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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. I would think he was talking about... them.... (adult kiddos) because... after all... he was talking TO them .... (And if worried about molestation... the kids aren't being naughty at all...!!)
  2. Just a thought... Navy was a color that I would get for my daughter. Perhaps you could give a side... like a cute hair decoration?? .... Makes me wanna order some for my kiddos :)
  3. Funny, with brain development being talked about... I think it's probably MORE proper for "adult" to be as before... at 21...
  4. I don't even get that they were offended. Give me a break... He looks like a jolly ole guy and I think they may have more complaints... now that they've canned their "real" Santa :) (and coal in their stocking!!)
  5. Hi There :) I am being asked about helping with starting a Classical Christian School. I'm not committed just wondering about it. They have a decent start, I think. They're not set on a 5 day school; it could be patterned after a University Model School. (3 day a week) I'm curious for any hints or helps that for them that you may have. We'd love to hear success stories, or warnings :( Anyone? Thanks!!
  6. Hey There :) I would think about... doing the Henle Latin with CC instead of the Latin's Not So Tough. Saxon depends on how your tutor teaches. I think the class can be good, regardless of the math you choose... I think that the rest of the Challenge Classes can be beneficial. You have to weigh what you can get him to do at home and how much he's missing a classroom situation. The Tutor makes a big difference in the class, too. If you can meet the tutor and talk with them.... that really can help :) The students in CC are typically really nice... at least all the groups I've heard of... :) (Your 4 year old being in it.... the success of that ... is your son's personality... and the Tutor that is there...)
  7. I guess I'd probably try two things. First, I'd get a pinch collar and keep him on the leash at all times... or in the crate. This is just for maybe a month or so. I'd have someone show me how to "pinch" him with the collar. I'd "pinch" him if he did the humping thing on my kids or other people. (with just a firm "no") I'd see if there are any calming sprays for dogs, like the ones I just purchased for my cat. (perhaps there are??) I'd feed raw food, and with only 10 lbs that's not too expensive regardless of which one you choose. I'd at the very least get a "grain free" one. Dogs can eat "raw" food... and that helps with the chewing... thing. It can really calm them down. If you don't do that... get the kongs and make "kibble popsicles". You put kibble and some warm water .... let it be soaked up... stuff in the kong. (I like the black ones) Of course, if the dog marks inside.. you kinda do the "pinch" thing on the collar, too. BUT you can only do this if he's starting while you see him. I have seen leg braces for them... that you can use to not let them lift. I also know someone who uses a newborn baby diaper on their male, because she wants to breed the little rat... I mean Yorkie :) They are cute... I'm just kidding... kinda ;) Training is soooooo good and will prove more beneficial than you would guess. Not the kind at Petco or somewhere like that. Ask around. The two I know of are connected to Kennels.... They are great... :) Good Luck!!
  8. My mom has had her Bosch for about 30 years... still working ;) Her mill she's had the same amount of time... She also grinds Oat Groats (before they are rolled) The Oat Flour is great for crepes... :)
  9. Did you look at the "CC Social Group" I think it may have been there...
  10. Look up "LadyComp" You might like it... It's suppose to be 99.9% effective ;)
  11. My daughter charged $10 an hour. For us, we would also want the "safety net" of another adult in the part of the house that the student would be in... because I'm a bit nervous about my teens being one on one with a student. Not at all because of my kids... but because that's our "family rule".... :)
  12. Glad you noted that about garlic... I know that dogs can get too much. For treats, Antlers that you can purchase are pretty inexpensive for that sized dog. Whatever meat you end up feeding, you can dry the meat and give small amounts for treats. The good thing is... when they are healed... they should be much easier to care for. If your parents aren't hurting for money, rabbit is a protein that it probably hasn't had.... and there are some raw foods out there with that.... Let us know as it's getting better ;)
  13. SIL and if you can make it to FILs then drop over as sort of a "regrets"... I'd also give him a heads up so he knows you're doing anything against him !! ;)
  14. I do raw, too. BUT, perhaps they need to think about what kind of raw? If they're getting dehydrated kind, there are some different meat that the pup may do better on... If it's not allergic to Salmon, a good Salmon oil (can be for humans, just the right amount is important) Seeing if they are giving treats... (and make sure they are no grain) How about the chews? Also, if the dog is getting flea treatments... (if it is... are the meds a problem?? if not.. could it have even ONE flea bite?? Some dogs are VERY allergic) You can use a Selsun Blue or other dandruff shampoo, I hear... BUT, I use one from my vet especially for itching. Do they have something for that? Sounds like all kinds of tests have been done for parasites, but the mange may be a good way to go. You'd have to see how much to give, but Benadryl was a life saver for my dog when we were going through getting his body settled. He was so bad, I thought that perhaps I should just see about putting him to sleep. He's been on all raw (except for what he steals) and is doing really well right now. I just have to watch and put the flea meds on him, even though I hate to do that... On a side note, I'm sure that they know to be careful with shots... but the Rabies vaccine can be a problem for some. Cooked eggs might be good to see if they could kinda see if there are some allergies going on?? I feed raw or scrambled to my pup all the time. They are suppose to be great for their coat and... well... just a bit of <gas> eeeeekkkk.. ;) Let us know how it goes.... It really didn't take forever to get him fixed... as much as he will be ;) He's very good right now, not perfect, but good :) PS, I did grain free dog food for him and he didn't get better till we really went raw... On the way... for his 65lbs... I did 2 Benadryl a day?? Don't know what the dosage for a little bitty would be.... For excema with my child... They did Sulfur... is that a doggie choice?? Oh yes... I sometime put a bit of coconut on my pup. It's really good as an "inside" and "outside" oil... Although.. on a dog... not sure how that'd go... :)
  15. I really like Aubrielle..... :) I was going to name my last... Avery Marie.... :) My name is Carrie... and I haven't seen any little Carries for a while... I like Caroline, too... and nicknamed Carrie or Cari if you want a nickname ;)
  16. Well, sounds good to me!! When we grab bras, we also get Tiger Candy stuff at Rocky Mountain Chocolate or whatever that store is called :) It's yummy... In fact, I should be getting a few more bras tomorrow!! :)
  17. My parents went on the health kick and did "Pumpkin Pie" with no crust. Unfortunately for me, pumpkin is my least favorite, and the pie crust is the only part I like. On the other hand, it's one of the things that even with my mom's fresh whole wheat... I just like White Pie crust....(not with whole wheat) so perhaps it wasn't more disappointing than just the whole... no pie thing. Oh well, perhaps I should bake my own pie! :) Leftover pie sounds very good... for breakfast!! ;)
  18. So, about $10. I've given cds in the past. I have tutors who work for me; it's for a Christian Co-op. I can only spend about $10. So.... Any ideas? I'm drawing a blank.... I wish I could spend a lot more... but... oh well... it's not realistic this year. (And, I purchase gifts at the end of the year :) ) So, what would you want for your gift?? I could do a Chocolate basket with Green&Black Chocolate :) Hmmmm.. I need to get what I'm getting by about another week.. or so... :)
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