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Need mom/medical/suggestions...dd's symptoms are stumping me...

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This has been our year for physical anomalies...in November my 10 year old had severe acute attacks (4 of them) all in the middle of the night and it was horrific, many tests later and they just assume a kinked intestine that corrected itself...that was bad enough, now my 9 year old daughter (mind you, we haven't been to the doctor in 3-4 years..they're always well!) has had some unusual things happen and I don't know what to do, here is the run-down..


Two weeks ago, my daughter had an unusually bad case of croup. She has not had croup since she was 4 (she's 9 now), but even after the 3rd day on prednisolone, her throat closed again, ER gave her decadron and even on that her throat continued to close up..she lost her voice for 10 days and was listless on the couch the whole time....could not move...weak and difficult getting air b/c of the throat closing off...she never ran a fever more than 98.8...when she finally was off the couch she complained of a very itchy bite of some sort, we've had issues with Brown recluses (I was bit just 4 months ago) so immediately I thought it was a spider bite, but it was just a raised bump on her knee that itched her a lot...it never turned red around the site...a day after the bump and 5 days since then she's had constant recurring "dull-sharp" pain as she calls it...the worst was the fleshy part on the side of her hand, she said it felt like bee stings that wouldn't stop..she was crying and holding her hand and it was bright red...all the other pains happen for about 3-10 seconds and will hit at her jaw, her thigh, her calf, her toe, her finger, her head, her neck, the back of her arm, she'll complain that her legs feel like they're going to break and she's too weak to stand, but when we went for to the doctor, he did the neurological strength tests on her and she was fine, no weakness....he did a full CBC and sed rate, all came back normal...she continues to have these pains, probably 30-40 times a day..they're not specifically at joint locations or muscle..she says they feel like they're inside the body not on top of the skin...it's becoming a nuisance for her and the weakness when it hits will just put her on the floor..those happen less infrequently about once or twice a day...could the virus that attacked her throat have crossed into her nervous system? Or could all this be related to the bite on her knee? Is there anything else I should be looking for? She has dark circles under her eyes and her coloring just doesn't look as healthy as she usually is...not sure if it's just impact of the bad virus or this stuff...tonight she just could not get herself moving, this is a very very active gymnast type girl who can not sit still...to see her say she's too weak to walk is beginning to worry me, I had hoped since the doctor's visit on Wednesday that it would be getting better, but they're actually increasing, the pain is jumping and she'll have 5 pains in a 10 minute span..I have told her to tell me where the pains are and when, and it's becoming sad b/c I can't help her..I'm going to give her advil tonight and hope she wakes up with more strength...we haven't changed anything in her diet..just those two things, the bizarre virus that knocked her out for 10 days and the itchy bump on her knee which is all healed now...have seen no ticks around the house or on her..checked for that...it's not limited to one side of her body, it's all over..it will jump from her finger to her arm in the middle of her radius then her leg then her arm and tonight she said it went into her chest and she had to sit down...I'm getting worried now but not sure what tests to ask for or what medicine to give her besides anti-inflammatories....


Thanks for any help!


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They didn't do a lymes test..we talked about ticks but we've never seen one and she hadn't been out at all...we went straight from Grandma's to our home....she was on the couch, we do have 2 dogs but we've never seen a tick on them either, (they sleep on my bed so we're very close to the dogs..we typically catch stuff like that)...the spot on her knee never turned red....just itched her...thanks for the help and prayers!!


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Oh, I'm terribly sorry.


Honestly, especially after the scare we had in Sept 07, I'd get her to a Children's Hospital.


ETA: TRUST YOURSELF and your instincts! Do not allow for anything that doesn't make sense. Our children's hospital was WONDERFUL but had we taken the advice of the town ER doc, my daughter would have been dead. Our family doctor (fairly new at the time as our other one had left 6 months earlier) also didn't catch that something was SERIOUSLY wrong. We moms sometimes KNOW things even if we aren't doctors and can't pinpoint them. We KNOW when something is WRONG. Don't let anyone undermine that.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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We moms sometimes KNOW things even if we aren't doctors and can't pinpoint them. We KNOW when something is WRONG. Don't let anyone undermine that.




This was my mantra all the years that I peer-counseled brand new nursing mothers, and it is the one thing that I will never, ever regret living by.


You are your dd's best and most persistent advocate. (See it there in line two of your Mom Contract? ;) ) Do not let them quit until *you* are satisfied!


