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Everything posted by SonshineLearner

  1. Oh... sorry... but what a way to go!! Glad that he had some family with him! Sorry for this hard time... :(
  2. Hey, That's Exciting!! How fun to see your children blossom!! :)
  3. Hey There, I'm wondering if someone who is doing LCC or has done it, would share their schedule. I'm kinda trying for a LCC plan for my son, but miss having a checklist by someone else ;) Thanks!! (And, if you have higher grades done, too, that'd be extra great!!) :)
  4. Do you have a church body that will step in with you? This is the time to call on friends, if it's possible, and to have them share your burden. Even though you're in shock, probably, take care of the financial things straight away. Don't let him beat you to the $$$, if there's any. I'm not sure all the $$$ things to do, but I know that you need to put a lock down on that part straight away. If you want to reconcile, if possible, then talk to your pastor or councilor..... Praying that your husband will get a smack to the head (by God) and come to his senses... and... if it's best for him to leave... then... well... I pray that it will be as easy as possible for you. I'm really sorry for you!! I know about being a single mama! BUT, I know that miracles with people's hearts can happen, too. :( Sorry :( Oops... as a follow up to the part below. Don't put anything online anywhere that you don't want read by him... Know that he could have been planning this for months... Call and make sure your mortgage is up to date... and your car payments and insurance... Take a breath... and kick some Tush!! :)
  5. Well, I don't do poopy baby stories. So.. I'd lose on that one. BUT, I like the ones where you fill out things in the story and then read it.... And, I think it's funny to have one person write down what the person says... without them knowing .... and then read it all together. I've seen that... Pin the diaper on the whatever is funny... Hmmm. i'll think... :)
  6. Actually, at 13 months, I would have to ask you where she's been. If she's been at a foster home... especially in certain parts... she may have possibly been EC'd, right? I know that some... whistle for their children in the Chinese culture... at least they use to whistle... in certain families... ok... at least in my friend's family... If so...there are actually "EC" "Diapers"..... the other part... is.... how is the baby built? Skinny?? Chubs?? I think that easiest diaper is a really good quality Chinese or Indian Diaper Service Quality Prefold... with a Bummis Super Whisp Wrap!! And... BTW>>> Congrats!!! I'm happy for you.... Have you also thought of what kind of baby carrier you'll have with your baby? I loved my Ergo.... and ... I loved the Ultimate Baby wrap which is like a Moby wrap, only slightly different... Mai Tais are great too!! The wrap should help with all that bonding that you'll be doing.... And, of course, co-sleeping :) (I don't know if it still holds true... but the studies I read were proving that children bond during their sleep...) It's easiest to sleep with the child to one side of the parents.... We stuck our bed up against the wall to give a supportive edge. :) Sorry... I know the question was only about diapers... :)
  7. Hey Y'all, I found an adorable dog on Petfinders that was brought in as a stray, but the owner was kinda "outed" and admitted that the dog was just running away. The dog was actually brought in with the mama dog, too. She looks to be about 1.5-2 yrs old... (Just a guess) This is an adorable terrier and I'm thinking of adopting her. I have the MOST wonderful dog who NEVER runs away. Even if the gate gets left open, he goes and sits on our front step to be "let back in". He has a good life and I think that he knows it. He's just a great dog, minus that he's tall enough to snatch off the counter. I "tomato staked him" by keeping him on a leash with me at all times for the first 2 weeks.. and then usually for the next 2 weeks (for a total of 4 weeks.) Part of this was because I have a cat and was nervous that he might hurt her. This dog I'm looking at has always been left outside, too. BUT, dogs are smart?? I should be able to train her if I do a combo of leash, crate and walking? Do you all have some good experiences with dogs that you "brought inside and gave some love"?? Thanks!!
