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Ocular Migraine?


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I'm in the office today. We moved recently and the lights in the new building are quite bright, but thankfully have dimmers. I think the lights triggered something, possibly an ocular migraine? I was suddenly seeing what looked like a lightning bolt or a fireline or something in my right eye and it was hard to focus on opening mail. It lasted about 20-25 min and then went away. I am extra stressed an anxious at the moment and it could be related to that, but when I googled, it sounded like it could have been an ocular migraine? Now that the light is gone, I have a dull headache over that eye. I have an unrelated appt with my pcp on Monday and will bring it up, but would love to hear from anyone that's had something like this before! I'm already anxious, so worrying about my eyeball murdering me is not something I'm particularly enjoying this afternoon.

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I have had ocular migraines, though never associated with pain or lasting more than a minute.  I've talked with several ophthalmologists about it and not one ever expressed any concern about it.  I haven't had one in years now.  When I did have them they were infrequent.  So take comfort in that they may just disappear on their own.

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I get regular migraines all the time and have had ocular ones a few times. I haven’t had pain with them, just the weird zigzags and obstructed vision. Very trippy! My friend got one when she was driving on the highway and had to pull over and call her husband to pick her up because she couldn’t see.

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2 hours ago, purpleowl said:

Sounds similar to my experience except that the visual disturbance is with both eyes, not just one. Like, it might be on the right side, but it's still there even if I close my right eye. 

I get them very infrequently and don't know what my triggers are. 

OK - yes, now that I think about it, regardless of which eye I closed I could still see it, but it felt like it was my right eye if that makes sense? 

And thank you!! I can't nap, but I did take a couple of Advil and I'm feeling a lot better. I hadn't eaten anything and just ate which is also helping. I have an eye appt on 9/1 and will make sure to mention to my PCP and eye dr. just in case, but I feel so much better now that I know other people have had similar. DH seemed to think it was really really weird and was pretty concerned. 

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That definitely sounds like a migraine.  My dh and dd often feel the actual pain in just one eye-area.  Their weird vision, however,  (check mark, spots, etc.) affects both eyes.  Very typical.   Generally they are harmless, just something to get through.

In our experience, the weird vision (checkmarks, etc.) precedes the migraine and generally lasts up to 30 minutes or so.  Then the headache comes.

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I had ocular migraines when I was pregnant with dd. I was teaching at a private school at the time and found if I didn't close my eyes for even 15 min, sometimes almost all of my vision would be obstructed with kaleidoscope colors and vision. Sometimes it was only in one eye and if I rested my eyes shortly after it started, it wouldn't get worse. I never had pain associated with them, but I could tell I was stressed by how frequently and severely they affected me. Mine went away by themselves. 

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My ds has ocular migranes. His start out looking like cracked glass over whatever he's seeing and a narrower field of vision. Then the severe headache hits for about 12-18 hours and it really wipes him out. 

His doctor has him taking Excedrine Migraine at the first sign of symptoms. 

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That sounds similar to aura associated with migraines. I’m not familiar what the difference is between ocular migraines and aura.

For me, when I get migraines with aura, I’ll see the aura for 15-20 minutes, then it’ll go away, and then a few minutes later the migraine headache will come on. 

I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. 😕 I hope you feel better soon! 

Edited by Vintage81
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Sounds like an ocular migraine. I don't know what triggers my ocular migraines - sometimes really bright lights can do it.  Our new lights in my office are now really bright so I usually keep them off until dusk since I have a big window.  So yes, adjusting the lights works and glad you have a dimmer switch.   I usually take a couple tylenol and its gone in 15 minutes.  Caffeine sometimes helps along with the tylenol. If I don't take anything, then it progressively gets worse and makes it hard to see around the zigzag lightning bolts in my eyes.  I rarely get an actual migraine headache afterwards.   

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Sounds like my ocular migraines. I've never had pain with it, just the visual disturbance.

Weird lighting, including grey skies and screens can be triggers for me, but also dehydration, weird food, lack of sleep and messing with my caffeine intake (I'm pretty sensitive to caffeine, and need to either abstain or consume a similar small amount daily. Too much or too little can throw me off.)

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I’ve had them a few times without associated headache. It really scared me the first time it happened. Mine looked like water droplets and wavy lines around the edges of my vision. Lasted about 20-30 min each time. I saw both my eye dr and regular doctor. Neither were particularly concerned and said it sounded like ocular migraine. My ophthalmologist said they are generally more concerned with sudden loss of vision than a “gain” —lightning bolts, waves, etc.
It’s definitely good you have appointments soon, and can discuss with your doctors just to make sure it’s nothing else. 

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If you find an association with food triggers, try taking a fiber supplement. For me, that has greatly reduced the incidence of ocular migraine. Also, pay attention to anything you have eaten before they occur. My triggers include chocolate, red grapes, black raisins, and possibly cinnamon. Sometimes it helps to take extra fiber when I eat one of these foods.


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I get them and they are annoying. I think mine are triggered by hormones & also lights. For me, I have to take ibuprofen and lay down for about 20-30 min. If I don't take the medication then I will get a horrible headache that lasts 1-2 days. Mine are what I can only describe as tunnel vision. The edges are super blurry and my eyes feel weird. 

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Thank you! So reassuring when you learn I'm not alone with odd symptoms! I had my PCP appt today and she was completely not worried about it and let me know she gets them too. She said if they start happening frequently or if I have a lot of pain, that she would want to see me in person to do an exam, but if it's a one time or an occasional thing, she's not worried. When I told her what happened, she said it sounded just like an ocular migraine and Dr. Hive was right. 🙂

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