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Why in the world would anyone twitter?

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A friend just asked me to twitter. I had no idea what she was talking about, followed her link and have the general impression that someone must be very self-absorbed or desperate for social strokes to twitter. I can imagine it might be useful for a public servant to use it so that people will know where he/she is, but it's beyond me why the average person would participate. I hate the saying "Get a life" but that was the first thing that came to mind.


Tell me, please, what am I missing?

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Same reason others opt to sew, knit, generally have any hobbies--because they want to. I love my IM, texts, and cell phone b/c of the immediacy of communication. Instead of twitter my friends and I use FB to be constantly updated. It allows me to be part of their daily lives even though we're all over the world. By far more interesting than basket weaving!:D

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someone must be very self-absorbed or desperate for social strokes to twitter..


Gee, thanks.


With four or five exceptions, the people who can see my personal Twitter feed are local friends. It's a way for us to share our days, like a phone call. My friend A. can say, "Off to contra dancing in Big City in an hour," and our friend R. might respond with, "Got any extra space in the car for me? So-and-so has to work late so I'm free." Or one of us will tweet, "Taking advantage of crazy sales at Local Store," and another might tweet, "Hey, if you see This Object, pick up one for me?"


The other people with whom I tweet are interesting people: a website developer who keeps one eye on her local environment and always has an interesting and well articulated observation about it; a work at home geek dad struggling to make his daily goals; a mom who, like me, was a teenage mom but doesn't fit the stereotype at all and is struggling to parent intentionally and intelligently in a world that looks at her and thinks, "stupid teen moms." I don't have time -- or enough interest -- to read full fledged blog entries from these people just because they're interesting. One hundred and forty characters is about as much as I can spare in the midst of my day. In that short space, though, we've developed friendships. Just like people have here, or on blogs, or on Facebook.


Maybe it would help to think of it like blogging only in haiku.

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This is so funny! My hubby and I were talking about twittering this morning. I visited a blog sight of somone who left a comment on my blog. On her sight it said something about it, she had a whole group that she twitters with and you could sign up to be a part of it :001_huh:. I've heard about it before because my dh is a tech guy. However, I don't see the purpose. My cynical attitude was " I don't care enough about these people, to care what they do all day, or hear their one liners all day long." My dh just laughed as though there was something I was missing.

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About the only people who read my twitters are members of a small Bible study I'm a part of. We are all close friends and usually just twitter 1-2 times per day to let each other know how we've been doing. Because of twitter, I've been able to let them know easily about the miscarriage I'm going through. Sorry if appreciating an easy way to ask for prayer appears to others as being desperate for social strokes. I don't see it that way.

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I think of twitter more as a giant instant message between many people. My husband and I "know" another husband and wife on twitter a couple states away. We often twitter back and forth with them much like using an IM program. We "met" them at twitter.


Just last Monday evening, a whole bunch of homeschoolers on twitter got together in twitter chat for a couple of hours (people came and went as they had time) and talked all about homeschooling...in 140 characters or less, of course. A Math-U-See rep even stopped in.

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I think of twitter more as a giant instant message between many people. My husband and I "know" another husband and wife on twitter a couple states away. We often twitter back and forth with them much like using an IM program. We "met" them at twitter.


Just last Monday evening, a whole bunch of homeschoolers on twitter got together in twitter chat for a couple of hours (people came and went as they had time) and talked all about homeschooling...in 140 characters or less, of course. A Math-U-See rep even stopped in.


That's interesting. I didn't know it could be used that way. What I saw was something like this-


10:15 "Putting Mike down for a nap"


2:30 "Doing Wiifit now"


3:30 "Putting dinner in the oven"


It just didn't make sense to me.


To those who twitter and got defensive, I am sorry if you felt misunderstood or maybe I just touched on something that you felt might be a bit of the truth. I was just sincerely asking a question.

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That's interesting. I didn't know it could be used that way. What I saw was something like this-


10:15 "Putting Mike down for a nap"


2:30 "Doing Wiifit now"


3:30 "Putting dinner in the oven"


It just didn't make sense to me.


