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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Yes, that was the pretext in our area during a rash of break ins. Do you have an intercom? If you do, you can turn away the person while letting them know home is occupied.
  2. Yes, you are. It is not a permanent modification. Exercise patience. In my experience, they eventually tire of the required upkeep. What better time than the child or teen years to play around with silly haircolors?
  3. :iagree: It is a communication tool, nothing more, nothing less. You are the one who determines how to use it. I am on fb only because I had to sign up to see a friend's pictures. My acquaintances and associates seem to use it now instead of e-vite.
  4. :iagree: That was my initial reaction too. I would not want to be the friend being discussed publicly by a slew of women who did not know me or my situation. Then again I suppose the same could be said of many of the posts here. If everyone agreed with us, this would be a far less active board. Once in awhile I feel a twinge about these kind of posts that I feel when watching some of the more sensationalized TLC programs ... an uncomfortable voyeurism at the casual reading of someone's private pain.
  5. That is the going rate in my area for a small one bedroom with nothing included.
  6. I had not thought of this possibility. Yes, I would eat them in a hot pie.
  7. Thank you, OP. Finally a "would you eat this" post that I can respond to with a "no."
  8. I could have been E____ from N____ School. E could be one of those people who has a strong memory for names, facial bone structure and features, and intuitively know how someone will look as they age. Twice I have immediately recognized jr or sr high school classmates who were merely passing acquaintances twenty or more years ago. Routinely I recall names and faces of people I meet briefly at seminars, receptions, etc. Long ago I learned to not just walk up to them later as if I remembered them because they would feel put on the spot.
  9. Pretty tacky but not as tacky as giving marriage counseling as a gift. If your attitude will not allow to joyfully celebrate their hope and optimism about their life together, just send a signed congratulations card with a note that you cannot make it. Even if you are not open about your bitterness at the wedding, perceptive people can pick up on someone's negative aura. How to not be skeptical when a couple announces their nuptials? I don't know; maybe try to remember that special joyful time in your own life or in the lives of those close to you?
  10. :iagree::iagree: I hope one of the strangers drove her home or called a cab for her.
  11. Didn't you contact your husband when your child went to the ER? It does not make sense that a young child would be the one to tell the husband/father about the incident.
  12. :iagree: It is long established component of human nature to believe that subsequent generations are devolving into moral and intellectual decay. Didn't Socrates offer same complaint many years ago?
  13. What I find creepy is public proclamation of one's status as virigin or non-virgin. The website offering a bounty is beyond creepy; it is disgusting.
  14. Nothing. Sending thanks via ex husband is sufficient for someone who has contacted you in three years.
  15. The obvious trolls on the internet and in real life typically are harmless to all but the most naive and quickly blow their own cover with their outrageous stories or pre-emptive money requests. Those who walk the fine line between emotionally unbalanced attention seeking and bona fide posting are far more intricate and fascinating. They are, in essence, emotional con artists and wreak havoc in person so the internet is like a giant playground to them. Actually the fewer lies they tell, the more dangerous they are because their deceit is more difficult to unravel. The skilled ones are masters at manipulation and will emotionally drain their willing, sometimes gullible, audience with their curious ever-changing blend of fact and fiction. They are interested primarily in stealing attention and sympathy, not money. Of course, they are always handy with an often legitimate-sounding explanation when called out on their inconsistencies because frankly most of us sometimes forget minor details. The drama queens (and kings) can intuitively sense when they need to tone it down so that their mark does not write them off as a sensationalist. Whoever it was that mentioned how these people use hyperbole to describe a minor annoyance as a horrid happening was spot on. In my community, a person spun a story that paved the way for them to become a highly visible spokesperson/poster child for a certain cause, a coveted position for an empathy thief. Enough of the story was legitimate so that people did not bother to confirm details initially.
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