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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Could you possibly post here or pm me with his blog? Somehow I don't have it bookmarked... and I am not on his FB :(
  2. Kinda a crazy suggestion, maybe.. but do you have a pet chiropractor around? Sorry for you and your pup!! Let us know what happens!! :(
  3. Really? Is the school still doing ok?? Is this.... public knowledge? He should come back and chat with us all ....I've heard that many miss him!! (As do I :))
  4. Maybe if you felt the that all your children's friends are kept so close to their parents you're wondering if they are separate little beings... you wouldn't. I"m sure that his message is great; everything in moderation. I remember other speakers in my life as a homeschooler... that had "movements" and then "whew" everyone came back more towards middle ground... :) Anyway, My list is SWB JW Drew Campbell Leigh Lowe Cheryl Lowe Someone speaking about Logic Christopher Perrins... (is that right? holding Kitty... can't look it up) Andrew Pudewa Other speakers with Classical Writing Programs David Quine Who else do we want? Could we just put together our own?? Hmmmmm :) I don't want to exclude people who aren't hs anymore. (Hence, I still want Drew) Maybe we really could put our own together in 2 or 3 years... Who else would want this?? Who else would be want to hear??
  5. Just what I put! Very Jealous!! I'd love a Classical Homeschool Conference. Even a Classical Education Conference.. for everyone. I don't wanna listen to Voddie Baucham. If I wanted a family like his.... then... perhaps I'd wanna listen to him. I'm sure he's a nice enough guy.... but.... I DON'T CARE about what he has to say. I want SWB and other Classical Educated... and those who are Classically Educating. I'm in Oregon..... Surely there are enough of us who would like this... to make it happen before my 7 year old... is too much older!!! PLEASE tell me I don't have to travel to hear a conference I care about!! ?????
  6. I would have been spanked... I wouldn't even think that was horrible... BUT, I can remember sneaking these yummy candy melts from like.... Wilton's kinda... These were so good. I remember trying to guess how many I could take at a time before my mom would notice. I would slip them into my pajama feet and open the zipper and eat one... and then the next... on Saturday mornings at least a few times. I STILL love candy, and though sometimes I know it's not the healthiest... I love it :) So, I would do the whole talk thing... about WHY she wanted to eat it... explain why it isn't good to just eat yummies out of habit... sympathize... and then maybe dump it.... but... maybe not .... That's a hard call... But... I don't think it was mean.... (Where do you live so I can come grab your garbage :)
  7. Really Sorry! My cousin did, too, when I was 14. I've never forgotten that !UGH! feeling that you get. Those regrets....the sadness. :(
  8. Well, I'm really sorry for you... your husband... your marriage... your family. :( On the other hand, "issues" like aspergers (perhaps that's what your BIL has?) are MUCH better if you are able to deal with them. SO, think of it this way, perhaps, ...if you can model the right social behaviours, in a way he can understand... he can grow up to be much different than your BIL. He has a good start... with a good Mama... who can help him down a good path...for him. Sorry as you're grieving, but I hope that you can see a spark of light at the end.... :)
  9. Become the Mama dog :) http://www.dragonflyllama.com/%20DOGS/Writing/LTD.html
  10. Hey There ;) My first thought is that you are having her in a crate that's too big. It should be big enough for her to turn around in and also to stand in.... If it's too big, it doesn't have her remember not to soil her own space. Also, have you tried tomato staking her? You take your leash, not more than... well it's 6 feet for a big dog... so 4-6 feet for a small dog. Put the leash on your belt and literally take her with you all day, unless you put her in her crate. Start feeding her in her crate. Small dogs usually get fed 2x a day. Put both feedings in her crate (one at a time) Put them down, put her in, let her eat. Then remove food. (if left overs) I have a whole article about creating the perfect dog :) Hornblower sent it to me.... I'll try to paste it in the box below this... But... this should start you out :) If you do training, look for someone who is qualified... someone besides you know... large petstores ;) HTH :)