CC below; no need to read further if not desired. :grouphug:





I'm praying for you and dd right now: merciful and loving God, please give this child a peaceful night's healing sleep, and help her mom be a focused, firm, and persistent advocate for her in the morning. I ask that you protect her overnight and do not allow her illness to become worse. Please give her doctors wisdom and insight as they examine her, and help them to see what is the root of her illness and know how to treat it. Dear Father, pour out your blessings on this family. In Jesus precious name, Amen!

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But I didn't have pain in my head, neck, or jaw. But I did have spasm like pain in my legs, feet, wrists, and arms. I became weak, couldn't walk. We never figured out what it was. I had lots of tests, but all came back fine. My dh (a doctor) has some theories, but we have no idea what it was (and I still have some pain). It seems to come on with the cold. He believes it was some sort of virus.


What your dd has does not sound like a spider bite. It is more likely a virus. Viruses can be very strange.


I agree with Pamela, go with your instants. Keep pressing and try to find an answer. But if it is a virus, it may be hard to pin point it.


I hope your dd improves. When I was ill last year I spent a lot of time just sitting in a chair and at times panicking.

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Tara, the reason I asked about the strep test is it's possible she may have post strep arthritis, link: http://www.noc.nhs.uk/oxparc/information/diagnoses/a-z/post-streptococcal-reactive-arthritis.aspx

A normal CBC and sed rate may argue against this, but it is still possible. It is extremely painful, and described as a "flitting type arthritis."


Maybe she had strep instead of croup?

Edited by Michelle in AL
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I was wondering about her having strep instead of croup also.


We listened to our pedi for 4 months before we finally discovered what was wrong with my son, and like others have said trust your gut. We could have lost him, and I don't say that to scare you, but we are equipped with a very keen sense of when something is very wrong with our kids.


Call a Children's Hospital and get her in for tests even over the weekend if necessary. Regular hospitals don't clue into problems with kids the way Children's hospitals do.

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Hmm. I'm not sure. But I agree with everyone here. You have to be your child's advocate , even with health care. You know your child best.

I suggest maybe going to Parent 2 Parent( www.parent-2-parent.org ) and ask the families there. There is always someone there that can stear you in the right direction. Its a VERY active group with tens of thousands of members.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you ALL for your wonderful words of support and prayers!! I think the strep may be possible...now that I think of it, they did not even test her for it b/c when we came in on Christmas Eve she was definitely looking like croup..she woke up 2x not being able to breathe and had the barky cough...she improved with the cool air on to the doctor's office...but ALL the other times she had croup as a youngster, once she got that steroid on board she was improving daily, this did not improve for 10 days! No one else in our family became sick..I've just never heard of strep closing off the throat like that...


It did happen while we were at the doctor's office...she pointed to the place on her leg where it was and he asked her on a scale of 1-10 how painful, she said about a 4-5...she can tolerate it well, it's just not leaving, and now she's exhibiting more weakness...I had to get her jammies for her tonight b/c she was too weak to walk, then she came back out of bed and said her leg and foot were hurting too much to sleep...I think the Advil kicked in and she went back to bed about 20 minutes later....


I hate that this happens over the weekend b/c the doctor's office is closed and ER is our only option, they don't do anything other than treat symptoms and tell you to see doctor on Monday...I hope tomorrow she improves instead of declines like she has the past 3 days....


I think I'll keep her on round the clock advil/tylenol and see if that helps.




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It was not just that it hurt to swallow. It was that I felt like I was swallowing past something.


And when I talked the advice nurse about it, one of the questions that she asked (before I told her about the lump) was whether my throat was so swollen that it was giving me difficulty in breathing.


I don't know about those tingles, but the throat and weakness could very well have been strep. I would want a culture regardless--strep is easy to cure but very nasty if it advances to later stages.

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Call a Children's Hospital and get her in for tests even over the weekend if necessary. Regular hospitals don't clue into problems with kids the way Children's hospitals do.


When my daughter got so sick, we decided to go (to the Children's Hospital) at 6pm on a Saturday night. We got there even later as it was in Dallas. We were in emergency for quite awhile and in the back even longer. They decided about 6:30 Sunday morning to admit her and we didn't have a room til like 10 or 11. It was horrible. She was in awful condition (kidneys not working, liver and heart freaking out, dehydrated, etc). We then had 3 elders from our congregation there until after she ate when we had to ask them to leave as we needed sleep badly.


But my lovely daughter is alive.

