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Would you let your 10 1/2 year old buy an IPOD Touch?

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My 10 1/2 year old ds wants to buy an Ipod Touch. We had to return one of his expensive Christmas presents that cost $50. He also sold some of his Gameboy Games that he no longer wants and made another $70. He received a gift card for Christmas and has some spending money saved. He almost has enough money to buy an IPOD touch (the cheapest one).


I have mixed feelings as to whether or not I should let him buy one. He is responsible for his age but $200+ dollars is a lot of money. I don't feel that he is "blowing" his money that he should be saving. Most of this money is from gifts or from the games that he sold.


It just scares me that he would own such an expensive item.

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It depends on some family dynamics.


Our 11 and 12yodd both wanted an ipod. It could have happened, but dh and I finally said no. I think they would miss out on too much interaction if they had an ipod. They would trade people time for music time. They are very close and have a great relationship. When we're in the car, we have wonderful conversations. When dd are home, they're reading, working or playing. I would rather they read a book than listen to it. IOW, anytime they would listen to the ipod are times they spend interacting with each other or other people.


I think ipods are great for people who have lots of independent time and can't do anything else. People who commute or have to be idle for certain times every week. Or can work and listen to a book or music.


Now, 7yods...I can see him getting an ipod when he's older because he doesn't have a built-in playmate. He'll spend more time alone.


Money-wise, for our family, no.:001_smile:

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My understanding is that the iPod Touch also has wireless internet capability. That would be my big concern, letting my child have unrestricted access to the internet...assuming you have a wireless network in your house. But then, the child could also access internet wherever there was "free wifi" available. If he or you just wants music, I'd consider an iPod nano and an account on iTunes.

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I would. As far as time with people is concerned the same rule goes in the house as with other electronic devices.

My kids have ipods. They listen to music, stories podcasts. They can choose to listen when they want in their rooms or when we travel for longer periods of time. Otherwise, we do and listen together.



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My understanding is that the iPod Touch also has wireless internet capability. That would be my big concern, letting my child have unrestricted access to the internet...assuming you have a wireless network in your house. But then, the child could also access internet wherever there was "free wifi" available. If he or you just wants music, I'd consider an iPod nano and an account on iTunes.



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Guest janainaz

If he is a responsible kid - I would say yes. I would not let ALL kids that age buy an item that expensive, but some kids are just better with taking care of their stuff. If it has internet access, definitely not.

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and I think they are great. They listen to audiobooks, podcasts, and play some games. I have also found some great applications that are educational, and they enjoy these too. I do not allow them to use the internet though, and I was happy to find out that I could set up a password (that they do not know) and disable the internet capability. I would not want them on the internet.

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that mine received their ipods for Christmas from my dad and did not know they were getting them or even what they were. I was able to set them up and disable the internet without them even knowing. They do not even know that there is internet capability on it. If your son has saved up his own money to get one and knows everything about them, I would make sure he knows he can't use it for the internet. The ipod touch even had an application to get on you tube, which I think is terrible.

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We're not real into the whole MP3 hoopla, so none of us yet own one. There are various reasons why I wouldn't want a 10.5 year old to own an iPod touch, but you didn't mention any of those in your post. I'm assuming, therefore, that my issues are not your issues. If the cost alone is the concern, I'd not disallow him from purchasing one ~ assuming you can disable the Internet access. It's his money and if he loses and/or breaks it, it's his loss.

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My understanding is that the iPod Touch also has wireless internet capability. That would be my big concern, letting my child have unrestricted access to the internet...assuming you have a wireless network in your house. But then, the child could also access internet wherever there was "free wifi" available. If he or you just wants music, I'd consider an iPod nano and an account on iTunes.



If this a concern the iPod touch does have password protected parental controls that allow you to decide whether or not you want them to have wifi access and also allows you set max. volume.


Other than that i think it's a decision you and your DH need to make based on your values. Our DC all have ipods of one kind or another but rarely use them in the presence of other people and know when it is or is not appropriate to use them.

Edited by akmommy
ugh late night typing
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Our ds11 has pricey electronics. He just got an Ipod nano for Christmas and has a few other "toys". However, he has proved himself over the years to understand how to care for such an item. I can count on one hand the number of toys he has broken or lost over the years.


He has a special charging station he also got for Christmas and that is where his phone and Ipod stay. He is meticulous about taking care of his portable game systems.


If your dc has never had an expensive electronic I would either...

1. let your ds buy the touch, but make sure You have a special place to keep it. In your bedroom charging, maybe?


2. Allow him to buy something less expensive and prove himself before investing into the Touch.

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When my dd was 9 she purchased a nice digital camera for around $300. She and her granddad did the research on the best cameras for her needs. Now, she earned all of that money herself. She started pet sitting the year before and our next door neighbors had 6 animals and left town several weeks that year. She earned all the money herself and while she has a lot of money for a kid, I used to help her with her job and I believe she is underpaid. So, that is how she had so much money for a nice camera and still had money in the bank. When she started earning money I told her to save for something big, not to spend it $5-$20 at a time at Target on Littlest Pets or trading cards or other junk. I think she is learning good lessons about money management. Her pet sitting has expanded to more neighbors, she has saved more money and she did purchase an AG doll this year, still with money in the bank.