  11. I'd suggest skipping ahead, and doing the Grade 3, cursive. Get the teacher's guide, too. This is what I've done for my 7 year old. It's working. He might never have beautiful handwriting, but it's must nicer. I also told him that he MUST hold his pencil correctly. There's a "pencil flip" hint that had him doing ...in less than 5 minutes.... that I had been trying to do for 3 years!!. :)
  12. In the past, I thought of buying home made treats, but I'd need.... "grain free". Others seem to be going that way too :) Perhaps some of those treats? Also, scarfs seem like a cute idea ;) And... if you made some that are easy to see in the dark? I'm not sure if that'd be possible... I like the deep red stuff versus the bright almost cherry red... Just a thought :)
  13. I would hate to get up that early... BUT, I just think you sound great!! If I were there... I'd exercise with you!! :) I don't do swimming.. but getting up and.... could I walk the dog too? That way I'd get to talk.. and get rid of my guilt, too. :)
  14. I'm sorry!! I have no idea how that's gonna feel, except for terrible. It's something no one has to go through... and I"m sorry that you are, :(
  15. I think it may not be as bad as you're thinking. From my experience, pump with an Avent pump and give have someone else give the baby a bottle. If they won't take a bottle, use a syringe or try one of those medicine things with a bulb?? at the top or even a cup cut down (like a tupperware kid's cup) or some things like this :) I pumped from the time both of my babies were first born... and only fed breast milk. Also, at 8 months, to get some sleep... I got some rice milk for during the night for my husband to feed. One night or day of rice milk doesn't mess things up.... Good Luck! :)
  16. Hey Beth and.... What's your name... Penecostal Mom :) Can you pm me with your emails please ;)
  17. Have you seen about taking the train there? It's not a bad ride and seems like it may be right for your level of energy.... Last time I looked, it was right in line with what it'd cost in gas for me to drive.. and no mishaps like a flat tire or whatever... Just a thought :)
  18. If you ever sell your spot, then a DW is thought of as a necessity for many. How about one that is a half dishwasher... (Like a DW drawer) Aren't there some like that? Other than that I would have one, and try for better storage with the rest of the kitchen. :)
  19. Hey There :) Whether you like Classical Conversations or not, The Core by Leigh Bortins, has a wonderful bit about Geography. Seriously, it's worth the price of the book. AmazonPrime it and you'll have it the next day or so.. for about $10.00. To start for Geography, I wanted my daughter to be able to sketch out the entire world from memory. Then, I wanted her to know what each spot was... (Country....etc...) I also would like her to know a bit about each place. How it came to be... ect... The Geography in the Classical Conversations class is very detailed. Anyway, you don't have to do Classical Conversations (CC) at all, to appreciate the book. :)
  20. Hey There :) I am a Director in my area, and you are free to pm me for a phone number or I'll email with you :) :)
  21. Hey Everyone :) I offered a while back to teach the first part of Children's Church each Sunday. This will give the children a rhythm to their weeks, as the teachers are different each week. It will also give them continuity to their learning. I offered to teach a catechism question, and a couple of other things, including, if it's not too loud.... Tin Whistles.... Can you believe it? (I may have to rethink that one... it may have been a crazy thought ;) The catechism questions will be based on Dana Dirksen's songs, which are based on Stephen Hildebrandt's Catechism for Young People. I think I'll do one question every 2 weeks?? I may just teach a hymn or something, instead of the tin whistle. (Perhaps teach enough Music to explain how long to hold notes... and how to read them??) Anyway, I was thinking of doing a "Children's Church appetizer" type thing for 15-20 minutes. Has anyone done this, or have any ideas?
  22. Well, Guys to girls... I can see that as a parent I would dissuade my son from hanging with younger girls. IF there is EVEN A thought that there's been s*xual rel*tions.... the guy is in possible life changing problems with the law. (Depending on what state you're in) SO... as the guys move on in age... better to stick with just knowing girls their age... or in just large groups at least.. That's my first thought...at least...
  23. Everyone has problems!! Those who want to succeed... acknowledge them.... Good for your husband for hanging on to you... and helping you back! Sounds like a great guy! Hoping that this next week is a bit better... and continues to get better. Hugs ;)
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