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Thank you ALL for your wonderful words of support and prayers!! I think the strep may be possible...now that I think of it, they did not even test her for it b/c when we came in on Christmas Eve she was definitely looking like croup..she woke up 2x not being able to breathe and had the barky cough...she improved with the cool air on to the doctor's office...but ALL the other times she had croup as a youngster, once she got that steroid on board she was improving daily, this did not improve for 10 days! No one else in our family became sick..I've just never heard of strep closing off the throat like that...


It did happen while we were at the doctor's office...she pointed to the place on her leg where it was and he asked her on a scale of 1-10 how painful, she said about a 4-5...she can tolerate it well, it's just not leaving, and now she's exhibiting more weakness...I had to get her jammies for her tonight b/c she was too weak to walk, then she came back out of bed and said her leg and foot were hurting too much to sleep...I think the Advil kicked in and she went back to bed about 20 minutes later....


I hate that this happens over the weekend b/c the doctor's office is closed and ER is our only option, they don't do anything other than treat symptoms and tell you to see doctor on Monday...I hope tomorrow she improves instead of declines like she has the past 3 days....


I think I'll keep her on round the clock advil/tylenol and see if that helps.





The only advice I have for you is to start a health journal now. Write down what you can remember from the beginning, and start recording her symptoms from today on. Write down where the pain is how painful (use the 1-10 scale), make note of her weakness, and any other symptoms she has. When you record them, record the time in addition to the date. Also make notes about her behavior or coloring. Take a current copy (I kept ds6's on the computer) everytime you see a doctor for them to keep in her file. If this is something that is ongoing (I hope she gets better), then doctors will really appreciate this journal and it will help them to not dismiss your concerns.

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I agree with those who say to get her to a Children's hospital for evaluation. I would test her for strep as it can cause antigen-antibody deposition in other tissues which may be why she is having these painful sensations. Also, I would test her for any tick-borne disease like Lymes, ehrlichiosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever(RMSF). Humans can get RMSF from just pulling ticks off a dog and you live in the south where most of these kinds of things are rampant.

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I agree with taking your DD to a children's hospital and staying on top of things until the doctors find out what is wrong with her, or it disappears.


I will give you just one example of many. We took our 2 year old son to the doctor every week for 2 months because he was screaming and crying with pain for most hours of the day. The doctor kept saying nothing was wrong with him. I knew better. Eventually, DH figured it out and the doctors (including 2 pediatric urologists) told him he was flat out wrong.


DH was right about the problem and about its cause. DS had been given Lasix in the NICU. A side effect of that is kidney stones, which we knew because we'd read medical books about the drugs and treatments given to our kids while they were in the NICU. Luckily DH remembered this in the nick of time.


Anyway, DH had to practically threaten the doctors before they would give DS an ultrasound to check for kidney stones. I'm fairly certain the doctors went along with what we said to do because they all knew that we are lawyers.


Ultrasounds showed that DS had kidney stones lodged in several places. It took 6.5 hours of surgery to remove them.


I have story after story about doctors who thought DH and I were wrong about our kids and so far we have always been right. We live in a place that is awash in major medical centers, too.


I also have a few stories about times I have been convinced something was wrong, and doctors and nurses checked it out immediately to shut me up, and I was right. Examples: One night while I was at home, I had a dream that my baby was cold -- I called the hospital and told them to check the incubator and its heater was not working. Another time, when I was at the NICU, I knew that my baby was sick. The nurses tested his blood again (they had just done a blood test 2 hours earlier and he was fine) and sure enough he had an infection. Being cold and having an infection are two things that can quickly kill babies who weigh 1.5 lbs.


There have also been plenty of times when I knew something was wrong and so did the doctors -- this is what happens most of the time, in fact. Trying to be fair here.


Trust your instincts and your feelings about your child!

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Shoot, after reading all the posts here I would tend to agree to get checked for that latent strep arthritis - also if she had untreated strep could she not also get rheumatic fever????


Hope you find an answer - no little kid should have to suffer and doctors do NOT know everything!!!

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My ds (now 7) was very sick for a number of weeks. Somewhat vague symptoms. In and out of the ped's office. The second time to the ER, I told them (I still remember this like it was yesterday, even though it was 4 years ago), "No offense, but I don't want any tests run at this community hospital. I want my child transferred to X Childrens Hospital." I had already done the research, and knew what hospital my insurance would cover. Long story short, the docs (and nurses) made all the calls and arranged for transport. I convinced them that I could drive my son (with copies of medical records), signed the release and drove to the ER of the childrens hospital, an hour away. The ER at Childrens was expecting me. My son was seen right away, and we got into a room that morning (the whole process started around 10pm and I was in the room by, I think 4 am).