  8. I love the Fruit Crisp from Betty Crocker's Cookbook! :) I kinda lost the recipe... But it's easy... quick... so fast.... and yummy!! Top with Vanilla Ice Cream... and it's great!! :)
  9. Hey Y'all!! I wanna know if I'm dreaming of something that's real :) How many have been part of a University Model or Cottage School?? How great (or not) have they been? Would I love it? Do I wish that I could spend my time helping to get one started? Any thoughts? Minus the part that I'm not Catholic... I've drooled over the thought of sending my kids to Drew Campbell's school. Tell me what I'm missing... (or not) I've also looked at the one that Cheryl and Leigh Lowe are part of... (Highlands?) OK.... Make me pinch myself ;)
  10. OK, So I really like... Evangelina.. or Evangeline... and calling her "Eva" pronounces... AY VA :) I took care of a little girl Eva when I was younger... cute kid... cute name :)
  11. Ok, so... I vote for.... Elijah Douglas or Elijah Carson.... Just in case you wanted another opinion ;) Another Biblical name, is Benaiah. I don't care for it... but it would go with the rest... and the child can always go by Ben when they're older, if they choose... :)
  12. Ok, I think the best part... is using Yams instead of Sweet Potatoes... Yams make it a gorgeous orange color and they taste so much better!! You'll never go back!! Then, when you do the topping, make at least 1.5 times as much as the recipe and bake till it's crisp. I love it with pecans, but we have nut allergies... and my mom likes it better without... anyway. :)
  13. One of my favorite foods as a child was chicken dipped in flour and "fried" in butter. Then... gravy made out of the left over butter. I'm sure it was really low-fat, right? :) Anyway, I never thought of gravy as a "white sauce"..... but ... I can kinda make that... if by chance it works out. AND, I can make white sauce...like for Mac-n-Cheese. I made Pioneer Woman's just the other day :)
  14. The Japanese Kid I met (who grew up in Japan) said his lack of accent was because he learned English through listening to "Odyssey.... " from the Dobson site.... (James Dobson) And, when asking about language teaching to a small child, last year, I was told to read tons... and play games with them. :) Also, what is the cartoon language program?? Berlitz??? They have an ESL version, I think :)
  15. If you have one another time, I"ll bring Green & Black Milk Chocolate with Caramelized Peanuts. And, Rice Crispy Treats for after :)
  16. Hmmm... I like... Ranger ok... :) My favorite for a male dog is Henry, right now :) :)
  17. Sorry!! So scary!! Let us know how you're doing... as the hours go by...
  18. Wow!! Fun for you!! :) Someday I wanna see him, too!! :)
  19. Funny, my dog's name is Brownie, too. Haven't ever met another :) BUT, luckily when he gets out.... he knows who holds his food... and runs from the backyard... to the front yard and barks to get in... He knows he has it too good to get lost :)
  20. Basically just thinking of how I can get it clean :D We use to do allowances, and then we got "real poor" :001_huh: Now I'm thinking of doing the "Allowances for Chores" thing, and doing a "Behavioral Chart" too. Basically, instead of "giving money" they have to "earn it" and instead of letting them get away with a snotty attitude... they have to be nice. Shouldn't be hard, right? :D:lol: SO, now I have to think of a chart or something. I printed of the Motivated Moms Calendar so I can get some stuff just going... But I need ideas for the rest. I have a 15 year old daughter. (Two weeks with us.. and then 2 weeks at her moms) a 12 year old daughter... (Always with us) and a 7 year old son. I want the "Perfect" answer.. with no work... and I can't do boarding school... SO... does anyone have any ideas?? :)
  21. If you're doing Classical Conversations, are you doing any other co-op, too? I'm thinking of doing a Story of the World Co-op; perhaps just the activities from the book... Or something. My son is 7 and I know that as he gets older, he will want more social time with others. Activities are a pain to do... so doing them together would give me more incentive :) Anyone else do more than 1 co-op?? I'll take ideas :)
  22. Mine are... Daughter spending the night... Son at the movies with the Dad :) Me... at home... ready to go to bed... (7:20pm here :)
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