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Weight Loss Accountability Thread :)


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I managed to maintain my intermittent fast until noon. I got my usual 2 cups of green tea in in the morning.  I had a bowl of veg/bean Mexican soup with only a small portion of chips and a tortilla.  Then I went back to yardwork.  I only had a couple of tangerines for a sweet snack.  Dinner was turkey breast and steamed veggies along with mashed potatoes and gravy, so not ideal but not bad.  I had my usual 2 cups of chamomile tea in the evening with some 70% dark chocolate.  Overall a decent day.  

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SOOOOOO wanted/"needed" a snack this afternoon but satisfied myself with some La Croix the way my kids drink it: with a tiny splash of juice.  I do need to confess that Wednesday I did not meet my goal of not snacking.  BUT, it was my birthday and there was no cake or special supper or anything, so whatevs, right?  I do have horrendous PMS that makes me want to smack everybody and then stuff my face.  Hopefully Choi Kwang Do class tonight will help me burn off some of that hormonal angst...

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@stephanier.1765 - I'd say one pound is awesome!  I have been slowly gaining over the last few months, so I'm delighted with a steady or small downward trend for me! I'm not going to weigh until friday, so I hope I'm as lucky!! (lucky's not the word - I hope my hard work will pay off and I won't sabotoge myself...)

So far today has been great for me. I know I won't have a chance to sit at the computer later, so I'm checking in now.  I need to hop up and drink another glass of water and fix dinner...

1. walk = done

2. no sugar = yes!

3. on plan eating = yes - dinner = leftover chicken with some steamed asparagus and a little bit of alfredo sauce (the kids will have pasta)


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@WendyLady Sabotage is the perfect word for what we do to ourselves while trying to lose weight. Your day looks to be a winner though! I hope when you check in next that it is all good news.

Sabotage is what I kind of did to myself today. I don't know if it was the weather (overcast) or waking up on the wrong side of the bed but I spent the day being antsy, aggravated, and frustrated. The usual trifecta that pushes me off the weight loss cliff over and over again. So instead of a salad for lunch, I had leftovers and then because I was antsy I had a couple of sticks of celery with peanut butter on top for dessert. Also, I had 2 snacks instead of one. And I probably ate one more vegan taquito than I should have for dinner.

However, I did NOT jump in the car to run to the convenience store for soda and candy like I normally would on days like this. I did NOT eat that extra banana that I walked past numerous times. I did NOT search the fridge, cabinets, or pantry for something to eat my feelings away.

Now that I've written about my day, I think I'm going to put it in the win category. Not because of what I did do but of because of what I didn't.


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I want in on this!

I started last June and have slowly lost about 20 lbs. I have about another 15 (or slightly less) to go until I am ready for maintenance. I am in a healthy weight range, but my body composition is crud. Way too much body fat and not enough lean muscle mass. To combat this I am eating a whole foods plant based diet (with lots of beans) and lifting weights 3 times a week. I am starting to see some muscle definition. Going to keep at it.  I also have a FitBit One (waist clip kind-like a pedometer) and use it most days. I track my food and try to stay between 1200 kcal and 1300 kcal a day. I have many good days, but some really bad ones (like yesterday--hello superbowl food).

I have been reading the thread history.  Keep at it ladies. WE CAN DO IT!


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I got right back at it today after going way off track yesterday. I got up early and exercised and then stuck to my calories limit. I have about 200 left to play with if I want a snack but I am feeling pretty satisfied. 

What worked today was having a salad ready to go when I walked in after evening activities. I was really tired and hungry and if I had to cook something I probably would have gotten into a bag of chips or something. I am also keeping to just two or three lunch choices. Fewer choices makes it easier to stick on plan. Tracking in MFP helps so much too. If I neglect to track that is like the first warning that I am not mentally in the right place and things are likely to get out of control. When I fail to track a meal or snack it is like a giant warning flag waving and it gives me a chance to correct myself. It is interesting the things we learn about ourselves when we pay attention!