As a health care consumer, you have the RIGHT to request a transfer to a hospital that is better equipped to handle whatever problem you present with. The docs may not want to do it (they'll loose the money, plus it is a lot of work for the staff), but they are obligated to do so.

I've worked at a lot of community hospitals, and they ARE NOT equipped to deal with other than run-of-the-mill children's problems, but that won't stop them from trying. Something that will take 2 weeks for a community doc/hospital to diagnose, may be found immediately at a hospital that deals with thousands of kids per year versus the community hospital seeing perhaps hundreds per year.

Please, please, don't let anyone make you feel bad for pressing forward and getting care for your child. You MUST be strong and assertive. If you think something is wrong, don't stop until the problem resolves or gets diagnosed. So what if someone rolls their eyes and thinks you're an over-reacting mom? They can go hang themselves on a hook, for all I care. I will be a fool for my child every time.

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We do have a St. Jude's arm at our hospital here...so I may just call one of their nurses this morning and see what we can do...she woke up this morning hobbling on her feet, she said they were soo sore, the more I think about it the strep throat things sticks, why would it take 10 days for it to go away and the steroids did not help....


Thanks!! Will let you know!


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One of my nephews had a host of problems in the fall, and was in and out of the hospital/ER for weeks. Finally when he was ICU, they transferred to a children's hospital and figured out that he had a bad case of the flu that went into strep that went into a rare allergic reaction to an antibiotic that he had taken before. My SIL said that they were so much more focused on him at the children's hospital and got it all unravelled within a few days.

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Okay, here's the update...I'm more alarmed now just being the mom I guess...


The St. Jude branch of our hospital is specifically for oncology treatment, haven't called them yet but when I read online about the oncology I wondered if I could even call them..I called our pediatrician, the one on call was also the one on call the day after Christmas when her throat closed off the second time even on steroids....he says to give her ibuprofen for the pain and bring her in on Monday.


Here is my dilemma...it's all starting to make sense..I believe she had strep pharyngitis the whole time...that's why the steroids didn't work like they usually do for croup...she lost her voice and couldn't speak for most of the 10 days...she never ran a fever, but the day of the night she started the throat closing off she really complained of a strong sore throat pain, almost in tears about it..but then the closing of the throat took over so I didn't focus on the soreness much after that...


Here we are now with flitting arthritis...that's EXACTLY what it is, it flits and moves constantly....the number one symptom of rheumatic fever is polyarthritis...I mentioned this to the doctor and he said several infections could cause polyarthritis and that there was not definitive test for rheumatic fever...you have to meet a criteria...well, all her symptoms DO meet those criteria...so do I just have to sit and wait until her heart is damaged?? It doesn't show that there is anything you do to treat it until the heart is involved...I asked if there was any preventative measure we could take to make sure it doesn't go to the heart and he said to bring her in for more tests on Monday...so I'm sitting here thinking this doesn't sound right, if she's headed for rheumatic fever, isn't there something that can be done now??


I'm going to keep researching it on google...but I am not encouraged.



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Hi Tara, steroids would not cure strep throat, you need an antibiotics for that. What the steroids would do is mask the strep throat symptoms, but the underlying infection would still be there. So your dd may have had strep throat during the time they thought she had croup, then as a result of its not being treated it became post strep arthiritis, just like if strep is left untreated it can become scarlet fever.


This is all purely hypothetical though, she may not have had strep. If she doesn't have strep I would recommend seeing a pediatric rheumatologist. I know of an excellent one if you're near Mobile, AL.

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I'm in Huntsville...as far from Mobile as I can get I guess, my good friend is an anesthesiologist and he did his rounds here in Huntsville so I'm hoping that he can refer me to a good doctor, or should I try and call a pediatric cardiologist?? The doctor listened to her lungs on Wednesday but not her heart as I recall....and did not take a pulse rate...I'm going to be checking her pulse rate for a rise in it...I'm frustrated, every 5 minutes she's letting me know where the pain is now...this is an hour after advil...ugh.



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Hi Tara, this is what dh says, he's a pediatrician. If in fact it was strep, than if just post strep arthritis is present, treatment with antibiotics isn't totally necessary. The pain is caused by strep toxins that result after the strep is killed off (either by her immune sys or antibiotics). So, the strep is gone and she's left from pain from the toxins. You could always err on the side of safety and treat her with antibiotics too, but if the strep is already gone, than it won't really help her pain. I'm sure there are treatments that can help with her pain though.


