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I just had a natural childbirth after 2 c-sections!!

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We are so thrilled. Apparently this is pretty uncommon around here. The nurse told us that no one had ever had a successful VBAC after two c-sections at that hospital.


It was absolutely awesome--dim lights, beautiful music, a wonderful husband, a precious doula, 2 sweet preschoolers, and then the star of the show our new baby boy.


I just wanted to post in case anyone has questions or needs encouragement.


Laurel T.

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Congratulations. It's not very common around here but I think it's because all the doctors tell you such horrible stories of every thing that WILL (not might) go wrong that no one in their right mind will even try it. That said I've had three wonderful easy drug free natural births after two c-sections. They just keep getting easier for me and yet every single time the doctors have told me they think I NEED a c-section and I show up at the hospital and the doctors and nurses all questions me repeatedly, are you sure you are not here for a c-section? Glad it went well for you. Dealing with doctors on this topic is a rant of mine. Sorry.

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Thanks so much for the responses. Now, if I could just get the little fellow to sleep.


Dealing with doctors on this topic is a rant of mine.
Mine too. I wish there was more that I could do to help women in this situation. Of course we did a lot of research and when we finally found a supportive doc. he explained what we already knew--that it was a safe and reasonable option for us.
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Awesome! Sadly there is really only one VBAC-supportive hospital practice around here. The real trick seems to be avoiding that first c-section. It stinks, though, because sometimes cesarean is necessary. I came close to one with my third baby due to complications but ended up birthing vaginally. I know I would have been really frustrated with dealing with the VBAC issue because I prefer a hands-off, low tech, med-free birth. That can be tough to orchestrate with a VBAC....


Anyway, congrats again! :D

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Wow wow wow! Congratulations, and welcome baby! VBACs are becoming increasingly rare everywhere, and VBA2Cs are even more so. Kudos to your doc for supporting you, and kudos to you and your DH for fighting the battle.


I just love new baby announcements :D They make me all :crying: with joy! Thank you for sharing your good news with us.

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You know, I'm 40.5, would love another baby and PART of what holds me back(okay there is the issue of my anxiety but that is another story) is the fact that my 1st was a Csec. And here in Maine they don't do VBACS. I've talked to my dr. and she says I could have the baby and hour away, they'd do it...that I could do doula/midwife/home etc....but then I get a bit scared and hold back...would you mind sharing your experience and how you jumped through some of the hurdles the medical profession through your way? Anyone else care to share their experience. I get the feeling I would really have to "fight" for it here....and given the above anxiety issues...well....but I'd love to hear more!

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