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Wow, we seem to be doing well with making good choices, getting back on track when we don't, and keeping things in perspective. 

I had another good day.  I'm thrilled to be stringing all of these good days together.  I ran this morning and cut back on my time to see if that helped with hunger.  I was hungry but not frantic and it was manageable.  Yay!  I'm also not lifting heavy weights or hitting the heavy bag because of my hand so that might be helping, too.  I probably won't weigh myself for another week or so but I can tell I'm losing and I feel so much better being in control.  




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I wanted with everyone the tracker I use. I have gone away from this a few times, but always come back to it. This ABSOLUTELY NOT an affiliate link or anything. Just wanted to let everyone know this is out there and has been helpful to me:


You can click on the picture to look inside and see what the pages look like.


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Checking in! Alas, my update is not as positive today. I am about 300 calories over. Two things contributed: 1. I bought some cinnamon rolls for another family and also decided to buy some for my own family. *I* didn't have to eat them, right? I started with 1/2 of one with the egg casserole we had for dinner, knowing I'd go back for the other half. I cannot be trusted around baked goods. BUT--I told my husband that I wasn't going to eat any more of the rolls and he and my daughter could split the rest. Stopping at one is better than eating "my share," I suppose. 😉 

The other thing that didn't help was not planning ahead and putting my nighttime snack in the tracker ahead of time. I think if I had planned out what I was going to eat throughout the day, it would have really helped.

As for my other goal, I got my cleaning for the day done. Not perfectly, but good enough.  

I love our little community. I *know* if it weren't for you all, I'd be the same weight I was a week ago. 

Welcome, @Jyhwkmama!!!! So glad to have you join us.


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I went out to eat tonight with my book club. Most items on the menu were 700-900 calories, even their salads and lighter sandwiches. Many were well over 1000. It was frustrating. I did take half of my meal home but I still hate when restaurants don't have lighter options. I usually eat out twice a month - once with book club and once for the monthly date night dh and I try to make time for. Most of the time I can find options that provide good food at a reasonable calorie count. Tonight was an exception but it was still annoying. 

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Do all nut butters stick to your mouth?  I can't bear the feeling of peanut butter in my mouth although I like peanuts.  Long term I need to include more protein in my diet for my ageing body (I consistently eat less than the basic recommended level) and replacing butter with nut butter might help, if I can find one I like.  I don't want to buy a bunch and waste them.

At home with a bad cold.  Weight loss has stalled as I'm barely using any calories, but I'm just keeping on with trying to eat how I should, and waiting for better days.  Currently eating Little Gem lettuce leaves dipped into 0% Greek yoghurt with a touch of mustard and lime.

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@ladyflorida- eating out is such a hassle. I can never understand how people I know that eat out several times a week are not overweight. So few options. I only eat out once or twice a month too. It is hard when I get dragged someplace without any light options. Actually, that will be my situation on this coming Friday night. It is hard to enjoy a night out when the food choices are annoying. 

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re: nut butters- I think almond butter is less sticky than PB but it depends on the brand and variety. 

re: healthy eating- The big thing is to keep going after setbacks and not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. Finding habits that you enjoy that are sustainable and realizing things will change. I started towards healthy eating 19 yrs ago after I put on weight from the Depo Shot (then I took 1 full year to lose 20 lbs b/c I just focused on my habits slowly and steadily). My diet has continually evolved. First I just focused on standard healthy eating and serving sizes, more homemade food, less eating out, less processed food. Then for a while I got very, very deep into making anything and everything homemade- all bread products, condiments, yogurt, you name it- I really got into the traditional foods movement. Then I had kids and didn't feel the best and ended up on a Paleo diet- I did a version of that for 10ish years. Just in the last year or so I shifted to more of a whole foods focused diet. My diet is not as "good" as it was before in that I don't eat as many fruits and veggies- that I'm continually working on-but I'm ok with the other little imperfections. Some days my diet fits my version of ideal and sometimes not. I'm still trying to sort it out with shifting away from Paleo. I give myself more grace. There are some things I rarely do- like drink soda (maybe a couple fo times a year) but other things I enjoy here and there- like jelly beans(sometimes) and dark chocolate (frequently). None of us will be perfect, however, you define that. We all have weaknesses- sometimes they are things to be avoided but sometimes they are things we need to add in to our diet in limited amounts for enjoyment. I used to love icecream- it was a huge weakness- these days I only have it here and there and when I do I'll have 1/4 - 1/2 cup but I eat dark chocolate nearly every day. Every day you are *just* maintaining is a day you are not gaining! 

