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My kids just saw Barack Obama and one of his daughters...

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Actually they got shoved out of the way for his entourage, but still...a president-elect is a president-elect. They were at the zoo looking at the new tiger cubs on exhibit when they got pushed back by his security people. At least that is how they described it on the phone.


I was a little worried because my Dad is an Obama guy, my mom is definitely not! I was a McCain gal myself so I wish I had been there to reiterate that we always should have respect for the position and support our president regardless of our personal views. I'll hear about it later from my father if my kids made any remarks. :glare:


Not very interesting to the rest of you, but I had to share.

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Not very interesting to the rest of you, but I had to share.


Oh, but it IS of interest because it proves I need to go to Hawaii and meet up with you. Oka-a-a-ay, that's a bit of a stretch. But...I was thinking today that my dh wants to go to Hawaii, and so do my boys, and so do I. And that thought made me think of you. And it made me think of the Obama's current vacation. "Jo and Barry are probably hangin' together RIGHT NOW!" I thought. And see? SEE? You were. Kinda, sorta.:tongue_smilie: This all means something, I just know it...:D

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I was going to the British Consulate there for my Cantonese lesson, but when I arrived the security staff had barriers set up and were corralling behind them all the people trying to get into the building. Ten minutes later, out came Tony and Cherie. They greeted their adoring public (in fact an entirely inadvertent audience), Tony shook my hand, and they smoothed away in their black car.



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They greeted their adoring public (in fact an entirely inadvertent audience



LOL. That makes me wonder how many of the political photo ops are actually real. Not that I've ever put too much stake in what I see in the news, but I would have thought that the folks behind the barriers did actually want to see the politician they were looking at. Too funny.

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Ya know....I just made that up. I'm not sure that is the widely accepted spelling of a submarine dive "bell". Don't quote me. :D


I also make up how to write "Ooh Rah" for the Marines.



Your ahhhuuuugah - or however you spell it - I can't see it now that I am in the reply box....

It reminds me of the old horn my grandad had and passed to his dd and she actually had it installed on her car when we were kids.


Oh....I loved it. We used to beg her to blow it in the tunnels.

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No, we're not from Chicago, so we have no way of knowing for sure. DH was at the McCormick Center for a trade show and was taking a break and called me. He was standing by a window and said all of a suddne there were black Suburbans and police cars..lots of them, traveling down the road outside. Since it was sometime just after the election and it had been reported that Barack was in Chicago that particular week, we assumed it was him.

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I was driving DD home from her parent participation preschool on a warm, sunny day in the spring. Now, the preschool was very much a laid back, child led kind of place; so Dd had muddy clothes and bare feet but was not actually dripping wet or anything.


As we approached the intersection with our little neighborhood 'main street', I noticed that there were several ambulances parked on that street, and that the street itself was blocked off but crowded with pedestrians. Moving closer, I saw that there was no one milling around a wounded person, and that there were two limos on the street as well, with other official looking vehicles parked before and after them.


I assumed that it was someone running for office, so I pulled into a parking lot that ran behind most of the stores on the first block of that street, and looked for a place to park. I pulled up to an empty spot behind my favorite bookstore, and a man in a dark suit stood in the spot. So I rolled down the window, and said, "Excuse me, I would like to park there?" He said, "We would really rather you didn't, ma'am. I'm with the Secret Service." I replied, "You're kidding, right?" to which he answered, "No, ma'am, I am not," and he pulled back his jacket to show me his ID, revealing a rather large gun under the jacket as well.


So I parked somewhere else, and ran back up to the street carrying DD, to see whomever was there--I figured that it was Al Gore. But it was Bill Clinton! He had been in the bookstore for almost an hour, visiting with my friend the bookstore owner, and buying several books. (She was completely starstruck.) He came out and walked up the street to his limo, shaking hands and taking cheers. It was very exciting, although we were not in his path so we didn't get to shake hands. The Secret Service team was very nervous-acting, and kept all of the pedestrians on the sidewalk, which was just packed, so that the cars of the entourage could operate freely if necessary.

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I was once trampled by Hannibal's elephants while on holiday in the Alps.


That was before I moved to Vermont where I was once pushed aside by Howard Dean's entourage (aka his brother) while Howard took his kids on a tour of the Ben & Jerry's factory.

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Dh and I would be likely to get ourselves in trouble in situations like these. We're likely to say something like, "Excuse me! I don't care who you are but you can wait your turn just like everyone else. This IS a public place and we have every right to be here and you do."

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Dh and I would be likely to get ourselves in trouble in situations like these. We're likely to say something like, "Excuse me! I don't care who you are but you can wait your turn just like everyone else. This IS a public place and we have every right to be here and you do."


This is exactly what I said to Hannibal. He wasn't having any of it.

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Dh and I would be likely to get ourselves in trouble in situations like these. We're likely to say something like, "Excuse me! I don't care who you are but you can wait your turn just like everyone else. This IS a public place and we have every right to be here and you do."


Rights according to whom?? :D

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I was at the Hospital at the University of Pa about 14 years ago and the commencement speaker was Hillary Clinton. Well, the commencement was held outside and my room which was a single room (don't know how I got a single room !) with a beautiful large bay window with a perfect view of Hillary. I felt like all the doctors and nurses from the entire floor were in my room looking out my window. I couldn't even see her that well as I had just had surgery and could not get out of bed yet.

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