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How did you quit drinking soda?

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After reading the thread about the DH who drinks 7 2-liter bottles of coke in two weeks, I was a little surprised about how awful most thought it was.


Let's just say that this is a small amount compared to the amount of Diet Coke I drink. I've cut down and stopped drinking it before, but it's just so darn refreshing - all that fizz clears things out so nicely!


Anyway, I don't need a lecture about how bad it is, I've read all there is to read and I'm not particularly convinced, but I do think water or tea would be a better option. I do need any and all practical tips on how you cut soda out.



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I used to drink at least a 2 liter of Diet Mountain Dew every day.


I decided to give it up as an experiment because I just wasn't feeling well---I felt like I had brain fog all the time. So I stopped. Cold turkey. I just didn't buy it anymore.


My brain fog went away (er, for the most part). But the biggest surprise came when I had a diet soda a few weeks later when we picked lunch up while we were out. I hadn't made the coorelation, but being on diet soda made me cranky (one could even argue I was mean). When I had the diet soda, I felt irritation at everyone and everything. I had less patience than normal (when you don't have a lot of patience to begin with, that's bad news). I haven't had a diet soda since.


Every now and then (maybe once every 4-8 weeks) I'll have a real coke with lunch, but I have a general policy that I don't drink my calories, so it's a rare treat.


Besides, I love water now. I still drink coffee (1-3 cups a day), so I get my caffiene that way. Please don't ask me to give up my caffiene.

Edited by JudoMom
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I gave up soda last week. I decided that I was going on a diet and I didn't want to waste the calories so I gave Pepsi up cold turkey ( I drank at least a 2 liter a day!). Just this morning my husband commented that I don't seem as cranky now that I have given up the soda..... And besides, I lost 5 lbs! Not a bad trade off!

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I drink lots of water and decaf. tea. If you are addicted to caffeine, then you might want to treat it as any other addiction:


Pray for strength to quit, as other people to pray too

Write a Journal

Keep yourself hydrated with water and decaf tea

Keep yourself busy with projects (that is, if you are not already busy with homeschooling)

When tempted, go for a walk

When tempted, call a friend who is trying to quit too

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I started by adding water as my drink with meals. Then I dropped caffeinated drinks. Can I tell you HOW MUCH BETTER I felt just from dropping caffeine?!?!!?! (After the few days of headaches, of course.) Continued with water. Then I started paying attention to how much money I was spending on sodas (at the grocery store, while running errands and with fast food "meals"). I decided I'd much rather use that money for other things (books mostly ;) and stopped cold turkey.


I've never looked back.


I didn't really do it for health reasons at all, but on this side of things I can tell you that I FEEL so much better....more energy, many fewer headaches, etc.




ETA: It has been my experience the few times that I've opted to drink a Sprite or decaf Root Beer....that I don't feel "right" after drinking them. Usually regret drinking the soda.

Edited by lovemywhirlygirls
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I decided to quit drinking diet soda from Christmas until my birthday in February. Frankly, I feel no different at all. I have experienced no change in mood, no change in mental ability, etc. I am going to stay off of it until my birthday, and then see if I notice a change when I add it back into my diet, because there really seems to be no reason not to drink it in moderation.

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I have to admit I was a Dr. Pepper fanatic. I do not drink Coffee so I would have a soda in the morning and many times through out the day. Then I developed (or had my first flare up) of IBS. I had to stop all carbonated beverages cold turkey. And since then I do not even crave it. (I think the symptoms of IBS can cure you of any craving..lol) I do have a 6oz glass of half reg/half decaf sweet tea in the morning and at dinner. We are slowly moving to all decaf and I am trying to limit to one a day.

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Gestational diabetes cured me of my cordial habit. Just to note, cordial over here is not alcoholic, just sugar water! Oh, with colourings and flavourings of course. Apple juice diluted with soda water will give you the same zing. We water our apple juice down to about 50/50. After months of that, I can't even drink it straight because it's so sweet. I do try to drink plain water but sometimes one just needs something with flavour.


Rosie- not actually recommending gestational diabetes...