If you haven't seen it check out the National Weight Loss Registry- it tracks people that have been successful at losing weight and keeping it off- 


I kept in my goals yesterday, woot! 

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@soror YES! Progress, not perfection! I would have quit a long time ago if I held myself up to perfect standards. Instead I fully believe in "good enough."

I started off my day with steel-cut oats, 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tbsp sugar-free jam (180). That kept me full until lunch, like it usually does - I should just commit to having that for breakfast most days. I cook 4 servings at once so it's easy to do. For lunch I had half a frozen spinach pizza (350 cal) and some celery root soup (50), but then I nibbled on my kid's pizza crusts so I counted another 150 for that. Snack was a couple Wasa crackers with a laughing cow cheese and some smoked turkey (180). I might still eat a bell pepper (30). Dinner tonight will be a crispy chicken salad (total of 350) made with six! frozen nuggets I cook in the air fryer. I like the Hidden Valley Ranch dressing that is only 30 cal per tbsp. I plan to add some bacon bits and reduced-fat shredded cheese. I should end the day under 1400, but it feels like a lot of food. 

Since yesterday was a "rest day" with only a bit of walking, I cut out my sweet treat today and did two gentle workouts. I did an easy Jessica Smith 30-min walking video this morning, and then my Australian SIL introduced me to Gina B and I love her! I feel a bit like Napoleon Dynamite but that's cool. I will definitely keep rotating in these videos. I like that she uses the arms quite a bit so you feel like you're doing more than walking, but the intensity is still low enough that it shouldn't trigger the hunger beast inside.


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I am feeling the pain of eating out and baked goods. Both are traps for me. Good job handling those situations, ladies!

Yes! on progress not perfection. Just keep going.

Feeling strong today. Used heavier weights on some of my exercises. Looking forward to results in the future.

Eating was fine yesterday and off to a good start today. 

Hope everyone has a great day!


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1 hour ago, Kassia said:

@ondreeuh  Thanks for the walking workout!  I'm definitely going to try it - looks like fun.

Yep, me too! I gave up my gym membership because I was starving all the time and because of the teacher changes. I'd like to find a Tai Chi class but I'm having no luck with that so this walking video might just be what I need to get moving.

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I am starving and trying to hold out until dinner so I am posting here to keep me accountable and busy.  🙂  I ran this morning and had to change my route and ended up running a little farther than I planned so I don't know if that's making me hungrier or if it's just cumulative because I don't think I've been eating enough.  

I get my stitches out tomorrow and am really nervous about that because the incision is still super sensitive and I'm afraid it's going to hurt.  It's only been 8 days since surgery and I wish they gave me more time - I think it's too soon.  Also, it's going to mess up my eating for the day because of the timing of the appt.  I'll either have to move my eating earlier, which means I'll have less to eat later or I'll be way too hungry during the appt.  First world problems.  

@Laura Corin hope you feel better soon!  



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@Kassia Ouch! I hope it's not too bad getting the stitches out. I think my hand just started hurting in sympathy.

It's amazing what a little sunshine can do for your mood. Yesterday I was out of sorts and I think it was because of the cruddy weather we were having. Today though saw the temps reach the mid 70's and the sun shone bright. I felt like a different person which made it easier to stay strong and eat what I should and stay away from what I shouldn't.

I started out with oatmeal and a banana. 

Lunch was a salad with grapes as a dessert.

Apple for a snack.

And then topped the day with leftover vegan taquitos, a couple of spoonfuls of rice and a serving of mixed vegetables.

