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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Absolutely not. I fully expect them to spread their wings and go off on adventures while they are young.
  2. How in the world could you know with any degree of confidence whether either of the two men you mentioned are gay? One lived so long ago that no alleged lovers would be coming out of the woodwork, and, as far I know, the football player has graciously kept his private intimate life private.
  3. You have learned a hard valuable lesson. It is wise to share marital troubles only with your partner or a professional. When you tell a friend or relative of certain actions taken by your partner, that friend or relative may harbor ill feelings long after you have forgiven your partner and moved on, which can make the situation very awkward.
  4. This is what i was going to suggest. Some charities I work with send out function invitations by Evite or facebook. To answer your question, yes, you may be somewhat behind times if you expect U.S. mailed invitations for showers. ALL the shower invitations I've received for last few years have been through Evite. We do still receive U.S. mailed graduation announcements and invitations to weddings.
  5. I'm guessing that the Hive's shock and awe responses give the spankophiles a thrill and giggle.
  6. What is your emotional/intellectual response to this word? Gratitude and admiration for those who fought for women's right to vote, to own property, for the right to access contraception without husband's consent, for opportunity and later equality in the workplace, etc. I view feminism as a subset of human rights. All social, economic, and political justice movements have their extremist shock jock philosophizers and protesters. I ignore those and keep my eye on the prize, the ultimate noble goal of the movement.
  7. The patriarchal Christian marriage model just makes a handy backdrop to play out what probably is adult consensual BDSM play.
  8. The above alone is worth pretty much whatever hassle you have to put up with, original poster.
  9. Are you talking about that Christian domestic discipline website? It is probably mostly spanking fetishists using religious beliefs as rationalization for the fetish. However, I've no doubt that there are some folks who genuinely believe that a wife should endure corporal punishment.
  10. :iagree: Thank you for keeping us aware of the continuing injustice.
  11. Why not simply unfriend everyone except the handful of people you would miss? Wouldn't that solve your problem?
  12. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and attractive.
  13. It is refreshing to meet other women who are not hooked on infants. I mistakenly thought in my pre-kid years that I was not maternally oriented because I never had desire to hold and coo at a baby. We went on to have several kids of our own plus helped out other peoples' kids.
  14. These kind of responses (why do you feel need to ..... ) are awfully similar to gaslighting.
  15. Amazon sent a notice that they will be providing total annual purchase amounts to my state's Department of Revenue. My state will then be looking for a Sales and Use Tax filed by buyer with sales tax payment remitted.
  16. Imp, I recommend outofthefog.net. It has a forum that is specifically for discussions of dealing with personality disordered people in your life.
  17. Wouln't someone whose behavior was extreme enough to warrant a mental health professional's diagnosis of sociopathy be considered evil regardless of one's attitude toward psychiatry or their particular religion's viewpoint of psychiatry? For purposes of this question, I am not attaching any sort of supernatural connotations to the word "evil."
  18. Hmm. Facebook no longer allows a message to be sent directly with the friend request? Seems that now you have to send a separate message.
  19. Do not forget afterschooling. Maybe when things settle down a bit, you could try it. I am sorry for the difficulties you are facing.
  20. If it feels like punishment to you, find another alternative.
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