To those who twitter and got defensive, I am sorry if you felt misunderstood or maybe I just touched on something that you felt might be a bit of the truth. I was just sincerely asking a question.



I think that's SAHM twitter. Lol. My dh and his coworkers and other tech/designer friends all twitter. And it's more passing around interesting links about gadgets or tech news. Sometimes more personal things, but it's more of an ongoing conversation about shared interests. Not so much navel gazing. ;)

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I did it for a while and enjoyed it. I had poo-pooed it for quite some time and finally joined because of a friend. Actually, I enjoyed it too much which is why I'm no longer doing it.


It's just fun to throw out those short quips like, "Son just smeared toothpaste all over the wall again." To some degree it is no different than mindless posts on forums.


The advantage was that I was able to "get to know" many of the bloggers, book authors, curriculum authors, social pundits, etc. that I normally read. It was neat to be able to twit a question about Ligonier's Magazine and have Ligonier shoot me a 3 month free trial just because they'd been following my tweets.


It helped me keep in touch with family I only talk to once a week. Nice to have my brother tweet that his daughter had colored her first picture.


LOL and I tried NOT to twitter boring stuff.


The problem was simply that it is too time consuming just as a forum often can be.

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However, I see it no differently than these boards. It is a *part* of my life. I have been twittering/facebooking for only a very few months, and I probably tweet three times per day or so. It's quick, it gives people a feel for how I spend my time, what my priorities are, and what I think about things. I like to be inside the heads of others who tweet to some extent, as well, and the technology of all of these things actually enriches my life in a similar way to my friendships IRL.


I also follow Rose and find her tweets intensely interesting. I think she follows mine, too. But, I don't tweet for strokes or attention. I tweet to share. My thoughts and experiences are mine. If someone can get something from seeing that little slice of my life, I am glad to share it. If they can't, that's okay, too. It's almost a form of journaling for me.


That's how I use this board. There may be many people who get nothing from what I say here. But there might be one reader for whom an idea comes to fruition, a task seems easier, or a feeling becomes real because of something I said. And, it helps me clarify to myself what my priorities and ideas are in my own head- like a sounding board, in a way. These activities help me to grow.


I guess I feel like that's what life is. Growth. And we all do it our own way.

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One of my jobs uses Twitter a lot. It's generally so we know where dept. contacts are on any given day so that if critical questions/problems need to be addressed you will know who is tied up or not.


It's considered a serious breach of etiquette to text or call someone who has clearly Twittered that they're in a meeting, or unavailable.


It's also a way for Office to know with whom we are meeting that day and when.


I can certainly see its usefulness in any given group of people who need/want to have up-to-date communication. However, I have no personal use for it. I like my private time private.

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Gee, thanks.


With four or five exceptions, the people who can see my personal Twitter feed are local friends. ................


Oh, I'm bummed! I didn't read this well enough and went to see what your twittering was all about. I didn't even know the word! WHAT am I missing out on....


And then I clicked on the twittering button, and it's protected! SO, you twitter in privacy! If only I had read the post well, I would have known....


Carrie :tongue_smilie:

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...it helps me clarify to myself what my priorities and ideas are in my own head- like a sounding board, in a way. These activities help me to grow.


I guess I feel like that's what life is. Growth. And we all do it our own way.


Have I told you lately that I love you? (I'm thinking probably not, so it's definitely overdue.)



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What I saw was something like this-


10:15 "Putting Mike down for a nap"


2:30 "Doing Wiifit now"


3:30 "Putting dinner in the oven"


It just didn't make sense to me.


Ah, yes, that sort of Twittering interests me less. I do keep a lesson log that way. It says things like


11:30 - 8yo reading chapter 2 of the Mabinogion

10:30 - 5yo listening to Chap. 4 Latin songs

9:30 - 8yo & 5yo doing multiple digit multiplication and temperature lessons


I honestly have no idea why anyone likes to follow it. I use it just for record keeping. It's my main system.


But my other Twitter account is a microblog, a private one mostly for local friends.

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