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My last baby bird went to B&M high school today


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Congrats on a job well done and hugs. I'm a long time WTM reader (from many transformations of the Boards) and am preparing to start my 22 year tomorrow. I'm down to only two students (a Senior and a Sophomore) and my days homeschooling are coming to an end. It's exciting and..bittersweet. I'm hoping that you have something lovely planned for today.

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15 minutes ago, Nicholas_mom said:

Oh lots of (((((hugs))))))!!!   So I won't see you at Co-op anymore 😞    

BTW, I can see he is so excited to go, too.

P.S. My son does not recognize your son.  He asked if public schools have your hair parted that way.

We’re still members this year, though; I was thinking he could still attend some events this year. 

That’s so funny what your son said! 😂

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Young soldier has returned from Day One. 🙂 No major issues; some moderate confusion about when he was supposed to go to lunch. I was worried about bus pick-up because the end of our driveway is not an official bus stop, but in order to get to the “real” bus stop, he would have to walk down the insane state road with no shoulder, in the weeds. So I was nervous about that. But the driver accommodated him. 

Someone did tell him that a kid he used to know was “into drugs now”. I don’t know any way to verify that info but sadly, it sorta makes sense with some other things. So that was troubling. 

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2 hours ago, Katy said:

Did you end up choosing the public school or the private one?

Public. We simply cannot afford the private and, since I am looking for employment, we need the transportation. 

I’m feeling good about the school, though. If he has to go to public, I’m glad he is going to this one. 

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2 hours ago, cintinative said:

How did the first day go?

It went well! 

Here’s what I said a few posts back: 


Young soldier has returned from Day One. 🙂 No major issues; some moderate confusion about when he was supposed to go to lunch. I was worried about bus pick-up because the end of our driveway is not an official bus stop, but in order to get to the “real” bus stop, he would have to walk down the insane state road with no shoulder, in the weeds. So I was nervous about that. But the driver accommodated him. 

They have an assembly and fun social thingy the first day and I think he did well with that. He met 12 kids. So hopefully, he will find a niche of nice friends early on. 

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