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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I'm ok with packing, if it's left on the person; in their purse is not the same. Of course, this is if they are mentally stable :) My dad packs often; kinda funny to know that the reason a person won't take off their jacket is because their gun is visible. Kinda nice if you're someplace you get held up. Course, that's if the person has good aim. I would want to know if someone had their gun where my child could get it, if it's possibly loaded! :)
  2. Well, if you think about the KJV being SOOOO different than when it was translated, what you are using is a "NKJV" just not as new as the current "NKJV" anyway.... (Just a thought) Also, my dad, as a theologian much prefers to use his hebrew and greek testaments when reading the Bible. (And that would hopefully be more accurate than the KJV, right?) Just another thought. As far as them disagreeing with the KJV as being "The authorized translation" I would think that most curriculums would not agree with that thought. But, If that was somehow my opinion, I'm not sure. Here's as close as I can get to thinking about it... with another curriculum.. I liked a curriculum and then read what he thought about circumcision and vaccines. Anyone who doesn't do it .... was uneducated and not wise. Since I am exactly opposite in thinking than what he put, I was put off. BUT, I liked the curriculum and used it anyway, and tried to remember why I liked it in the first place. :)
  3. There are also little disposable filters you can use in a special "reusable" shell. I"m thinking about purchasing that.... BUT, I can't get it with Amazon Prime, so I have to pay shipping. The little reusable filter is a bit of a pain to clean out. The coffee I get for about $17.00 for 50 k-cups. I use 2 a day. I got that deal on Amazon Prime, because I'm on "delivery" for one box a month, plus another for 1 every two months... so I can average out for my 60 a month. :) For tea, I do just put the cup below. I've found that it's good for instant oatmeal, too. and... some other stuff..... I really do like it :)
  4. Just got my kitty at 2 months, already neutered. They promised he wouldn't spray, which is what you're thinking about... probably. My female is SOOOOO great, that when she did get locked in the house, without access to the litter box... she only went in the restroom.. on the towel... for a whole week!! She is a keeper!! Course, a couple times she got locked in my bedroom... and chose my duvet!! <eek>
  5. Just make sure they are not poisonous. Also, if you're using bleach as a disinfectant, check the dilution. You can use a few drops in a spray bottle... it really doesn't have to be strong to make it get rid of germs ;)
  6. We knew a Bernard Bernard. Pronounced... Burn erd... Bur Nard... :)
  7. I know a Cedar. He's a great kid... sounds good and like a boys name to me!! He is a good representation of why you'd want a boy named Cedar :) Cedar Henry :)
  8. Hey there :) Sorry for the judgmental tones you've gotten. I have step kids that I thought I was great to... I have my own kids too. Good thing that we're not judged harshly because of the way our kids turn out.. There's still (hopefully) time for them to mature. Prayer... talking... Prayer... and vacations :) You really need to give yourself permission to realize that while "the law" calls him an adult, he's not fully mature... His brain isn't fully developed... and you've given him a good base!!!! Cover him in your prayer and love.... and look up some video for him to watch.... (I've seen the one where texting while driving... with the cones... can help someone find out how dangerous it can be....) Hugs to you!! :)
  9. You could be like Nathaniel Bowditch and read the Bible with a good German Grammar book to help you out ;) I think he did Latin, French and Spanish like this :)
  10. Well, your son may be ready for more.. but I'd consider it lucky that they are doing what they're doing... in PS right now :)
  11. Praying that it's just right... not too bad to go through.... and that.... You'll be healed through the treatment, by the Grace of God :)
  12. Well, for your next son.... Quentin :) No hints for the fourth... hMMM
  13. Hey Everyone :) Classical Schools in PDX, Eugene or Albany. (Oregon) Any Hints? Or other rigorous schools... The kids are 10 and 13 and the mom needs to work full-time. She'd like a Christian Atmosphere; She's Seventh-Day Adventist, but it's not necessary for the school to be SDA, just mentioning where she's coming from... Any hints for great schools out there.... Thanks.... :)
  14. Strollers ;) If you do it... buckle them in... take candy to eat (for Quiet's sake) and try to smile :)
  15. Turkey in the Traeger Grill. Sweet Potato casserole with crispy brown sugar sprinkles on top (but really made with Yams :)) Green Beans done with honey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing (I could care less about this), apple crisp :)
  16. :lurk5: Ok, just popping up a bit. Coming from Oregon, where is the closest conference that has a decent "Classical Education" focus? :bigear::bigear:
  17. Just today I said. "Your answer is not 'just...'' your answer is 'Yes Ma'am." I just kinda started cutting him off with a "Yes Ma'am" when I told him something. Much nicer than stomping my foot or reacting in another manner ;)
  18. You could put "First Language Lessons, Level 2" and then from then on you could put First Language Lessons, Level 1 on the first book :) (or grades recommended)
  19. Well, as someone who has an older daughter, too, I'd say evaluate where you want her in a few years. Think about if it's just an issue where you need to buckle down and try for a good discipline strategy. Letting her fall now, is easier than later.... :( I don't know... if I had it to do again, I'd do something like a "3 strikes you're out" and stick to it. Maybe try... you can have three chances, then school is done for the day. (and the consequence, something like sitting in her room the rest of the day... no anything...) at a certain time.. come out for dinner and bed. Only you know if this would work after a while... (of course... you'll have to decide how long you could do this.) It's hard... but the obedience/cooperation... doesn't come by sending them to school. :( Sorry :( It's not an easy road! :(
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