwise, if it were mine, it would be tucked "somewhere safe" ;)
  18. Hi There, I was wondering if anyone knows about blogs for Anti-inflammatory Recipes. I was reading the post about 21 meals cooked... and it would be so nice to read a blog from families eating mostly anti-inflammatory foods. My mom is "recovering" from cancer, and needs to be extremely careful with her foods. She has books, but a blog would be awesome!! ;) Maybe I'll have to have her start a blog, if we can't find one :)
  19. :iagree: Especially just get a copy of what kind of fence you're allowed to have, how high, and especially how high up front. Make sure you go out and see the line, and see the fence is being put "inside of the line on your side". This is so when you fix it you can fix it on your side. I would think about electric fencing, in case critters start to dig through; you'd have to put this on the list to check out, too. I wouldn't really give the neighbors much heads up, in case they want to plead NOT to put the fence in..... My parents had that problem. :(
  20. Cute!! My girls really would like a small dog:) What a cool pup! :)
  21. I can't stand the way they feel :) They just aren't as nice to play with, in my opinion. And no, I probably won't even be there to play.... I'm just weird that way; I like to make it so that I WOULD like to play with it... if it ever happens :)
  22. Thank!! :) There's Mary's Fun Dough which smells great, but, I can't afford to purchase that for all the kids at co-op. :( So, I want to make some :)
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