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New England- Roll Call Whose out there

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New England is a great place to live. I sure wish Rhode Island got some decent snow though. We don't get much to begin with, and it keeps melting in-between snow falls. It still thrills me to sit and watch those big beautiful flakes drifting slowly through the air!

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Okay are Wendy and I the only ones in Maine??? I'm in the mid coast....look at all these New Englanders around here....which brings me to the question of homeschool conferences...can I hijack...we're reletively new to the area and are their any conferences that any of you attend in New England?

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Hi Maria,


I am in Southern Maine. I am actually pretty close to NH and only 90min from Boston. I have not been to a conference yet so I can't offer any advice. There is one in Worchester in April that the only other HS mom I know and I might go to but it is still up in the air. I do wish that I knew more "real life" HS moms.

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Hi Maria, Massachusetts has the largest convention in the area; I absolutely love it, it's the highlight of my year. Log on to MassHOPE b/c it's time to register, the convention is April 24-25. I've also been to conferences in NH (very small) and CT (a bit better IMO). I hear Maine has a pretty good convention, too. I'm not sure when it is, later in the spring maybe? From the MassHOPE website you can link to the other hs organizations in New England.

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Thanks Diane for mentioning that Convention to me, I appreciate it! The dates probably wont' work for us this year, but it's nice to know they have one "fairly" close by each year.


Wendy...it's hard to get to know RL homeschool moms, for me anyway, I think my homeschooling boards are about it. We have about three familys we know and do things with and once inawhile I meet with a group around here....I find I end up overextending us a great deal....but I did want to try to make a convention because that tends to "reinvigorate" me. My daughter has never een to one and I thought it would be good for her to be surrounded by a TON of homeschoolers...Just to see how many there are.


Feel free to pm me if you would like and perhaps between us we can figure out what it going on in Maine for conventions and so forth..if you'd like...

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Maria, from mid May to October we are in Mid coast Maine as well. We have a place in Waldoboro to be closer to my mother and my In-laws. However, when we are there we do not have internet yet! I tried to find some homeschooling contacts up there last summer, but without success...

as for conventions..haven't been to one yet! There is something in Augusta during the summer though. I think it is Christain based, like Christian homeschoolers of Maine or something like that. Last year I found I had plans with family that weekend!

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Guest tinda

I'm new here...we live near Boston, but just bought a (very small) house in Campton, NH. We will split our week between the two houses, starting next month.


We'd love to meet other homeschoolers near Campton (Waterville Valley area). If anyone lives around there, or goes there to hang out, let us know!

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