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Day 14 of Covid

Mrs Tiggywinkle

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And still symptoms. If anything I feel worse today.  It’s still mild, but the fatigue is crippling. I can’t get off the couch. I’ve got GI symptoms and can’t stay hydrated. Everything hurts down to my teeth.

I’m just complaining. DH has continually tested negative and so he can work and is gone daily between both jobs. So it’s me and 3 kids. It’s my last semester of my M.Ed and I’m behind on schoolwork. I don’t even want to talk about homeschooling and housework.  Usually my mom and MIL would be here helping, but since the kids could potentially be contagious(even though they remain asymptomatic, we aren’t testing them) they can’t be here.  Public health tells me I aM now not contagious and my quarantine ended at 10 days post symptoms, which I thought was hilarious since I can’t get off the couch.

In good news, New York has good paid family leave and I’ve taken it.  

Thanks for listening to me whine.  I just needed to say it, lol. 

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I also seem to have quite a few CNS symptoms. No taste, no smell, vertigo, and a sudden onset severe depression.  I’ve survived the last year without developing clinical depression, but apparently Covid has done me in.  My doctor says they’re starting to see this in people who also have significant CNS symptoms, according to the most recent literature.

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22 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

I also seem to have quite a few CNS symptoms. No taste, no smell, vertigo, and a sudden onset severe depression.  I’ve survived the last year without developing clinical depression, but apparently Covid has done me in.  My doctor says they’re starting to see this in people who also have significant CNS symptoms, according to the most recent literature.


I am sorry you are feeling lousy.

CNS involvement is especially concerning.


Are you being given any treatment?   It sounds like whether leading edge CV19 pharmaceuticals or trial of some alternative poor person therapy, you need something.


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I had crushing anxiety after COVID.  (I mean I was already diagnosed with Anxiety, but my post-infection anxiety was *so much worse*.)  I had great benefit from going on an SSRI.

Otherwise: rest, hydration, probiotics, rest...  It’s a strange virus, and loves to ebb and flow.  You will gradually get better, with lots of relapses along the way.  Consider joining us over at the Body Politic forum.  Lots of support from a great group of people. 

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Vent vent vent here.  If it makes you feel better,  we are listening.   I am so sorry you are not feeling well.  

Are you a part of specialized monitoring since you are in your second round of this?

Can you take some time off of school and finish it later?  An extension. 

Are you homeschooling on your own not through the schools?  If so take time off now.

Can your dh take some family leave?

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This is the point at which I'm hearing of a lot of doctors doing a round, maybe even two rounds, of a steroid taper.  It seems to reset the immune system, especially when there are CNS symptoms.  You are well out of the viral phase, so it's good timing for steroids to begin. 

Also, the Marik protocol includes OTC concentrated fish oil (I'd make it molecularly distilled) for high doses of EPA and DHA, because those are the building blocks for membranes, including for the blood-brain barrier.  This virus seems to create conditions in which the BBB can really take a beating, and that can lead to some of the CNS symptoms, headaches, mood disorders, loss of taste and smell, insomnia, and so on.  There is another theoretical mechanism by which the immune system becomes so hyper-stimulated that it starts behaving in an autoimmune fashion, and if it's that rather than BBB degradation/permeability, then steroids helping to tamp down the autoimmune response are helpful as well. 


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