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Homeschooler Will Not Be Able To Find a Date!

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Okay! I thought I had heard every comment in regards to socialization and homeschool. I couldn't stop laughing when someone on another board stated that homeschoolers don't have social skills and will not be able to find a date.:lol:


My response:


This is not true.


Homeschoolers are not locked up in the house and separated from society. I encourage you to research homeschooling. I'm not talking about the negative comments from bias people who are only repeating what others have written or stated. To get a true understanding of homeschooling, you will need to be objective and come to your own conclusion without bias outside influences.



My son gets out and socialize with people his own age all the time. While the public and private school kids are in school, we are able to explore and take field trips with other homeschoolers of co-op groups. He also plays with the children in our neighborhood. I am sure he will be able to find a date.:lol:

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Maybe they left out some qualifiers? Such as, "Will not be able to find a date that meets their standards easily?" or "Will not be able to find a date that understands what they mean when they start discussing Ivan the Terrible and others in history that did terrible things by accident?" or, "Will not be able to find a date without weeding through the tons of public schooled kids that cluster around the 'new kid' vying for attention and a date"?

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Okay! I thought I had heard every comment in regards to socialization and homeschool. I couldn't stop laughing when someone on another board stated that homeschoolers don't have social skills and will not be able to find a date.:lol:


My response:


This is not true.


Homeschoolers are not locked up in the house and separated from society. I encourage you to research homeschooling. I'm not talking about the negative comments from bias people who are only repeating what others have written or stated. To get a true understanding of homeschooling, you will need to be objective and come to your own conclusion without bias outside influences.



My son gets out and socialize with people his own age all the time. While the public and private school kids are in school, we are able to explore and take field trips with other homeschoolers of co-op groups. He also plays with the children in our neighborhood. I am sure he will be able to find a date.:lol:



Welp...I guess i better tell those teens of mine...it's no go...:lol:

OH PLUHEEEEZE My kids never had trouble getting a date...just being allowed to go on them.



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Wouldn't that be cool? Oh and if they didn't have "friends" either? Man, I could have had so much less trouble with my ds in his high school years if either or both of those were true.



My first thought was, I wish that were true. My older two daughters have had no problem finding dates.



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Oh thank God! And here I thought I would have to *shudder* be some girl's (of which I do not approve) mother in law one day. ~whew~ Thank God!


I, too am relieved. Plus, my dd will be able to stay with me and take care of me forever, too. How wonderful.


I will add this to the list of reasons why I should stop homeschooling:


1. Won't be able to find a date.

2. Ds will be a sissy.

3. Won't be able to get into college.

4. Won't know how to handle bullies.

5. Won't have friends.

6. Will be weird/lonely/odd.


My, how my list keeps growing. However, when you look at my kids they are so happy. Not like when they were in school.

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DH and I know without a doubt that oldest dd would have had way too much 'boy' attention if she had attended PS.


Unfortunately, it has bothered DD --almost 19, that she has not even held hands with a boy...


Now that she has a job she does get some attention--like being stalked! Because of that incident she has to be escorted to her car every night--there is a LINE of boys just waiting to be picked for this 'errand'!


She does have a serious lack of age-appropriate social skills... and I'm sure that much of this was due to home schooling--we just do not have support groups within driving distance--the high school students at our church are very clicky... I must say (on a positive note) that her employers just love her--most of the people she works with are retired Seniors and she has no problem interacting/socializing with them!


So dd will be starting community college this fall (probably taking mostly remedial courses). I am a bit nervous--but it is time she started to grow up...

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There are teens in public and private schools who have trouble with socializing with others and relating to the opposite sex. Not being able to communicate socially, is not an indication that the person must have been homeschooled.

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DH and I know without a doubt that oldest dd would have had way too much 'boy' attention if she had attended PS.


Unfortunately, it has bothered DD --almost 19, that she has not even held hands with a boy...


Now that she has a job she does get some attention--like being stalked! Because of that incident she has to be escorted to her car every night--there is a LINE of boys just waiting to be picked for this 'errand'!


She does have a serious lack of age-appropriate social skills... and I'm sure that much of this was due to home schooling--we just do not have support groups within driving distance--the high school students at our church are very clicky... I must say (on a positive note) that her employers just love her--most of the people she works with are retired Seniors and she has no problem interacting/socializing with them!


So dd will be starting community college this fall (probably taking mostly remedial courses). I am a bit nervous--but it is time she started to grow up...


I'm sure she will come around.:001_smile:


Each individual is different. Sometimes it is the person's personally and not necessarily their environment (homeschooling) that contributes to their "lack of age-appropriate social skills."

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DH and I know without a doubt that oldest dd would have had way too much 'boy' attention if she had attended PS.


Unfortunately, it has bothered DD --almost 19, that she has not even held hands with a boy...


I was not homeschooled, and I never had anyone remotely close to a boyfriend until my mid-twenties.

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Hmmm, well, my daughter doesn't turn 13 until this summer....and she's already been asked out twice. By public school boys who are 13 and 14.


MY rule is not until she's 30....and then only if I'm dead.....DH's tells her that he'll discuss it when it's someone she actually wants to date, not just that some kid she just met asked her out.



But...hey, I've also learned to tell people like that to name any homeschooler they know that fits whatever it is they're telling me is wrong with homeschoolers. So far, lots of people can spout off all the horrible things that will happen to my children because I homeschool.....but they can't name one other person that has had this horror happen to them. When they can name names, I'll figure out whether I'm doing something wrong.....but for now....I'm happy to have a 12 year old who says "no thanks" when boys ask her out. She's not desperate to date just for the sake of dating because there is NO peer pressure on her to do so. She likes boys as friends, but thinking kissing them is probably too gross. I'm ok with this, lol.

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Hmmm, well, my daughter doesn't turn 13 until this summer....and she's already been asked out twice. By public school boys who are 13 and 14.


MY rule is not until she's 30....and then only if I'm dead.....DH's tells her that he'll discuss it when it's someone she actually wants to date, not just that some kid she just met asked her out.



But...hey, I've also learned to tell people like that to name any homeschooler they know that fits whatever it is they're telling me is wrong with homeschoolers. So far, lots of people can spout off all the horrible things that will happen to my children because I homeschool.....but they can't name one other person that has had this horror happen to them. When they can name names, I'll figure out whether I'm doing something wrong.....but for now....I'm happy to have a 12 year old who says "no thanks" when boys ask her out. She's not desperate to date just for the sake of dating because there is NO peer pressure on her to do so. She likes boys as friends, but thinking kissing them is probably too gross. I'm ok with this, lol.


The reason why they can't name people, is because they got their information from reading anti-homeschooling articles or listening to other people who listens to Dr. Phil "wannabes."

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I would appreciate it if someone would tell the uber-creepy 14-15 year old boys who hang around my 10 year old this little piece of news. (She looks older, but still- soooo creepy to hear the neighbor girl tell DD that Bob "likes" her, when I know Bob is 15 years old!!!)


I imagine DH will be overjoyed, as well!

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