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The Tent Campers Renezvous


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Hello, all! I'm getting back into tent camping after a several year hiatus. I just MISS being out in nature, and hearing all those
wonderful sounds!

Who here tent camps? Do you have favorite spots to go? What do YOU get out of it?

Growing up we'd camp about twice a year, at least, probably more, with the family, using a pop-up trailer. I have fond memories of 
getting up early with my dad to go fishing on the lake. I love the sounds the critters make at dusk and dawn, especially along the pond.
For years, my husband and I  have lived in a townhouse with nowhere to store a pop-up. We've gone tent camping a few times. He and my son more than I . Last year I decided I finally needed to get out and do it again. I enjoyed it, although where we went it was a little chilly. Not a huge deal, though, in the scheme of things.  Even now, seeing snow out my back door, I find myself wanting to go camping, snow or no!

So, talk to me, please, and share with me: what motivates you to go camping? Do you backpack camp? What are some of your favorite camping items? And favorite memories? Thanks!

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I love tent camping!  It's been forever since I've backpacked, but I really enjoy that, too.  Mostly I just like to be outside as much as possible in the summer and away from the bustle of everyday life.  I think my absolute favorite memories are in Sequoia national park, but I've camped from coast to coast (and elsewhere) and on the east, Acadia wins.  I'm not good in the snow, though- I struggle to stay warm if it's too cold out.  DH and I have compromised over the years because he prefers cabins, but we found if we invested in extra long cots, he could tent camp.

Favorite items would be my towels.  That sounds silly, doesn't it? But we picked them up at a pretty cool outdoors shop in Europe and they're super thin.  I can pack 4 in the same space I could pack one standard towel.  We each have our own color to help us tell them apart.  Second favorite would be a multi-directional LED lantern.  I grew up with old lanterns, so just being able to see so well at night is fantastic.

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I love camping, but boy do I want to upgrade to a travel trailer! I’ve developed a serious fear of bears as I’ve gotten older (they’re all over my house property as it is) and my back really wants an actual mattress, lol.

My husband and his friend are in a bit of a “glamping” competition, lol.  Despite the usual no-frills spot (no water, no electric, no nothing), they set up elaborate cook and washing areas with all the latest and greatest things.

My favorite things are lots of solar lights, having a screen room on the front of my tent (really reduces bugs and dirt), and a French press to make my coffee.  I can’t seem to get the hang of a percolator!

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Following as I would love your camp with my bike and kayak.  I only have a mini van as a tow vehicle and I am older so would love a real mattress....and ideally a camping toilet for those night time calls.

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We've been tent camping for 7 years. We started at Disney with plenty of family support (camping with young children!). But last year we took our first extended trip by ourselves. We went for two weeks to North Georgia, Pisgah National Forest, and Smokey Mountain National Park. And now we're planning one for this fall to include Niagara Falls and Acadia National Park. 

Our extended family (DH camped with his family growing up) keeps wondering when we're going to get a camper... but we have to haul too many people and too much equipment as it is! Maybe my tune will change as I get older, but for now we prefer the tent. In fact, we just purchased our first canvas tent. We used it in N GA over spring break and it works well so far! The more common plastic tents are SO HOT in the South.

When we camp, we camp to camp - we don't do too much sight-seeing or day trips. It takes a bit of effort to get all 6 of us fed throughout the day, cleaned up, etc... plus my kids are young enough that just exploring the woods and trails nearby are enough for them. My DH LOVES to camp, but for me it's an aquired taste - I never call it a vacation since I'm still doing so many household duties, but it is a nice change of pace and a lot more peaceful and calm (as long as it isn't raining!) 

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I also enjoy tent camping and backpacking.  I haven't backpacked in over 10yrs and I miss it.  I don't know if I could handle it unless I get into better shape.  It's been a few years since I went tent camping too.  No one in the family but me enjoys it and my kids are 17yrs and up. 

You don't say which region you're in.  I love Dolly Sods Natural Wilderness in WV.  There's a small rough campground (no motor homes).  You have to bring in or pump your own water at the pump.  It's mostly a popular place for backpackers.  So lots of wonderful trails.  That is my happy place in the world.   What makes it unique is that it has several climate zones.... from a windswept mountain that is similar to tundra to a lush, moderate rainforest near the Red Creek.  



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We camp with our kids' scouting organizations multiple times each year, but haven't yet done a camping vacation, though I'd like to. Dh grew up camping with a pop-up and I did a lot of backpacking as a teen and young adult.

Dh and I do sleep on cots. My over-50 body doesn't do well on the ground! I too love solar lanterns, and coffee in the french press. I want a chair with a high back, high enough to rest my head on the back.

My kids are getting hammocks for their birthdays, coming up soon. 

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Before kids I did a big backpacking trip serious most of Arizona, Mexico to Flagstaff. I would still like to finish that some day.

Last fall I took my youngest dd and camped a few nights in Garden of the Gods at the southern end of Illinois.

I was toying with the idea of camping my way down to Big Bend National Park with all three dc this summer. Planning is on hold for the moment while I wait to see how June unfolds. "On hold" is often the kiss of death for camping trips, though!

Equipment I love includes my little kettle for car camping, the tent door mat that I made using the British airmail bag that our boxed set of Horrible Histories came in, and my collapsible bucket.

You asked what motivates me to go camping. I think my ultimate driver is to show myself and my dc that we can do it. We can go somewhere and keep ourselves alive and have fun and it doesn't have to cost a lot (although it is never quite as cheap as I expect...)

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Tent camper here.   We use air mattresses for sleeping on- DH and I use a double high one, and we find it quite comfortable.

My number one need for a successful camping trip (other than tent and bedding) is a stack of books and a camp chair.  If I spend the entire week doing nothing but reading in nature, it's a successful trip.  We only go for one week a year, but that one week is so essential to recharging my batteries. 

