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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. You can just purchase the oil capsules at the store... and then... coconut oil is good too... and... You can get kinda and "anti-itch shampoo" at the vets... (specific meds in it are different..) I agree that the raw good is great... and at least getting off grains.... Sorry for you and your pup!!
  2. So sorry... sorry for the sickness and loss of friend time. Perhaps they could schedule a different activity? Maybe like... craft oriented or something (knitting etc...??) Sorry :(
  3. Just curious :) Why do you want to stop dying it? I've been doing Henna... I know in a few years, I'll be totally "really" grey. I'm 39...
  4. Ok, So, I got kinda ticked last night... after my husband... again... was shouting "Shut your Pie Hole" to my daughter. I ended up deciding that I'd make a poster of all the words that our family COULD say... that I think are just crass. I actually was joking that we could all just start saying these words all the time. BUT, for special... we can say "Shut your Pumpkin Pie Hole this month." In my family growing up, we couldn't say: Butt, Fart, Shut-Up, Pie-Hole, Crap, or anything that sounded "crass" to my mom and dad. They also didn't curse, so of course they never said anything that was a curse word. (My dad only said a couple of words like "Flub":) I'm sure I can't think of all the words/phrases... less than cursing, but more than what I was allowed.. What is your family allowed to say? (And, I understand.... all famiies are just different :)
  5. Art Association here does them, ask your local public school if they offer emails out with local events. See if there are local hs groups that do emails out or snail mail outs... :) Oh.. and places like the YMCA or Science Museums here have classes like Art... And... we have hs groups/co-ops that do art classes...
  6. Oh gosh... I'm so sorry... Cancer is evil!! Prayers for your family..... Sorry!
  7. If you're thinking about it... seems like dual enrollment might be good... (with public school) some public charter online schools pay for college.... Here, even though they are hs friendly in the schools.. if you don't start in 9th, you don't get to graduate. :(
  8. If it's legal, I'd record the conversation... (w/o letting him know... depends on the state you live in...) If it's not, I'd send an email to the guy after, commenting on the points. "I'm struggling with balancing things right now. It is difficult to communicate with you on projects when our work schedules seem to be so different, and I have received feedback on projects where I think we have dropped the ball because of it."... I also like this... and then add....something about that you need him to email you with the times that he'll be there.
  9. I love bring my pup on vacations. When we're out.. it's actually there that we spend even more time lovin' on the pup. One option is like someone mentioned... taking them to doggie care during the day... I have had times that I've needed to leave him in the crate for a while... and then I just make sure to take him out and walk him a lot. (Yes, not during weather that is either really hot or cold) Once, with our other dog, we took her on vacation... and then boarded her for those days where we were at my husband's friend's house... at a local place. Not the best, but she was happy to be with us... (for the other part of the vacation :) :)
  10. I bet those muffins would be good with some "crumbles" on top!! :) We use to put a chunk of cream cheese in our muffins, when I worked at a little icecream/yogurt bakery spot.. :)
  11. Do you have puppies that can be crated in her room at night to give her that "not alone factor". As far as coming in my room, the door would be locked so that wouldn't happen.... I'd suggest a sleeping bag and pillow right outside your door. Of course, there could be issues to think about... that's another possibility. :(
  12. Wow, First of all, I'd talk to a financial advisor. I'd hire him mostly to have people send letters to, when they ask me for money. Then, I'd talk to 2 or 3 and get their ideas for what to do with the $$$. Then, I'd invest and figure out how to get our family out of our house and into another. My parents have a nice house. I'd love them to be able to sell it for a profit... and somehow get them into a house next to our "new" one with no mortgage. My brother? I'd think of how to best help him. Oh, I'd hire a home organizer for once a month to come and help me out. What I probably wouldn't do but would love to do... hire a chef :) I'd also probably think about sending my son to a classical school.. or perhaps start a University Model school..... :)
  13. Hey Beth, Is this course online? Also, I sent an invite to you.... cuz I wanted to chat with you on my jabber thing.... don't know if you got it or not... :)
  14. I don't think so :( I think it was a curriculum that was for using... as a curriculum to teach Bible Literacy in Public School. I think that it's published in Oregon. Hmmmm.... :(
  15. It's a course in Lit using the Bible... I think... (So, it's the Bible being used in Secular places..) Anyone know the name of the Publisher? or the name of the Course... I think it's published out of Portland, OR. I'd love a link or something.... Thanks!!
  16. School looks good to all of us, sometimes... and gettting free of debt looks great to me. There are seasons of life, and ...well... enjoy this while it's yours. :) I've looked into the classical schools that are anywhere near me, too, but so far... it's not a go for us. Hoping that some friends come around for you!! Have fun playing here, too!! :)
  17. Please try it out for me first, and I'll let you know how it tastes :) I think it's a wonderful idea!! What a blessing!! :)
  18. Anyone want some CurrClick? Great Sale!! http://www.currclick.com/index.php?manufacturers_id=90&filters=0_0_0_0_0
  19. Well, Just to let you know, I prefer the watercolors that you squirt out... a very small dab goes a lonnnng way... and you can share with many kids. With a coupon from say... Michael's... this is much less and better than the little ones we used when we were kids in school. You can get palette's for 99cents or so, too, if you want them. Just a thought...
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