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Anyone else with no a/c


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We have central heating and air conditioning that came with the house but it is never turn on due to cost. I put ice cubes in the humidifier and my kids are amused by the “fog”. We also have blackout curtains so that helps. I also make smoothies daily. My highest was 97degF last week. It was above 100degF further inland.

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4 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

We have central heating and air conditioning that came with the house but it is never turn on due to cost. I put ice cubes in the humidifier and my kids are amused by the “fog”. We also have blackout curtains so that helps. I also make smoothies daily. My highest was 97degF last week. It was above 100degF further inland.

I slept with a ziploc bag of ice cubes last night.

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Our a/c died recently and we are having to replace our whole hvac unit. The replacement cost was very shocking and they can't get around to it until at least mid-August.  Fortunately, so far it has been a cool spring, so not too bad yet.  I am hoping it continues to stay on the cool side.

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No AC here. Our house would need major electrical upgrades to install AC. 
Normal temps this time of year are mid 80’s usually we get a couple off week in July in the mid ninety’s, but that has come early. Our low humidity levels make swamp coolers a good option for most. There are a some people in town with window unit AC, and just a handful (really I only know 1) house with central AC.

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Ours died last summer.  It was super hot.  My boys moved their desktops from the 3rd to the kitchen table and mine came down too.  I ordered an air mattress and slept in the living room - our lower level unit was replaced the summer before).  The boys and DH roughed it in their hot rooms.  It took 1.5 months for all the parts to the replacement unit to come in.  It was a very LONG summer.  

I hope yours gets fixed soon!!!

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56 minutes ago, J-rap said:

We didn't have AC when our kids were growing up.  We'd all take a cold shower before going to sleep, have fans running all night, and go to sleep with ice cold wash cloths on our foreheads.  It made it tolerable!

My little girls asked for an ice cold bath tonight. 

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Yes!! Or at least until this afternoon. Ours went out 2 ½ weeks ago, which was not too horrible at first, because we had cooler than normal temps. But this week--ugh, up in the high nineties some days. I couldn't get anybody to come, but today I tried a new place, and they worked me in. Soooo thankful!

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I am so sorry to hear that! This week is awful. We are thankful for the higher elevation here at the Alabama home. It is consistently 10 degrees cooler than when we venture down the mount to Huntsville. We do have a lot of shade trees, and that is helping the AC keep up. I am concerned for folks without AC in triple digits. The heat index is scary.

I am also thankful for the ice maker. Mark and youngest son have been working outside in this making a major, emergency repair to the house. We have been making them come in every hour and drink ice water or lemonade, and cool off. Not a good time to have to pull roots out of a septic header because the company that put the septic in 15 years ago did NOT put the header together properly...I mean...there is serious incompetence with the installation. Sigh, and of course it picked this week to come to a grinding halt. 

Stay safe everyone.

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In grad school in Georgia, I lived in old student housing with heat and air that were like the old hotel units - no thermostat, either on or off.  I never ran the air and only ran the heat for bursts in the evening because it was crazy expensive to run it and you couldn't regulate the temp at all.  I don't mind heat, so I'd open the door and window in the evening and try to get a cross breeze and then I'd run a box fan at night.  Winter about did me in, though - I'd run heat for a bit in the bedroom right before bed, and the when I woke up I'd jump straight in the shower to get warm.  For a while I drank big mugs of hot chocolate at night until I figured out it was keeping me up at night.  In the summer I'd treat myself to fudgesicles and juice pops.  I had a tiny garden plot and my main summer meal was BLTs and various cucumber salads.  

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We live in the mountains, and usually get only two to three weeks of temperatures above the mid-80s.  For many years we relied on ceiling fans, which I installed in each room.  We also got a whole-house attic fan, and ds & I installed it pointing up into the attic; when it cools down into the 50s and 60s after dark, we open the windows and the attic door, and turn on the fan to draw cool air into the house and blow out the hot air.  After the house has cooled down, we shut off the fan, but keep the windows open , and then close it up tight early in the morning drawing shades and curtains to keep the sun out.  Oh, yeah - before we had the attic fan, we ran window fans in the evening, which aren't nearly as quick and efficient.  It's always stayed pretty cool except for those few hot weeks.  The basement is always cooler, and we could camp out down there during the worst of it.  But we recently (past 4-5 years or so) got a large-room air-conditioner with a flexi-vent hose, and that works great in our second-floor bedroom which gets full afternoon sun.

So sorry you're having to deal with that kind of heat!  I like the ideas about the cool wet towels and fans.  Dd just went to Indiana for a month, and the foreseeable forecast is in the high 90s and humid!  Thankfully, she is in air conditioned space!

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Oh no.  That would be miserable!  Ours is kinda struggling.  It's not remotely a crisis, but when we set it to 74, it only cools down to 78 or so.  Which is fine, but we're early in on hot weather, and I'm wondering if we need to top off freon or something.  So that it doesn't stop working entirely in August.

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