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I’m 3 weeks in a cycle.

Is this just a normal part of getting older and entering menopause?

I’ve had an eternal cycle that really was an ectopic pregnancy, but I’m pretty sure that’s not the case this time.

 I called the nurse line yesterday because I was on the phone with the drs office anyway and something prompted me to leave a message.  Up until that point, I thought I was feeling fine and it was just an annoyance, but I guess after talking about it, I’m realizing how fatigued I am, how raw I feel down there, and how I’m gaining weight (from not feeling good and craving carbs).  I’m supposed to call first thing Friday morning to get a walk in appointment.  The system wouldn’t let her schedule one on Wednesday for Friday yet and they are closed today.  My dr is out, so I’ll have to see someone else.  Fun.



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I don’t think it’s normal, but also not necessarily anything really bad either. It’s good you’re seeing the doctor. I would think they should check your thyroid levels and iron along with any necessary gyn stuff just to rule out anything serious. I have Hashimotos hypothyroidism, and when I was younger, one of my symptoms that my thyroid was off were super heavy and long periods (3-4 weeks). My dd started having the same thing and was tested for thyroid disease, which she also has. 

Hope you get some answers and feeling better soon! 

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My cycle has been that way for years, sadly with zero signs of freedom (aka menopause). I'm 46.

I do notice that taking iron eliminates the fatigue, if not the constant annoyance of the situation. 

Eta: I have had my thyroid checked and its normal. My doctor assures me a 3 week cycle is well within typical range.

Edited by MEmama
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Do you mean you've had a period for three weeks now?  I know my sister had an eternal one as she was entering menopause around 50.  So, although it's not completely unusual, it's probably good to have it checked out.

I had thyroid problems and low iron in my 40's, and my periods have always been either very rare or very long.  (I have PCOS.)


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Do you mean bleeding continuing for 3 weeks duration?  (Imo not normal see gyn doctor ASAP! Especially if a lot of blood is being lost not just a scant amount or spotting) 

Or do you mean menstruating again after a time , at least  2 weeks or so of not bleeding, starting 3 weeks after first day of last m.p.?  (Imo very Possibly normal, but if it’s a sudden change from a formerly regular longer cycle also see a doctor when you can) 

Edited by Pen
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2 minutes ago, Pen said:

Do you mean bleeding continuing for 3 weeks duration?  (Imo not normal see gyn doctor ASAP! Especially if a lot of blood is being lost not just a scant amount or spotting) 


I assume you aren’t hemorrhaging or would go in as an emergency, not be asking here, right? 


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Not normal and especially how bad you feel definitely go in.  My SIL is going through something similar....several months in a row of periods that last for 3 weeks.  They tried some hormone stuff but it made her PMS horrible so now she is going to try a D&C.  

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it can be a "normal" part of perimenopause - however, it's best to have it checked out.  my sil left a message with her gyn's nurse, the nurse told her it was nothing to worry about.  when she later went in and actually saw her dr - he wanted to know why she hadn't come in earlier.   so, do make sure you hear from the doc - not just the nurse.

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you should have it checked out.  I had those too.  It turns out I had a cyst (non cancerous) and this is pretty normal for women at menopause.  Mine was mostly caused by HRT, so dr. advised me to go off.  Now it's hot-flash city and no sleep for me - but no more periods so far.  There are other alternatives to consider too and could help you.  I'm actually thinking of discussing it more with my dr. soon because of the sleeplessness and hot flashes.

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I wouldn't worry, but I do think you're doing the right thing to get it checked out. Lots of things can cause period wonkiness during the peri-menopause years, and a certain amount of weirdness isn't unusual at all. But when it's enough that you're noticing fatigue you need to get it checked out and figure out how to stop it. Not to mention that the non-stop bleeding is a huge quality of life issue that nobody should have to put up with. Mine was caused by a large fibroid.