As for rheumatic fever, that does need to treated with antibiotics. She may or may not test positive for strep at this point. There are certain criteria she must meet to determine if she has rheumatic fever, your doctor will know those. You doctor can also do blood titers to see if she's had strep in the recent past and if these are positive he may want to treat her with antibiotics. Do you think maybe the doctor has already decided she didn't meet the criteria; and therefore, it isn't necessary to see her until Monday because antibiotics won't help anyways?


I guess if she was treated with an antibiotic that is effective against strep during this illness it would be safe to say she doesn't have rheumatic fever or any strep related illness (you didn't mention if she was on any antibiotics), that's the only reason I can think of as to why your doctor isn't acting more quickly. You said she hadn't had a strep test.


I'm so sorry you and your dd are having to go through this. I remember when my kids had mono for three weeks and didn't move at all and had 104 temps and there was nothing we could do.

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It sounds to me like your doc doesn't think it is strep at all.


Some doctors don't recognize the strep that is not 'common'--I ran across a ped. like that in urgent care one night. She said that if DD had strep she would be crying in pain and her throat would be very red with pus. I told her that that is not how DD looks when she has strep, but she did not believe me. Finally she agreed to a throat culture, mostly to get me out of the office, and gave me a prescription for a stronger strain of anti's because this was round 2 in a short time--after I promised not to start them unless the strep test came back positive. Which it did (glare...). (Of course.)


Anyway, the first thing she suggested was another 10 days of amoxycillin, and I told her that she knew that wouldn't work because if it would work, it would have worked the first time.


So. If you had mild antibiotics, your DD could need stronger ones to shake the strep.


It takes a few weeks to get to the point of rheumatic fever, the doctor told me, so hopefully you're not in danger of that yet.


But time is of the essence in getting the antibiotics going if she, in fact, needs them.

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clue about what is wrong with her, but wanted to add that I have been dealing with a deep pain in my leg for a couple of months. It helps me to put a heating pad on the area and to take Epsom Salt baths. Keeping Advil going round the clock before it wears off helps as well. I would have her checked for Lymes disease also. I have a friend who has this and she has some really odd symptoms. Her throat feels like it's closing up and she has pain in dif. areas ofher body.


I sure hope you get some answers soon!





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Okay, here's the update...I'm more alarmed now just being the mom I guess...


The St. Jude branch of our hospital is specifically for oncology treatment, haven't called them yet but when I read online about the oncology I wondered if I could even call them..I called our pediatrician, the one on call was also the one on call the day after Christmas when her throat closed off the second time even on steroids....he says to give her ibuprofen for the pain and bring her in on Monday.


Here is my dilemma...it's all starting to make sense..I believe she had strep pharyngitis the whole time...that's why the steroids didn't work like they usually do for croup...she lost her voice and couldn't speak for most of the 10 days...she never ran a fever, but the day of the night she started the throat closing off she really complained of a strong sore throat pain, almost in tears about it..but then the closing of the throat took over so I didn't focus on the soreness much after that...


Here we are now with flitting arthritis...that's EXACTLY what it is, it flits and moves constantly....the number one symptom of rheumatic fever is polyarthritis...I mentioned this to the doctor and he said several infections could cause polyarthritis and that there was not definitive test for rheumatic fever...you have to meet a criteria...well, all her symptoms DO meet those criteria...so do I just have to sit and wait until her heart is damaged?? It doesn't show that there is anything you do to treat it until the heart is involved...I asked if there was any preventative measure we could take to make sure it doesn't go to the heart and he said to bring her in for more tests on Monday...so I'm sitting here thinking this doesn't sound right, if she's headed for rheumatic fever, isn't there something that can be done now??

A Natural Doctor will be able to do something now. I know of many cases just like this in which a Natural Doctor was able to prevent something when a Medical Doctor waits. So if you get no answers from the MD, keep this in mind.


Also... I had symptoms like this from Vitamin B-12 deficiency. The deficiency was caused by a virus that wacked out my body's hormone system. (Parathyroid, thyroid, hypothalamus, Adrenal) If this becomes a chronic problem I would start getting those things tested.


If this is caused by any kind of toxin then N-Acetyl-Cysteine and/or Immunocal work wonders for helping the body process and expell toxins. Immunocal is amazing. My ND prescribes it for many things. It has the same benefit of N-Acetyl-Cysteine, but the body is able to absorb and use much more of it. It works miracles on allergic reactions.


Keep us updated.:grouphug:

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