I don't have a problem with a child saving for and purchasing something expensive, as long as they are at an age where they understand if something bad happens (lost, broken) that's it. The only problems I would have are the concerns others have voiced about internet use. If you think that would be reasonably controlled according to your family's values, then I don't think there's a problem with this purchase.

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The internet access would be my only concern, and it sounds like you can disable that.


Personally, I think it's great that your son has saved money and sold something he no longer uses and wants to use the money to buy something he really wants. That's the sort of mature behavior I want to reward.


I would, however, make it crystal clear that parents will not be replacing it if it gets lost or stolen or damaged. I'd help him figure out a safe place to keep it when it is not in use.


We have had to do some coaching about polite times to listen and rude times to listen, but no more so than with other social issues.

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This may or may not be an issue for the OP, but I don't like items of that sort for the under 12 set, personally. The money would enter into it, too, but honestly, on that account, I'd be likely to let them spend the money the way they chose and learn a lesson if they lose it (other issues aside). I don't tend to forbid buying too much if it's their money they're spending, as long as there's not a moral, health, or other reason why I don't want them to purchase it.


If you don't have concerns about a child that young owning an iPod, in general, then these wouldn't apply, I guess.


(I've allowed kids 12 and over to buy iPods, Nintendo DS, etc., with their own money).

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My 11 yo is saving for one right now. Dh has one and we all love it! I have to do a little more research before I allow the internet access. If it has parental controls, I'm fine with it. It will have the same restrictions as all electronics in this house. If he can save that much - I think it's a great reward!

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With the wifi access, no.

You CAN disable the wifi with password protection, set it to off and then you will be able to control the settings on it, says my hubby>


The free applications that you can get are awesome!

Think gameboy or DS times 10.


We took the free one that we got when purchasing our imac on vacation.

I downloaded a tangrams game, tic tac toe and a connect the dot game, checkers and sudoku for free.

My husband and 5yr old son fought over tangram playing time!

I kid, not~:001_huh:

I was like, "Um, we do this every week for school, and no one fights over the paper and plastic version, and now I'm setting the timer for the ipod touch tangrams? Are you serious?"

We had three gameboys with us, and everyone wanted to play the old-school games on the ipod touch.


It is very fun, and way cool with the touch capabilities.

You can also get an ibowling and igolf game where you use the ipod as you would a wii remote.


Check out lightsaber unleashed in the apple store......


We have several ipods, and no one walks around our house with headphones on.

So, it doesn't have to 'isolate' him.

He could spend his money on many other things.

This wouldn't be something that he'd outgrow in a few weeks.

It is very fragile, so get a leather case, for sure~


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There aren't any parental controls on an iPod Touch. It comes with Safari and a Youtube app, so wherever there's wi-fi the iPod Touch has access to the internet. I just got one for Christmas. I let ds12 use it sometimes, when I'm there to supervise.



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My 15 year old has one and it really is great but I think it is an awfully expensive thing for a 10 year old to have to keep up with. We are a family of iPod users and the nine year old just got his own shuffle. I think a $50 item makes me a little more comfortable than a $240 item. Also, it fits nicely in the cases for his PSP and Nintendo DS so he can carry it with him without extra baggage, kwim? Maybe you could comprmise and let him get a Nano and a big, huge iTunes card?

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My 10 yo DS just bought one with money he has been saving. It stays at home and is used for listening to audiobooks/ music at bedtime mostly. No iPods in public.


We do not have a wireless router so the internet is not a concern.


I wasn't worried about the money since it is his. If he loses/breaks etc I have no emotional stake in it.


One thing I like about the touch is that there is no need to buy a dock/speaker system since it has a built in speaker.(We don't do earbuds)

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Yes, but the internet and you tube would be turned off.


Here is a thread with some filtering software i had heard about:



And here is a locked thread on MacRumors i have about turning off the wifi. It's locked because well, it got nasty..... but it's been cleaned up and the info is helpful!



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I'd have no problem with my son (who is 7) doing this at all. He typically saves up his money to buy expensive items that he wants. He (and you) just need to be prepared in case it does break...define the parameters (for instance, we wouldn't replace a broken IPOD Touch...but ds also wouldn't get in trouble if he broke it accidentally).

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For me the issue wouldn't be the money the item cost. It would be the internet access through wifi. Of course the iPod Touch has less memory than some of the other models I think so I would be discussing with my child what they want to use it for and where best to direct that spending.


In short-at 10 I wouldn't want free access to the internet in that fashion. The dollars spent are really more of a personal issue. Only you know how responsible your child is, how much enjoyment vs cost they will get, what other items are on their wish list. I think this would be a great time to discuss how to budget one's money (when to save, spend, donate etc.).

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There aren't any parental controls on an iPod Touch. It comes with Safari and a Youtube app, so wherever there's wi-fi the iPod Touch has access to the internet. I just got one for Christmas. I let ds12 use it sometimes, when I'm there to supervise.



Yeah there are, I just double checked on mine. If you go into settings and then choose general, you will see restrictions in the menu. From there you can turn off music rated explicit, Safari, YouTube, connecting to iTunes directly through the iPod, and installing apps. Once you enable one or more of the restrictions it will ask you to choose a password.

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