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My teens are obsessed with Pinterest


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It's so bizarre. They have been going on and on about it, and I'm like: "Yeah. I used to Pinterest...like 10 years ago." 😂 

They inform me that artists (like themselves) are using it for aesthetic/vision/character design boards. Or teens use it for meme collections. Or to watch TiK Tok (since they aren't allowed to have TikTok accounts...*eye roll*). 

Is this a thing amongst your teens? I used to use it for teaching or craft ideas...or home improvement/decoration inspiration, but it's been years since I regularly used it. I didn't realize it had current appeal. A Pinterest Renaissance, lol?

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Teen here used it pretty heavily for the things that OP’s teens do.  It can lead to some pretty weird rabbit holes, things I never would have thought would be on Pinterest.  Mostly fine, but some seriously... odd ... things.  I just want to come right out and say to be careful.  There’s a chat feature, and anyone can follow and/or contact your kid.  I had only ever used it for school stuff and craft projects, didn’t even know there was a private chat type thing.  So I would make sure your kid has firm boundaries, and will let you know if someone contacts them.

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24 minutes ago, Spryte said:

Teen here used it pretty heavily for the things that OP’s teens do.  It can lead to some pretty weird rabbit holes, things I never would have thought would be on Pinterest.  Mostly fine, but some seriously... odd ... things.  I just want to come right out and say to be careful.  There’s a chat feature, and anyone can follow and/or contact your kid.  I had only ever used it for school stuff and craft projects, didn’t even know there was a private chat type thing.  So I would make sure your kid has firm boundaries, and will let you know if someone contacts them.

Thanks.  My kids have discovered memes on Pinterest and come across a few weird ones.

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1 hour ago, Ausmumof3 said:

Thanks.  My kids have discovered memes on Pinterest and come across a few weird ones.

Yep, there are some weird ones. DH and I have a high tolerance for art, but some of this stuff was over the top.  

And then there was the stalker-ish person who followed teen’s boards and kept contacting him.  😱

Our experience ended rather disturbingly.

Which is so strange, because I have Pinterest associated with such wholesome things.

I think it’s perfectly fine for most people, but my artistic teen with the fandom art and aesthetic searches landed on some questionable stuff.  And once you get there, Pinterest keeps serving up more and more.

Edited by Spryte
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I agree @Spryte and I'm sorry you had that experience. It's like YouTube algorithms drawing you deeper down the rabbit hole. Search one thing (my kid is a bit into emo/punk) and suddenly they're fed all these other things that are supposed to be part of their 'identity' 😒

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