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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Are you talking about that Christian domestic discipline website? It is probably mostly spanking fetishists using religious beliefs as rationalization for the fetish. However, I've no doubt that there are some folks who genuinely believe that a wife should endure corporal punishment.
  2. :iagree: Thank you for keeping us aware of the continuing injustice.
  3. Why not simply unfriend everyone except the handful of people you would miss? Wouldn't that solve your problem?
  4. Do whatever makes you feel comfortable and attractive.
  5. It is refreshing to meet other women who are not hooked on infants. I mistakenly thought in my pre-kid years that I was not maternally oriented because I never had desire to hold and coo at a baby. We went on to have several kids of our own plus helped out other peoples' kids.
  6. These kind of responses (why do you feel need to ..... ) are awfully similar to gaslighting.
  7. Amazon sent a notice that they will be providing total annual purchase amounts to my state's Department of Revenue. My state will then be looking for a Sales and Use Tax filed by buyer with sales tax payment remitted.
  8. Imp, I recommend outofthefog.net. It has a forum that is specifically for discussions of dealing with personality disordered people in your life.
  9. Wouln't someone whose behavior was extreme enough to warrant a mental health professional's diagnosis of sociopathy be considered evil regardless of one's attitude toward psychiatry or their particular religion's viewpoint of psychiatry? For purposes of this question, I am not attaching any sort of supernatural connotations to the word "evil."
  10. Hmm. Facebook no longer allows a message to be sent directly with the friend request? Seems that now you have to send a separate message.
  11. Do not forget afterschooling. Maybe when things settle down a bit, you could try it. I am sorry for the difficulties you are facing.
  12. If it feels like punishment to you, find another alternative.
  13. I've never even given the finger to another driver. Although civility is important, I consider it more a matter of safety. When I pulled into a shopping center parking space years ago with my three kids, a man walked up to my vehicle as we were getting ready to exit. He started pounding on the window red-faced yelling that I had pulled into "his space." This was a regular parking space, not a reserved spot or a handicapped spot. Quickly I locked the doors and was fumbling for my cell phone when a big burly good samaritan intervened. Still I was so shaken that I left after thanking the man.
  14. :iagree: All of us make mistakes at one time or another. Depression and anxiety can cause driving errors too; my very careful ran a redlight the day she learned of her sister's death under suspicious circumstances. Fortunately no harm was done. I am sure the driver was shaken enough to where she will watch more closely in future. I am an extremely cautious driver but have made a few mistakes which fortunately did no harm to anyone. Of the course the woman left without getting out of her car. In my city, people have been murdered for parking what was deemed too close to another driver. With someone yelling at her and name-calling, she probably was frightened of potential physical altercation and felt that leaving scene was the prudent thing to do. Frankly I am surprised that so many here stated they would call the driver worse names than "hag."
  15. My experience was similar to yours except that , in addition to pulpit pounding Protestant preacher, I was tag-teamed by teachers as I steadfastly refused to go up front to be "saved." Later on, I was told it was an altar call and that Southern Baptists do not do those anymore. I couldn't say. I never returned.
  16. Recent discussions here have dealt with what type of punishments are appropriate for certain offenses. Community service is one often mentioned. I do not know what the answer is, but my problem with treating community service as punishment is that, in my opinion, people should perform community service as part of ... well ... being human and living in community. One of the major goals of the justice and imprisonment system is to keep citizens safe from dangerous destructive people. In the case of a pack of adolescent feral bullies, it would follow that they should be isolated from their peers to keep their peers safe. I am aware that isolation and "tomato-staking" are not an option for all families. Is the idea behind community service to teach empathy and to free up prison space for the more violent? Is empathy even teachable? I do believe that the appearance of empathy is teachable.
  17. :lol::lol::lol: You know how people are sometimes fooled by Onion stories and link them with serious comments expressing outrage? I briefly glanced at original poster's link and just assumed that it was some sort of satire site. Just after I read a few posts on the thread did I realize it was a genuine happening. These are the kinds of things that make me embarrassed to say I am a homeschooler.
  18. My periods nowhere near regular as a teen or as an adult. At one point, there was about 1 1/2 years between periods. And then there were the heavy periods where I would soak two super Tampax plus my Kotex pad within 45 minutes ... the marathon period of perimenopause where I practically bled lightly all summer long. In short, throughout my life, I had anywhere from 2 to 6 periods a year with norm being about 3. I long ago stopped worrying about variation in menses timing and flow as long as I felt well. Once she becomes sexually active, her flow may be closer to regular intervals. P. S. I would have been terribly upset if my mother had inquired about possible pregnancy at that age. Maybe you could smooth it over by saying something like a doctor would have expected you to rule it out.
  19. It has been a number of years since I sold curriculum, but I was never told workbooks did not qualify for media mail. I always took the package to post office unsealed or untaped, so that they could approve the media mail rate. I do not know if that made a difference further down the line as far as opening a package to confirm its contents.
  20. What does being a teen have to do with it? It is rotten intimidating behavior regardless of whether one is 15, 25, 35, 45, or even 75. If this is first time the offender has had to be reminded about the rules, then I think the Y did what they should have. If it happens again, they should just prohibit him either for a set time period or permanently. Oops, I forgot he used foul language. Yep, at least a suspension from Y is in order.
  21. I am sorry for the rough time you are going through today. Parenting a special needs child (and by child, I mean child, teen, and even adult) can be exhausting, frustrating, and isolating.
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