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My dad just told me he has cancer

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I'm a mess. It's prostate cancer, which I know has a pretty good cure rate, and they said it hasn't spread. But, my dad's brother just died of lung cancer a few months ago, and my dad is the same age that my dad's dad was when he died of pancreatic cancer. It's just a bit more than I can handle right now. Besides my dh and my kids, my dad is the most important person in the world to me and I can't imagine not having him around.


Please pray for him, and me too.

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My FIL was diagnosed with prostate cancer pretty far along about 7 years ago,. But He's doing well (other than worrying about it too much). That is hard having had several cancer deaths in your father's family. My dad just died of a quick spreading cancer that we don't know the origin of. Cancer just stinks. Prayed for you. (()) Jacqui

Edited by jacqui in mo
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I'm a mess. It's prostate cancer, which I know has a pretty good cure rate, and they said it hasn't spread. But, my dad's brother just died of lung cancer a few months ago, and my dad is the same age that my dad's dad was when he died of pancreatic cancer. It's just a bit more than I can handle right now. Besides my dh and my kids, my dad is the most important person in the world to me and I can't imagine not having him around.


Please pray for him, and me too.


Krista :grouphug: I am so very sorry to hear about your father. My father had prostate cancer 11 years ago. He is still here minus his prostate. If you would like to PM me to chat, please feel free. It is hard to hear that your father has cancer.:grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: Cancer stinks. Hopefully all will go well with your father's treatment. My FIL had his prostate removed 4 years ago and is doing well, my husband's grandfather was 'seeded' 3 years ago and doing well, and my grandmother's friend was 'seeded' 6 years ago and doing well. The prognosis is good, but it does not make it any less scary.

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Hang in there, Krista. Prostate cancer is treatable...very much so. The initial cancer diagnosis in a parent is horrible. I well remember when my dad - vibrant, healthy, and, like your dad is to you, one of the most important people in my life - was diagnosed with leukemia 15 years ago.


You know what? He's still vibrant, healthy, and doing great. His leukemia is very slow to progress, and has never been treated (there's really no treatment for his type of leukemia). He's 72 now and doing great. I can think about it now without gulping for breath like I did in the first weeks of his diagnosis. We always imagine the worst, you know?


I wish you and your dad the best. I'll pray for you.



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My father's urologist says that each and every man on earth dies with prostate cancer in his body. it is inevitable. The cancer, however, does not kill them.


My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in (thinking hard) 2006. Last year he was diagnosed with bladder cancer. So far, both are under control. He had radiation and has Lupron shots (for the prostate cancer) and has been doing an oral chemo pill for the bladder cancer. Both cancers are very manageable for him. His doctor says he will die of old age. :)

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Boy, do I understand the fear!! My dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer two years ago. They removed the tumor and did no follow up treatment except that he has to have scans every three months. He's has a couple small tumors removed since. But, he's still vibrant and healthy. I know prostate cancer is different, but both are VERY treatable. Do they know your dad's treatment yet?

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A year ago I was in the same position- my dad phoned me to tell me he had prostate cancer. I cried and realised, even though I rarely see him, I would really miss his not being in my life if he died. His had apparently spread a little but hormone therapy is apparently keeping it right in check.

And meanwhile, he and his wife are travelling and enjoying their lives to the max. I think it was a wake up call.

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Thank you for all the prayers and kind words. I'm very comforted by all of the survival stories and I know statistically his chances are very good. It just hit me exceptionally hard since my uncle died of cancer so recently. My dad hasn't told my siblings or other family yet - I guess he can only handle telling one person a day as he said he was going to call my brother tomorrow, so I didn't really have anyone to talk to besides dh. You all have helped tremendously. Thank you.

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