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I was the type that you didn't want to be near if I hadn't had my Diet Coke! It was "special" to me - refreshing, like you say. But also NEEDED! I didn't intend to quit that just yet, and was planning to tackle it at some later time...


Thing is, I changed my diet several months back in order to "get healthy" and lose weight. I had read Eat to Live, and wanted to apply some of his wisdom. As I cut calories, started eathing mostly healthy foods (fruits, veggies), and drinking lots of tea, the soda simply disappeared. I found one day that I hadn't bought my usual case of Diet Coke, and didn't even want it or crave it any more! It was very weird.


And the thing is, I find that when I have a week here or there where I am eating junk (think Christmas and birthday!), I start to crave Diet Coke again. But when I am sticking to my fruit/veggie regime, there is no (or little) desire to drink it!!


Anyway, hope that helps! Good luck in your endeavor....You can do it!

- Stacey in MA

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I was addicted to pop/caffeine so badly that I had to wean myself off slowly or get terrible headaches. Gee, if that isn't a sign that there was a problem...LOL!


Anyhow, I started by cutting down the number of glasses or cans of pop I had per day and then I started doing half a can of regular, half a can of caffeine free in a glass. Towards the end I even used Excedrin to keep the headaches at bay--just one pill because it has caffeine in it!


Pathetic, I know. For a long time I just went without but now I'm able to have an occasional glass of Dr. Pepper without going gaga and running to the store for a whole cube of it. LOL


My energy levels have definitely been better since I cut it out of my diet. I haven't found a drink to replace it that I like as much, though, and never will. *sigh* The main problem is that other drinks may not have caffeine, but I was definitely addicted to the SUGAR, too, and it's hard to find something low in sugar, even sparkling juice! (I'll get a Grapefruit Izze Soda as a treat, though. :) )

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I used to drink Coke and Pepsi all the time...with crushed ice please. That was when I was a kid. When I was 18, I cut out all caffinated drinks, and anything that mimmicked them. No caffine-free stuff either. I figured that if I had the cf version, I would crave the other more. Anyway, it has been almost half my life ago now, and I wouldn't change it. We have milk and water in the house to drink. Juices are for special things only. Drinking sugar, caffine, and calories is not on my to-do list! I still, however, crave a Coke with crushed ice at times, but figured if I've survived for this long, I'll do just fine for the rest of my life, and don't let myself indulge in thinking about it too much! I think I am healthier than average, and in better condition than "most" people my age. I frequently compare my health, weight, and fitness level to that of people 10 years younger than I am. It isn't all because of the lack of soda and such, but I do think it helps. I think if you are eating a healthy diet and exercising moderately, and long term, your body just doesn't need the unhealthy "boost" from sugar and caffine.


Oh, and cold turkey was how it worked for me. I still remember the last Coke I drank, and that was it. Never had one again.

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We drink bubbly water instead. (Gerolsteiner is our favorite.) It provides the same refreshment that other carbonated drinks give, especially with certain foods. I don't know what it is about Mexican food and pizza, but they require fizz! Even my father in law has switched to mostly sparkling water.


Good Luck!

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After reading the thread about the DH who drinks 7 2-liter bottles of coke in two weeks, I was a little surprised about how awful most thought it was.


Let's just say that this is a small amount compared to the amount of Diet Coke I drink. I've cut down and stopped drinking it before, but it's just so darn refreshing - all that fizz clears things out so nicely!


Anyway, I don't need a lecture about how bad it is, I've read all there is to read and I'm not particularly convinced, but I do think water or tea would be a better option. I do need any and all practical tips on how you cut soda out.




Perhaps finding something that would replace it. There is fizzy water - mineral water for instance.

I cut back on coffee once I replaced it with Rooibos tea which is herbal.

However, if you are not convinced that soda has some undesirable side effects you may just not be motivated enough to make changes.

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Let's just say that this is a small amount compared to the amount of Diet Coke I drink. I've cut down and stopped drinking it before, but it's just so darn refreshing - all that fizz clears things out so nicely!


I do need any and all practical tips on how you cut soda out.






