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Would you buy a new computer? (Mac)


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My Macbook is 10 years old and still works fine for the most part. My husband is chopping at the bit wanting to buy me one as a present for my birthday because they are on sale right now (education promotion). Part of me thinks that this would free up the 10 yr old one for school work for the kids, but another part of me realizes that is likely a waste. Macs seem to go forever! Right now, the only problem I have with my computer is that on some websites, graphics do not load. 

How long do Macbooks usually last? None of our PCs have lasted even half this long. I would rather buy while on sale then to be rushing in trying to buy at full price later.

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I vote new Mac--

My current desktop Mac is a 2015 model-- no plans on replacing it yet as my hubby has the 'know how' to keep it as up to date as possible. 

With that said I let him get me a new Mac laptop last year and it is great too-- faster and better on some websites...

This summer I've had some minor issues with my older desktop mac not being able to run new versions of some apps I use (If I do the latest update I'll loose ability to use some of my apps I use for my online classes-- no issues on the newer model!  Having both gives me a lot more time to transition to newer apps....

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42 minutes ago, Janeway said:

How long do Macbooks usually last?

The hardware last a lot longer than software. My DS18 is using an ancient MacBook as a Linux laptop because it is “too slow” to use as a MacBook. I have a HP laptop that is more than ten years old also happily running Linux. 
I would get the new MacBook while it is on sale. It would run newer software much smoother and faster. 

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Our Macs last forever and ever and ever. And I run things into the ground, drive them till they die, at least with regard to electronics and cars. 

The issue is that eventually you will no longer be able to get the latest OS onto a very old device. Things will run along fine after that, except there could be new apps that you’d like to use or updates to your current apps that need a newer OS. At that point, generally our Macs here are still usable and fine for most functions, but we replace them anyway.

10 years is pretty old, so I would definitely grab the educational discount and replace it.

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Mine is a 2015. It's getting to the point that I think about replacing it. I would actually like more storage on the mac itself (not all in the cloud). The charging cable is also splitting right where it plugs in to the computer, so at a minimum I think I will need to replace that soon. I will try to keep this going a little longer just because there are other expenses right now, but if it timed out right with a sale, money available, and someone looking to give me a useful gift, I think I would go for it.

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If it is still working for what you do, I would consider that extremely lucky and if it is good timing to upgrade I would.  Because it likely wouldn't be long when something you want to do isn't going to work for you.  

Before designating it a school computer, I'd try out everything you'd need to work there before I spent too much time setting it up.  Not loading up every website could be a feature for a school computer if it accesses everything you need it to for now lol.  

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I am using a 2017 and plan to use it until it starts glitching.   

I got a 2016 MacBook Air used for $150 recently to take on my trip and it works great as well.  I now plan to take that to work for some projects when I have some free moments (photo projects).

But I would replace if my husband was insisting.

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I vote yes!

I am (happily) in the apple cult, and I always vote for upgrades when there's a good deal. Your old MacBook is considered a dinosaur, even if it still works. I just upgraded all our iPhones because Verizon had a deal that was too good to resist.

Just do it!

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The problem with apple products is that the hardware keeps working forever long after the software is no longer updated. you mention that some websites already don’t work for you. That is just going to get worse. Get the new computer if you can afford it. 

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I already replied, but wanted to come back and say that your DH sounds like a really great guy who clearly loves you! 

I remember a couple other threads with things he’s done for you or ideas that he wants to do, and he’s so obviously invested in finding/giving gifts that you will love. 💕 Something about an auction purchase (that was kind of a miss, but what a thoughtful try, IIRC!) and the Christmas convention idea, and I think there were some others. What a keeper! So happy that you have someone like that in your life. I love reading your threads about his ideas, they are heartwarming and creative, and obviously he pays attention. 

(Random thoughts from another person with someone like that in her life, and is grateful every day. I wish I could be as thoughtful and creative as my own DH with gift giving! It is really a talent.)

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I've been using MacBook for the last seven years and I'm totally satisifed with it. Now I have 2021 MacBook Pro 16.2-inch with M1 Pro chip and I really like it. It works perfectly; I use it for work, watching films, and so on, and it works well. The battery holds power for enough time for me to finish everything I need.

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