We go camping with my parents and brothers and sisters, so it's a group effort.  We all reserve our own individual campsites, and then we reserve a large one as the group gathering site- no one sleeps at that site.  We bring a ton of stuff to set up a great camp kitchen, camp games, kayaks, canoes, etc.  Each family takes a turn preparing the evening meal for the whole gang, and other meals are not organized with the whole group.  

I have pictures.  🙂

Here is our camp kitchen set up.  We take a large set of metal shelving that comes apart for easy transport, and all the kitchenware goes on there, as well as drawers which hold all the paper goods.  We keep basic cooking supplies on these shelves also- things like vegetable oil and seasonings.  Nothing that would attract wildlife.  Most food gets stored in the van.


Because we take a whole bunch of campsites in a row, we take the picnic table from the site that we put our sleeping tent at, and move it to the group site so that there is room for all at meal time.  Altogether we have 14 young people ranging in age from 3 to 18 if everyone comes.  Someone also usually brings a screen tent, and after hours the board gamers stay up late playing all manner of board games.  My brothers and BIL are serious gamers and have taught us all kinds of great games the last few years.  The screen tent is a must when the bugs are out and are attracted to the lights by the games- my brother did not appreciate moth guts on his Scythe game board. 



Food is a huge part of our camping experience.  We all love to play with new ideas for foods to cook over the fire to feed a crowd.  We tend to save the simple camping fare (hot dogs, burgers, etc) for lunch time meals and go all out for dinner.  Some of our favorites are ribs, loaded baked potatoes, fajitas, cowboy stew, brisket, salmon, BBQ chicken.  WE menu plan ahead of time with the whole gang so that we can keep the meals varied.  We have several grill racks for cooking over the fire, as well as a fantastic camp stove.    There have been years where we've called up a local firewood supplier and had a cord of wood delivered to the campsite for the week.  We usually supply a pair of coolers as well- one gets loaded up with juice bottles, boxes and waters, and the other for adult beverages.  



And finally, for your amusement.  The first year we had this large campsite as our group site, we put the kitchen in a different spot- and soon discovered where the water puddles when it rains.  We had a lot of rain that year, and Lake Wannahawkalugie turned out to not be a great spot for the kitchen.   But the little ones had a blast wandering from campsite to campsite splashing in the mud puddles! 



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We love to tent camp, but are definitely car campers! We camp approx. 6 times a year - nowadays 2-3 of those are with the girl scouts. We tend to camp in Texas state parks. 

This August/September we are taking a giant road trip through the national parks, and camping for two weeks through Glacier, Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons. 

We camp because those are the times I feel like I am doing parenting right. As we drive home and the kids are exhausted, filthy, and covered in bug bites, begging to stay at the state park and live there, I feel like this is one aspect of parenting that I am winning. 

I'm on a hunt for a new tent. Mine is enormous. I tried an instant tent which was absolutely brilliant, but with cheap and shoddy execution. I'd love to see a camping name brand make one. There are quick set tents from the major brands, but they're all larger than I want this go-round. I need to pick quick - next trip is in 2 weeks!

We also got a couple kayaks and that is awesome.

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We enjoy tent camping, and have been enjoying camping with our Cub Scout Pack and Girl Scout Troop the last year and a half. DD sleeps on a cot, DS and I are fine on mats. However, next time we go up into the pines, I want to take a hammock and see how that is! 

My favorite thing is that everyone has to unplug for a while.

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/1/2019 at 7:04 AM, carriede said:

We've been tent camping for 7 years. We started at Disney with plenty of family support (camping with young children!). But last year we took our first extended trip by ourselves. We went for two weeks to North Georgia, Pisgah National Forest, and Smokey Mountain National Park. And now we're planning one for this fall to include Niagara Falls and Acadia National Park. 

Our extended family (DH camped with his family growing up) keeps wondering when we're going to get a camper... but we have to haul too many people and too much equipment as it is! Maybe my tune will change as I get older, but for now we prefer the tent. In fact, we just purchased our first canvas tent. We used it in N GA over spring break and it works well so far! The more common plastic tents are SO HOT in the South.

When we camp, we camp to camp - we don't do too much sight-seeing or day trips. It takes a bit of effort to get all 6 of us fed throughout the day, cleaned up, etc... plus my kids are young enough that just exploring the woods and trails nearby are enough for them. My DH LOVES to camp, but for me it's an aquired taste - I never call it a vacation since I'm still doing so many household duties, but it is a nice change of pace and a lot more peaceful and calm (as long as it isn't raining!) 

I just acquired a “new to me” Kodiak flexbow canvas tent. Can’t wait to try it out. I’m in the south, also. We started out with a big Coleman tent years ago, but it leaked in rain in spite of all the seam sealer. Then we upgraded to a Trailmanor camper a few years ago. Now we’re selling the Trailmanor and trying out this canvas tent. We don’t camp often enough to justify the expense of storing and insuring a camper. And I HATE towing. 

Edited by stephensgirls
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5 hours ago, stephensgirls said:

I just acquired a “new to me” Kodiak flexbow canvas tent. Can’t wait to try it out. I’m in the south, also. We started out with a big Coleman tent years ago, but it leaked in rain in spite of all the seam sealer. Then we upgraded to a Trailmanor camper a few years ago. Now we’re selling the Trailmanor and trying out this canvas tent. We don’t camp often enough to justify the expense of storing and insuring a camper. And I HATE towing. 

How exciting! We considered the flex bow, but we went with their cabin tent with the awning and walls (6 people, 4 tiny but growing fast!). We were able to cook under the awning while it was raining and it worked out nicely. But either way, the canvas kept the temperature much more constant and felt much softer to just be in. Very refreshing.

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