I was addicted w/o a doubt to diet coke and after a 30lb weight loss decided the soda had to go. i stoppd buying it and increased my tea intake. I craved it, literally for over two weeks. It was the bubbles I was craving. First I stopped buying it, the when I noticed the craving coming on, i'd walk around the block & breath deep. If it got real bad, i'd eat something sweet (not salty) like fruit. It took a while but the cravings went away. I may have a diet coke every few months now & although I like the bubbles till, it really takes like I'm drinking chemicals. Also.. if I have a diet coke for 2-3 days in a row, the cravings come back.


This is the same way I kicked smoking in my 20's and carbs a few times. On the flip side, I kicked the weight loss up a bit & lost another 12 lbs.


You can do it!!

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I used to dring a ton of soda because the office where I worked had free pop all day. I had to give up caffeine because I was reacting badly to it (hands shaking, sweating, jumpiness, etc.) I switched to 7 Up. Then, we were planning on starting a family so I wanted to kick the habit before getting pregnant. I would force myself to drink a glass of water every time I wanted pop. Then I started setting a limit - only 1 a day. Then I just stopped altogether. I will occasionally have a diet pepsi because I just like it in the afternoon when I just want to lay down for a nap. (I am craving one now, but it is just too cold here:)).

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I gave up Diet COke a year ago. Went through serious withdraws (2 lt bottle daily). My friends and family supported and encouraged me--and sometimes mocked the effort!:D I've had about 7 diet cokes since then, and only when I'm out and feel a migraine beginning. The caffeine helps subdue it.


If you make the commitment, be prepared to follow through. It's tough to give it up a habit or addiction. I chose to drink something else not so hard on my stomach (Dr. Pepper).

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Well, the older I get the more I dislike sweet drinks. I was raised on sweet Southern iced tea. When we moved to another state and I started college (when pop got cheaper than it was when I was young) I drank pop. After about age 30-35 my sweet tooth morphed into desiring baked delicacies (oh, yeah, still a lot of calories). I really don't like anything sweet with my meals, so if I drink pop it is as a treat in itself.


Maybe just getting a little older will help :-)

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I just stopped cold turkey and took Advil the first day or two to avoid headaches. I was drinking A LOT. :)


I still drink coffee, so I do still have some caffine, but I have reduced the amount I of coffee I drink as well. I am so glad I made the break!

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I went from regular sodas to diet sodas years ago and the regular ones got to be too sweet after a while. We'd gone to drinking much more water (using a Brita pitcher to get rid of the chlorine taste) and I like to add a little lemon or lime juice to mine for flavor. However, there are lots of times when we're out running around and I want something that *tastes* (not just water :)) and there really wasn't much of an option that wasn't loaded with sugar other than diet drinks.


Then we started looking at ways to cut back on spending. We realized that we had gotten into the habit of buying sodas way too often, even though they were on sale. We had a ton of tea in the cabinet, so we started making iced tea. I have always been able to do herbal ones with no sugar, but the way I made regular tea (the way my mother always made it) tasted too bitter without sugar so unsweetened tea had never been something I considered as an option. My husband decided to (gasp!) *read the directions* on the tea box about how to brew it (whodda thunk it;)?).....and it was actually good if I added a bit of lemon juice to it. Now I actually prefer it, and I still can swing through and get a drink that tastes if I'm out and forgot to bring my own (McDonald's tea is even cheaper than their sodas, another plus :)).


Personally, I've never really cared that much about the bubbles anyway--I preferred my sodas a bit flat--, but my husband loves plain seltzer water. We got a seltzer maker from a place called Soda Club, which is nicer than buying the bottles from the store.


Luckily (and through no fault of mine;)) my daughter prefers water to just about anything else in terms of drinks and has since she was very small.

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Wow! What a lot of replies! It's almost like aposted a vacuum question! :D


Thank you for sharing all of your experience! I've quit drinking the Diet Coke several times in the past, but no substitute ever really measures up, though in the summer iced tea with lemon is close. I'm not a fan of selzer water - it comes off as bitter tasting to me.


I think my plan is to limit myself to my morning can and then eliminate the rest in lieu of water or tea. I may have to wean off the rest of the day to stave off the headaches, or go with tea at those times.


I'll post tomorrow and let you know how I do.


Thanks for all of your encouragement!

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