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Everything posted by annandatje

  1. Even though it is painful all around, your brother is behaving as he should: avoiding the person who resorted to physical force to deal with conflict. To be expecting further concession from him would be unrealistic. He is not forbidding his wife and children from seeing your family. Sounds like one of those things that you just have to let go for your own sanity.
  2. This advice is being written from the perspective of someone who has bore yet another unwarranted rant from a relative who cannot be cut out of my life due to certain circumstances: Consider yourself fortunate that the person is cutting off contact with you. Do not acknowledge the situation with any followup email.
  3. OK, but I thought that you could not delete your account. There is no option that I see for doing that.
  4. I had always thought that you had to be a member to post on forums. I was unaware that a poster could set up a guest name to post instead of actually joining a forum as a regular member. Under what circumstances does "guest" appear beneath a user name?
  5. :iagree: Whoever mentioned sleeping with the children had sound advice too. In the midst of dreams or hallucinations, it is easier to re-center yourself if you are not alone in bed.
  6. :iagree: Nightmares can frightenly vivid especially to children. To this day, I remember exactly what the antagonist in my first recalled nightmare looked like. The scary dreams that are set in your own living space can be hard to distinguish from reality in certain sleep stages.
  7. In a particular religious denomination in my area, the woman is advised to keep a cleaner house, have kids quiet upon his arrival, and be more sweet and accomodating in general to her raging husband.
  8. The couple times that I have had to sit in same room as a motivational speaker were for corporate retreats. I passed the time by (1) counting tiles in floor and calculating estimated total number tiles on floor of hotel based upon estimated square feet and (2) calculating number of fingers and toes in room.
  9. :iagree::iagree: I had started typing out similar post but you said it better. I am grateful that we do not live in a country governed by religious law where adultery or death would be the only acceptable prerequisites for remarriage.
  10. :iagree: Been there, done that. Your sister does not and will not experience guilt or remorse for failing to do her duty for your mother. A nasty email only gives her perceived validation to continue feeling put upon. You will hurt only yourself by holding on to the anger. Go about life as if you were your mother's only child. Some problems do not have solutions. I am sorry for you; I know it is difficult.
  11. If teacher is conscientious, your daughter will suffer the natural consequences of her slacking. I do not believe you should intervene.
  12. Your friend does not seem too upset about the condition of her neighbor's house. You stated that you had never been inside your friend's home because she owns cats. Could it be that your friend is not much more meticulous than her neighbor about keeping a tidy home? It would be intrusive to clean a stranger's home without permission. If the home owner is not dismayed by state of her home, she could be insulted by an offer to clean it. Could you host the get togethers at your own home and have your partner take the children out for evening?
  13. Thanks for posting the hilarious video. Since I have no interest in sports and do not watch regular tv, I did not know who Tebow was until he was discussed here. Jesus's sandals and athletic socks were a funny combo. Oh, I loved the parting bit where he stated that everything in Mormonism was true. :)
  14. :iagree: The bolded was my gut response to original post. It is no wonder that women experience this sort of crisis when they have devoted themselves to important work that is not valued financially in our society. Carol is right; it leaves us vulnerable and dependent to an extent upon our husbands' goodwill and commitment to intact family. When we do work outside home, we often feel we are not giving our best to either paying work or to homemaking and homeschooling. Remember that you do work full time as a teacher for a very small school. As your kids become more and more independent, you can take grad school classes or online classes to work toward a career. At 40, you still are relatively young. Do the brainy homeschool moms in your area hold salon type discussions? If so, these can be terrific sources of intellectual stimulation. Fighting for a cause is another great way to meet inspiring people.
  15. I was the person who considered that the original poster may be giving us an object lesson, but my statement was not meant in a malicious accusatory manner toward original poster. I interpreted the original post to be an obviously transparent silly hypothetical question and a wacky all-in-fun enactment of exactly how one would go about determining a potential mate's circ status. It was only when people began replying seriously that I assumed I was wrong and made the post about how I had interpreted original post. By the way, some observant Jews choose to forego circumcision of infants. There was at one time, and may still be, a support group for them. It can be very difficult decision to buck centuries of religious and cultural tradition.
  16. I am sorry you experienced that reaction. Both our local unitarian churches have a number of homeschoolers. Could it be that they thought you assumed they were hsers or intended to hs? Maybe they thought your group was solely for hsers.
  17. I never got hung up on definitions. However, if I had to define homeschooling at gunpoint, I would say that it starts whenever mandatory traditional school attendance is required by the state law. That being said, I started a readiness program with my eldest when he was 4 even though, at that time, the mandatory attendance age in my state was 7.
  18. I agree with this. Our older house had living areas downstairs and all bedrooms upstairs. This worked well when kids were young.
  19. When I was still full of energy, I was just fine with two story. Now that I am older and tire more easily, I would prefer a one story. The master bedroom in this house is on first floor and upstairs are 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and gameroom. I know it has been a few years since I've been upstairs. I hope the kids are keeping it clean.
  20. Without delving too much into personal detail ;) , I do see how that could happen to a layperson. Not all circumsized penises look like miniature elephant trunks. Some resemble circed penises at a distance.
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