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4 minutes ago, Pawz4me said:

I wouldn't worry, but I do think you're doing the right thing to get it checked out. Lots of things can cause period wonkiness during the peri-menopause years, and a certain amount of weirdness isn't unusual at all. But when it's enough that you're noticing fatigue you need to get it checked out and figure out how to stop it. Not to mention that the non-stop bleeding is a huge quality of life issue that nobody should have to put up with. Mine was caused by a large fibroid.


I agree.   3-4 weeks of flow is one of the more undiscussed symptoms of peri-menopause but can also be a symptom of a host of other ailments ranging from benign polyps to cancer.  In my case the GYN thought polyps were the issue. He removed them but nothing changed.  Further tests revealled nothing.  GYN offered a D&C, I decided to wait it out.  After about a year, the bleeding slowed and over the next couple of years tapered to just a few days every other month or so.  

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I'm agreeing with the others--it's not necessarily a huge thing, but it IS a thing and should be addressed. About four years ago I had a period that came late, then when it finally started, it was normal heaviness for the first couple of weeks, then it got heavier and heavier and just didn't stop. Finally it wasn't quite hemorrhaging, but it was hard to leave the house, so I went to the doctor. She gave me progesterone, which stopped it temporarily, but when it started back up she had me take birth control pills in a specific combination over the next couple of months and then taper off...and the problem was solved. Further tests showed no problems, and my period was normal for the next year or so. (Then it started going wonky again, but nothing like that whole episode. This just looks like perimenopause BS!)

My point is, it could be as simple as a hormonal blink and easily fixed. Or there's a teeny weeny chance it could be more serious. But either way, you don't want to ignore it. I did end up with chronic anemia from the blood loss that I'm still fighting years later. An annoyance, but one that's easily headed off if you address the problem now. Best of luck to you!

ETA: I'm assuming that you mean you've been bleeding for three weeks. If that's not right, then just ignore me 😄

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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9 hours ago, J-rap said:

Do you mean you've had a period for three weeks now?  I know my sister had an eternal one as she was entering menopause around 50.  So, although it's not completely unusual, it's probably good to have it checked out.

I had thyroid problems and low iron in my 40's, and my periods have always been either very rare or very long.  (I have PCOS.)


Yes, still fresh blood

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9 hours ago, Pen said:

Do you mean bleeding continuing for 3 weeks duration?  (Imo not normal see gyn doctor ASAP! Especially if a lot of blood is being lost not just a scant amount or spotting) 

Or do you mean menstruating again after a time , at least  2 weeks or so of not bleeding, starting 3 weeks after first day of last m.p.?  (Imo very Possibly normal, but if it’s a sudden change from a formerly regular longer cycle also see a doctor when you can) 

Three weeks straight 

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8 hours ago, school17777 said:

Three weeks straight 

I'm sorry I misunderstood you. Please disregard my earlier reply.

I would definitely get checked out ASAP. Other posters have raised some good questions to bring up with your doctor. 

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Saw the dr this morning.

Her thoughts are the same as mentioned here, but we won’t know until she gets back bloodwork and ultrasound results.

-starting peri menopause 

- cyst

- fibroid 

My work was not happy for me to only work a half day on the day of the first available appointment, so I rescheduled to outside of work hours.  If I stop bleeding before then I can cancel, otherwise, now I won’t get the results until the week after next.  And now I feel stress running through my body.




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8 minutes ago, school17777 said:

Saw the dr this morning.

Her thoughts are the same as mentioned here, but we won’t know until she gets back bloodwork and ultrasound results.

-starting peri menopause 

- cyst

- fibroid 

My work was not happy for me to only work a half day on the day of the first available appointment, so I rescheduled to outside of work hours.  If I stop bleeding before then I can cancel, otherwise, now I won’t get the results until the week after next.  And now I feel stress running through my body.




Waiting on results is so hard. I hope you can be extra kind to yourself in the meantime.  

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2 hours ago, kiwik said:

Your work would prefer you bled all over their furniture or fainted from blood loss I guess?

I didn’t tell them why I needed the appointment.  I have never in all my work career had that kind of response.  I’m still stressed about it.  

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