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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Sarah's Silks are nice :) Just don't get the ones that are like cheesecloth. My girls tied them, but you can use other clip type things to hold them together. :)
  2. Cats. glorious cats!! We live with a field in the back, and in 9 years... no mice in the house!!
  3. Here it's tradition to ask members for special $$$ gifts... Hmmm
  4. Remember that *relationship* is more important than organized. I would say that cleaning with her for 10 minutes a day, would be good. Perhaps do something like... bring a treat for after... And make it a "team" effort instead of doing something "to" her. Memories do last about how you handle this, and some people have a problem with needing to see things "out" visually. But, teaching organization is a gift... if it's done with love and not frustration. Just a few thoughts. :)
  5. Hey Y'all :) Anyone use this? http://www.sarahdavid.com/books/ I'm wondering if anyone is using this... or if you have used this. I see that some Temples use it, so perhaps if you've had your children learn it in a Temple with this, that you might have some input, too. Thanks!! (No one goes to Temple here in Salem, OR, do you? I saw that they used it here...)
  6. 1 adult and 2 helpers for the under 2 crowd. One adult for the 18 and then 3 helpers for the over 2 crowd would maybe work out. This would be if you had lots of activities. I'd have a movie playing on one side of the building... Maybe Veggie Tales?? I'd also wear an Ergo if you can handle that... and the other adult... if they are use to one.... I'd bring in some kid things from somewhere... maybe ask a church to let you use theirs?? The tile kinda would bother me with babies... no helpers walking with kids... only playing on the ground with them. :)
  7. I keep some medicine that you squeeze drops in the ear... to alleviate the pain. If you know anyone that has chronic ear infections... they might have some, too. Otherwise, it helps a bit to hold a not too hot, but for sure warm.... hair dryer... I know that some swear by olive oil with garlic something.... Sorry... it sucks!! On the good side, it goes away really fast with antibiotics... :)
  8. I was wondering if "sit-ins" would work... Media Coverage?? Crazy!! Sorry :(
  9. I love it. http://www.amazon.com/Knowing-Teaching-Elementary-Mathematics-Understanding/dp/0415873843/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1292691394&sr=1-1 You'll wanna read this book first. It's worth the $$$ and a small book. You can have your olders do some of the games in it with your son. Also, I think that between the reading of the Liping Ma book and looking at the curriculum and the TM you can kinda get a feel for incorporating the material into your daily life. :)
  10. Giving kids tools to learn, and teaching according to their natural development seems to be central in Classical Education. Languages help them with thinking skills, and logic is important, which language helps with. Latin Centered Curriculum is a great book to read, to kinda get a grip on a classical education.... (theory of how to do it) It will also help you think through WHY you might want to teach languages. Your 14 year old is NOT too old to start... so... just think about it :)
  11. You won't be sad you did!! It's a great book! I am not really "mathy" either, but my son naturally thinks "math" like no other little kids I know. He makes up problems and gets concepts that are beyond a 7 year olds normal thoughts... I love how the Liping Ma book tells you to teach math... and explain math, partially because it's how my son naturally thinks. But, regardless of how you've taught, I think it opens up a whole new way to think about what the written number represents :)
  12. No doubt!! I've been trying to remember that too!! And so sad about their loss & sadness :(
  13. That is just incredibly wonderful!! You are a Survivor!!! :) Yay!! ;) Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year!!
  14. I think he was doing "Touch Math".... Try teaching him skip counting first... just chanting them.... then you could sing the skip counting... then make sure he knows what multiplication is... then do the tables :)
  15. I would like to think that she's just temporarily away; not that she's avoiding you. I have to say, that bulk mail takes a long time to receive sometimes... As well as people not sending things for a few days... and now we hit the holidays. If your sender to be is reading this... make sure the pkg isn't under a car seat or something.... If it is... just pop it in the mail and we'll all think you're great!! :)
  16. Well, because of how much I love wood... I'd get that. Much nicer and a great feel. You can pick up some wool and fabric and kinda "design" your food for it. Small sample boxes for cereal boxes..... Course, I just don't care about Christmas presents... and I love getting them for my kids... when they're just the right one :)
  17. I would love for this to happen. You're still paying some $$$ as a "mandated contribution towards government education".... There's no way that $5500 is the total amount per student that the State counts as "per student" cost. It's usually towards the $10,000 amount.... So, the state still gets its $4000 or so... and then the school of your choice... for your child gets the $5500. for their education. I think it's great. We aren't our own islands, but our kids aren't property of the state and still deserve education, too. And, since my kids would be getting the benefit of full time care/teaching at school, I don't see that it's a problem for them to get that same care... at the tax payer's expense... at the spot I choose. I'm sending mine to a classical school if that happens :) At least my little one :)...
  18. Wow! Exciting!! And I'm a little jealous that you're visiting the beach... and we're getting rained on... and tornados in the area for the first time I can remember!! Enjoy the season... let us know what other activities and passions we'll be having the opportunity to partake in... once our children are in their new stages of life!! :)
  19. She's never liked math, except for when she was small. I am having a hard time trying to figure out if I should force it.... I absolutely LOVED Singapore and told her that at least one of us did.... With Saxon, I actually gave her the choice... and she said that she wasn't going to like any math... so she'd just do Saxon. :(
  20. I always wanted something like a Roman Courtyard. I use to babysit at a house that had one :)
  21. Hi There, So, I did Singapore through 6a last year with my daughter. This year she's started Saxon a bit. School is a struggle; math is almost murder. Last year I actually sat problem through problem with her. After she cried and acted like I was extracting teeth, she would figure out the problem. It took about 1.5 hrs a day of torture to do math with her. (I did not figure out any problems for her, just was there...) I had her tested in PS for "placement". She did not do well at all. I'm trying to figure out how much of this is 12 year old brain that will connect by say.. next year. How much of it should I just force her to work?? (is it worth everything to have her plow through math, while wanting to shoot each other?) How much math can you force into their little heads, if their heads are not wanting the knowledge. Can I let her live? :D
  22. Latin Centered Education and Teaching the Trivium would be my next two books :) Thinking about your goals for your children when they're "done with highschool" would be my next thought. Of course, they would be just the start of your goals :)
  23. Our Mother Tongue is good; learning Latin is better. Of course, for that, you might need Our Mother Tongue. :) Enjoy! One sip at a time. You might catch your mother making some mistakes, after you learn about grammar. Lie and Lay, rise and raise and then raising corn and rearing children. They might just make your mom's head spin, after your's settles. :)
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