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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. With Lyme Disease... of course you really need to catch it right away and do the long term antibiotics... BUT, my cousin had it a few years ago... didn't get the right length of antibiotics because the DR wasn't allowed to properly diagnose it... Anyway, whatever the places where you're stuck in the rooms with pure Oxygen pumped into you... brought back his eyesight which was almost gone... and some other symptoms were lessened.... It's expensive... and they've paid enough... that now they get to go and be an "extra" sometimes... (as of last time I spoke with her about it...) Just a thought... if that's what it turns out to be...
  2. My first one was a biter. Started at her 5 month old bd and lasted until she was 11.5 months. Bit me every day. (As it was going... didn't know of a day that she didn't bite) I tried all of these... including the draw super close... (so she had to let go) and the slap on the face (totally not on purpose.... It wasn't that hard... but it wasn't planned either... I guess it was more of a push away....but I felt bad...) That was one of the times that she bit reallllly hard.... I tried... pinching her nose... (so she'd let go)... saying no... walking away after she bit.... One day I told my mom... "I'm just going to remain expressionless.... and not do anything even if it hurts" and guess what... THAT'S what made her quit. 2 days later... never bit again. So, at almost a year she stopped. I then had 2 more years of "biteless" nursing. With my second, I took the Dr. Sears advice (I think it's his) of not even letting them start to gum at you... at all. I don't remember any bites... (And he didn't get teeth till late... wouldn't you know!!) :)
  3. 'Wow!! What balls you had!! At first I gasped... then I laughed... Wow! Hope he remembered that the next morning!!
  4. Yup... come look at my house!! I just thought today, no one cares!! I think i'll go eat worms and cry!! Someday, after the lotto comes knocking at my door to say I've won.... I'll stick my kids in a great classical school... hire an organizer and a house cleaner.... Pick up those frozen meals from one of those cool kitchens where they put it together for you... and go visit Italy :)
  5. If you decide to do that... go for "newspaper ends" :) Go get them at your local newspaper printer.. :)
  6. Just a thought... when we had the chicken pox, I ended up having my son take the meds for "anti" whatever.... I don't think it was a shot... Anyway, it had gone secondary... or at least "almost" had... and "PRESTO" .... he was almost immediately over it with the meds... As far as school... I'd call it a week and be done. Be sure to keep him all oiled up while healing for.. no scars.. :)
  7. Funny about LeTourneau, I think my kids should be offered scholarships there... or something!! We had to leave due to my parents homeschooling!! My dad taught there, and my parents had a meeting about us being homeschooled.. and it not looking good for the school... and so... my dad left and went to Law School. Funny thing that they are so welcoming now!! Hmmmm
  8. So, when I worked at a store here... Breadman were the worst. I now have one I purchased for $10 from the Goodwill. I'd rather purchase an inexpensive one at the GW and get a grainmill. Just something to think about... the freshness of the (whole?? :) wheat will be what determines the flavour of the bread. I suggest that you make it in the bread machine and then bake it in the oven :)
  9. Curry.... You brown the ground beef with some curry and bouillon cube..... to make a sauce... (but not like curry that you'd think of) Then you top individual servings with bell peppers, tomatoes, other stuff :) and peanuts. Our friends that had been in New Zealand made it for us... no idea if it's anything about authentic... but as a kid... it was a favorite.... oh yes... over rice... with sweetened coconut on top :0
  10. Congrats!! :) Very Happy For You... The best days are yet to come!! :) (I remind myself of this every time my daughter is a snot :)
  11. Our kennel was good for and to the pup :) Seriously, because we "rescued" the dog from the Human Society... he was fine being kenneled. We did need to give him the bordella??? vaccine... and have the other vaccines up to date. I also bought him a cool ball... with a cool handle for his playtime there... and he also got a couple of special bones... (not rawhide :) It was $3.00 extra for a dog walk. Here, that means that I had to pay $18 a day. As a side note, not sure when it's true... but a long time ago... my friends had a dog that the breeder was going to kill. They took it.... and just did a huge amount of swimming with it... and it ended up building up it's hips and other stuff... Just a thought :) Don't know if you have any place you can do that.... Also, just as a thought... I would make sure to feed it a grain free food... so it doesn't grow too quickly... (I think I read that you said it was a pup) Just a thought :)
  12. I wash my small ones... and I've washed larger wool covers for the bed. You want it to be with wool wash.. The wool wash that starts with the "e" doesn't have to be rinsed out... You want to be gentle with is during the "drying" period... and gently... ever so gently... "stretch" it out a bit.... (be careful though.. you can push your finger through it...) :)
  13. Hmmm... well, she'll claim it on her taxes and you'll get credit for that, right? But Gosh... I'd do it for less :) I actually think that $9.00 an hour is more than fair, knowing that you don't expect her to scrub toilets, and... well... she'll be sleeping for 8-10 hrs of it... :)
  14. There are hearth gates for this. We got ours for under $200. which... if you see a kid with a burn on them... is worth it...
  15. Wal-mart is the least expensive spot to purchase the I.... whatever one with the shave bar :)
  16. Just shaving under her arms will help. I'd ask her to do that... :)
  17. Well, I don't think that OD is too bad... but not my favorite.... I think that UD isn't bad... like "Ud" I don't think that anyone would think "Udder" unless they lived on a farm... :) (w/ cows :)
  18. How's your calcium level? My mom just got me started on the best calcium. It's actually helped her bone tests....
  19. The razors with the big bar of shaving cream right on them are more expensive, but are just easier to use without cutting yourself. You might try them. I suggest the Honey one :) Yum! It smells really good.
  20. That's the BEST! How fortunate you and your son are. And... I bet that the lady is just excited to have a student that is.... able to speak so many languages!! :)
  21. Kids are smarter than we want them to be.... Just make sure you're answer the bit that they are asking... and probably a little teeny bit more. My son asked why "girls have p** p**s that are inside... and boys are Outside" I didn't think I needed to have a huge talk about it... after I stopped gasping for air. I realized he was...just talking about why... for out or in.... and didn't need me to spell out everything... BUT, at 8... they probably need more.... because.... they will be told before you do... by someone else. Think about it... when they are all giggly and talking amongst themselves... there are few topics that they don't share amongst themselves... especially if they think that it's something they shouldn't be talking about... :(
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