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Tell me what your favorite Pampered Chef items are

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A friend of mine is having a Pampered Chef party soon. I would like to know what items you have that you find useful and are great to have. What are your favorites?


BTW, I already have a pizza stone, so I won't be ordering another one of those! ;)



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I use the stoneware muffin pans a couple times a week - love them. I really like the spreaders - they have these really nice wide ones that I can use to make sandwiches really quick. I also really like their mini servers - it's like a tiny spatula that works great for serving brownies or cakes.

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OOOOOH...better question: What don't I like?


I love my 9x13 and 9x9 stones--use them two or three times a week. (They're the glazed ones and make lovely serving dishes.) Bamboo spoons and nylon tools. Pizza cutter. Kitchen shears. Can opener. Kitchen knives. Small bamboo serving spoons. Apple peeler. Any stone. (I have two pizza ones and would love to have a third.) Rice cooker. Cheese grater.


There's so much to choose from!

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Well, I only have two Pampered Chef items, and I'm not even sure if they are still sold, but I find both of them absolutely indispensible.

1. Not sure of the name, but it's a plastic tube with pastry-bag type fittings on the end and a "plunger" that attaches to a handle that pushes whatever you put in the tube out through the pastry tips. I use it every time I make deviled eggs, which is every time we get together with dh's family (they request them.)


2. Again, not sure of the name but it's a triangular shaped pie and cake knife that's serrated on both edges and slips into a plastic sheath. LOVE LOVE LOVE it.



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I really like my pizza cutter and spatulas. I've had them for 6 years and they are still great.


I hate to admit it, but I've never used my rectangular stone, pizza stone, or large casserole dish in 6 years! They were a wedding gift and I've never used them. I should break them in soon before my Pampered Chef-loving friends break in and take them off my hands!:D

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The micro-cookers!!! They are great for cooking frozen veggies and heating leftovers. Also, I really like the new prep bowls with lids. Oh...I have my eye on the family pitcher with the plunger to make juice from concentrate.

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Second the silicone spatulas - I bought my latest one 10+ yrs ago, because the first one, which I bought about 18 yrs ago was looking worn - still have it - a little raggedy, but still works great! And neither one is stained.


The mini-chopper gets alot of use, too, as well as the batter bowl and dry/liquid measuring cup (with the sliding insert to do peanut butter and shortening type stuff).

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Very popular with my DD's friends when she was in preschool through about 2nd grade.


And the big slicer thing, I forget what it's called, but it is so well made. You put on a cucumber or apple and push it back and forth and it slices it, perfectly, almost without effort. Like having a food processor without needing electricity!

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Well, I certainly don't have all the Pampered Chef things that I would like but of what I do have. . . these are my favs:


batter bowl

veg. peeler ~ haven't found a better one anywhere

silicone spatulas ~ they really don't stain!!!

Stones!!!! ~ french fries and pizza wouldn't be as good without them

Apple slicer ~ kiddos love this one : )


sm. metal spatula (not sure what it's exact name is but I love it)


Okay, I don't think there is anything I own of theirs that I don't just LOVE!

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Some of my items were gifts. These are my favorites--I listed the current prices from the website:


pizza stone

medium bar pan (stoneware) ($23.00)

mini serving spatula ($4.50)

egg separator ($6.50)

mix 'n scraper ($14.50)

food chopper ($29.50)

bread knife with sheath (I don't see mine, but a similar one at Pampered Chef site is $19.50)

Edited by gardening momma
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My favorite all time item is the mini spatula's (use daily), food chopper, stoneware bar pan (use all the time), cheese grater (use even for carrots), pizza stone and muffin stone, steamer for veggies, and my newest favorite the microwave rice cooker. I no longer overflow on the stove.


You are going to have a great time at the party.


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How funny! I had several items in mind but as I read each post....reminded me that I liked that too. I have a lot of Pampered Chef and think you pretty much can't go wrong. But here are my top 4:


Mandolin cutter - expensive, but if it wears out, I will be buying another one. It makes perfectly sliced EVERYTHING!


The Chopper thingy


The Garlic Press


The Cheese Grater - so much, that I have 2

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I agree about the mini-server - it's round $4.00 and I use it all the time.


If you can pickles or fry green tomatoes or zucchini, I think you'd love the mandolin. It's expensive, but we use it a LOT. Perfect for slicing potatoes, too.


Ooh! The Can Opener. I LOVE IT!!!!! Would replace in a heartbeat if I lost it. The bamboo spatulas and spoons - same thing. The whisk is incredible. I had 3, but threw them all away when I got hold of this one.


I don't care for the muffin stone. It's a pain to clean. But we use several stones almost daily.

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I LOVE the hand chopper thingy. I wore one out, and went on a quest to find one that was just as good. There isn't one. I finally broke down and bought another PC one, and found out that there's a warranty on it! :)


I use it to chop onions and garlic (which I use in almost everything), veggies for soups, chocolate, etc. etc.

It opens up and fits into the dishwasher, so it's simple to clean. It keeps me from having to haul out my big food processor.


I love the stainless steel scoops too (but I bought mine at Publix for a lot less).


Mini-server, spatulas, whisk...lots of great things! My Mom has the knives with the slide on covers, and we all love those too.

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What don't I love.


You can't ever have enough stoneware. I have the pizza stone, 2 large bar pans, a medium bar pan, and the small bar pan, 2 loaf pans (makes the best bread ever), the mini loaf pan, and the discontinued stoneware roaster and lid. The lid can also be used as a roaster on its own. The stoneware works great in the microwave and on the grill. Just love the stuff.


The garlic press-fabulous.

The chopper-great for kids

the cake/pie knife

The spreaders

The pizza cutter

The batter bowls

The Santoku knife is very nice, and I have the bread knife

The apple slicer

The mini prep bowls. I thought I would never use them and I use them all the time.

The spatulas, the whisks, all good.


I am beginning to think I may need a support group.

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