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That's it, I just simply STINK at organizing


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Something to consider in general in a very tall storage area--while at 'one shelf above your head and below' storage should be relatively shallow so that you can see and reach everything easily, a shelf across the whole top of the closet that is full width and full depth, assuming it doesn't cut off light to the shelves below, is a great use of space.  I put big bulky stuff (out of season blankets, large and rarely used pans/molds, bulk containers for decanting of dry goods) toward the back, and shallow open topped baskets in front so that it's easy to clear the front stuff out  when you need to get to the back stuff.  Full closet sized shelves are impractical mostly, but work if they are very high up.

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I haven't read the responses as I'm just popping in (will go back and read later), but this was incredibly helpful to me:



Identifying what sort of organizer you are and knowing how you reach a level of calm with it it essential. I'm a ladybug so I've found that if I have large containers (like yours in your pantry) to organize things in so that everything LOOKS put away I feel like things are organized. I'm not a cricket, who must have even those things in bins organized, or any of the other bugs, who like things stored differently. 

Seriously, I don't think you stink at organizing, as that's how I organize my pantry! You may FEEL that you do because you'd feel more at peace organizing it differently. Take the test and see!

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4 hours ago, importswim said:

I haven't read the responses as I'm just popping in (will go back and read later), but this was incredibly helpful to me:



Identifying what sort of organizer you are and knowing how you reach a level of calm with it it essential. I'm a ladybug so I've found that if I have large containers (like yours in your pantry) to organize things in so that everything LOOKS put away I feel like things are organized. I'm not a cricket, who must have even those things in bins organized, or any of the other bugs, who like things stored differently. 

Seriously, I don't think you stink at organizing, as that's how I organize my pantry! You may FEEL that you do because you'd feel more at peace organizing it differently. Take the test and see!


That was fun!  I'm a Bee!  Who knew?  That's why the OP's bins bothered me so much.  I like things ultra-organized and visible.  

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10 hours ago, importswim said:

I haven't read the responses as I'm just popping in (will go back and read later), but this was incredibly helpful to me:



Identifying what sort of organizer you are and knowing how you reach a level of calm with it it essential. I'm a ladybug so I've found that if I have large containers (like yours in your pantry) to organize things in so that everything LOOKS put away I feel like things are organized. I'm not a cricket, who must have even those things in bins organized, or any of the other bugs, who like things stored differently. 

Seriously, I don't think you stink at organizing, as that's how I organize my pantry! You may FEEL that you do because you'd feel more at peace organizing it differently. Take the test and see!


Quiz says I am a Bee but I think I am more of a cricket.  But not really sure I completely fit into any category on there.  Hmmmm....

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10 hours ago, importswim said:

I haven't read the responses as I'm just popping in (will go back and read later), but this was incredibly helpful to me:



Identifying what sort of organizer you are and knowing how you reach a level of calm with it it essential. I'm a ladybug so I've found that if I have large containers (like yours in your pantry) to organize things in so that everything LOOKS put away I feel like things are organized. I'm not a cricket, who must have even those things in bins organized, or any of the other bugs, who like things stored differently. 

Seriously, I don't think you stink at organizing, as that's how I organize my pantry! You may FEEL that you do because you'd feel more at peace organizing it differently. Take the test and see!

Thanks so much for this.  I feel like I have been validated.   I'm a Ladybug.  It was fun watching the Ladybug video and thinking "I've been doing that for years"   But, it always felt like the lazy person's way to organize.  Now I know it's just my style.   I feel so much better now.  

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Ok, I had a black bin, shorter, but the same style as my white bins.  I put it under the stove top, in the cabinet with the pans, and I put all my lids in there.  They fit great!  And they get them more organized.   At least that cupboard is looking good and all in place.  As long as I don't get more pots and pans I guess!  But I fear there are a few more coming in the next set of boxes.  

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2 minutes ago, happi duck said:

I'm a cricket but I'm in the "things in piles awaiting the perfect system" stage.  This explains a lot!


I have a little bit of that.  I saw the OXO clear plastic containers and thought how great it looked and my son said, "Mom, our stuff doesn't fit exactly in containers, what will you do with the extra?"  He has a point and taht would frustrate me to no end.

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The quiz says I am a ladybug, but I don't think that's right. When reading the summaries of each bug, I find I don't fit any of them. What I would LIKE to be is nothing like the way that I AM. So I could pick which style of organizing would be my preference, but it is not the way that I function at all.

I am a perfectionist, but a procrastinator. So I would like everything to be completely perfect, but I can't get it that way, so I put things off, and it all piles up, and I am in a constant state of frustration about it. For some of the quiz questions, I could have picked any of the answers.

I am probably mostly a cricket. But I don't think those buggy categories are really helpful to me.

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The cricket is a "perfectionist but a procrastinator" with piles awaiting the perfect system.

Why I do find this helpful to know...it explains why at other times in my life I've been happily organized and why now feels like such chaos.  I see the piles now and wonder where the organized person I used to be went.  I look at it now and agree that in the past I had the time and space to have a "perfect" system and that I need to give a little on "perfection".

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13 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

Thanks so much for this.  I feel like I have been validated.   I'm a Ladybug.  It was fun watching the Ladybug video and thinking "I've been doing that for years"   But, it always felt like the lazy person's way to organize.  Now I know it's just my style.   I feel so much better now.  

You are SO welcome! It has helped me immensely, I'm glad it was helpful to you! I read this a few years ago and have never forgotten it. I'm a ladybug too! 🤗 It took me a while to figure out what my organizing style is and what brings me rest. 



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Do you have another closet, or place to put another cabinet in a different part of the house that can serve as your store room for duplicates?  If you only keep one of something, or even just frequently used items, in the pantry, and restock as necessary, it might be more manageable.  What about a reshuffle?  Maybe this pantry area would work best for dish and pan storage and the kitchen cabinets would be easier to organize into food storage categories? 

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On 7/14/2019 at 9:57 AM, Æthelthryth the Texan said:

I have a wire rack similar to what you have posted on the door. It screws into the wood and runs the length of the door. You can’t tell from the exterior and the door does close all the way. The last owners of the house had it put in. I also have the U shelving- which they had to do to fit the door rack. The only positive I can say is it allows the lighting to illuminate every shelf from the top. But stuff can get knocked off so easily trying to sort things on those more narrow shelves. I’d love normal full shelves. To me it’s a sound good theory, but when you have lots of glass bottles you’re sorting through it’s a pain. Too easy to knock things off. 


Would it be possible to add a little rail along the shelves to help keep stuff on?  Or even just on two sides and attach to the wall at each end? Because the u shape looks nice.

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7 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Do you have another closet, or place to put another cabinet in a different part of the house that can serve as your store room for duplicates?  If you only keep one of something, or even just frequently used items, in the pantry, and restock as necessary, it might be more manageable.  What about a reshuffle?  Maybe this pantry area would work best for dish and pan storage and the kitchen cabinets would be easier to organize into food storage categories? 


Not really, it is on the other side of the kitchen from the sink and dishwasher so keeping dishes and pans in the pantry would be a pain.  

Kind of have another closet, but in the back of the closet is the access to the water behind the fridge and some other stuff, so I can't put permanent shelving in there or anything.  

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On 7/17/2019 at 8:59 AM, fairfarmhand said:

Well,  I saw this: Storing-Packets.jpg


and thought of this thread. A command strip hook plus a binder clip.

That's genius! Right now I have a small box holding my sachets but I like this idea so much more! I'm going to have to get some binder clips next time I go to the store. 

Thanks for sharing!

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