I feel great. 🙂

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I kept to my calorie goal today but just barely. I did my morning exercise but it was an upper body strength workout that didn’t really get my heart rate up much so I don’t feel like I got my regular exercise in. I decided to start some laundry tonight. It is amazing how many steps I get in just collecting the laundry and carrying it to the laundry room. I am hoping that having a task this evening will keep me busy and active and distracted from snacking. Maybe. 

The biggest thing saving me from snacking is just not having junk in the house. I’m still kinda hungry but it is “eat half a box of cheeze its” hungry not “eat a hard boiled egg” hungry. My big boys who eat that junk are off at college so there really isn’t anything in the house that will satisfy that craving. Some nights I am fine but tonight is one I would definitely be indulging if I had it. 


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@stephanier.1765  Yay for sunshine and feeling great!  Day after day of gloomy weather can really make you feel down.

@peacelovehomeschooling sorry you had such a rough day.  I think we all can relate to those times when we feel like a failure and nothing goes right.  It's such an awful feeling.  Good for you for not turning to food for comfort. I'm afraid to ask about the numbing cream.  My surgeon intimidates me a bit!  

@Jyhwkmama I hate winter, too.  I grew up in FL and moved to OH for college and have lived here ever since.  I used to love winter since I didn't grow up with it but now it just feels like it's so darn long.  My kids all hate it, too, and want to move somewhere warmer. 

@teachermom2834 I had to laugh about the cheez its.  They used to be my favorite food and I was well-known for my obsession with them.  One Mother's Day, one of my sons went to Costco and bought me 18 pounds of cheez-its!  I pretty much lived on them for a while.  I try to remember to eat popcorn when I just have that feeling where I need a lot of volume to snack on.  

I am going to finish the day right on target even though I was so hungry.  Whew.  

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13 hours ago, peacelovehomeschooling said:

However, eating has been on track and good.  It is pretty amazing that given the stress of this horrible awful very bad day, I did not turn to food!  That is a major win and I am pretty proud.

You should be proud. Eating my feelings is one of my worst habits. I don't know why I think filling myself full of stuff that is bad for me is going to make me feel any better. Usually it just makes me feel worse. So good job! I know that wasn't easy.

@teachermom2834 Once you can pass all the junk in the store, you've pretty much got it made. LOL My poor dh is suffering from the lack of junk. Every now and then, he'll come home from work with bags of it and usually he'll bring some of my favorites. I don't know if that's payback or he's just being sweet. Either way, I try to throw it away when he's not looking. 😁

Edited by stephanier.1765
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@Kassia  If it's any consolation, they want to do it i about 8 days because of scarring.  I hope it's pain-free.  Sorry your dr. intimidates you.

@peacelovehomeschooling-  hugs.  Those kind of days are very hard.  Hoping tomorrow is much brighter.

Today I've done well again. I kept busy, which helps so much.  I'm still coming in at under 1400 calories.  I've checked and checked again and I'm sure I got it right.  I'm not that hungry either, so I'm a bit puzzled.  I'm normally so hungry most of the day.  Well, I'll take it.  I'll probably have a very small snack - like 2oz of cheese and some tea tonight.  

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A busy day has kept me going, too.  I had a dentist appointment (no cavities) and that meant I needed to work later than usual, which made my day long...  But that helped keep me on plan.

1. No Sugar - yes - Day 5 of sugar free!

2. On plan eating - yes! -No time to snack

3. Go on a walk - No - But I did shovel my entire driveway and sidewalk, so I'd say that counts.  I'd really like to be walking outside, but I do best when temps are over 10* F (and that requires all the gear)  We are currently hovering around zero with very cold windchills.  All week.  I think we will warm up to about 20 next Wednesday.  Blech. I guess I could go to the gym, I just don't wanna...

Lots of water. A really great salad for dinner. Looking forward to a good day tomorrow.

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Last night after midnight, following some emotional upset (PMS + minor tiff with DH) I binged on peanuts and chocolate chip cookie dough. I knew exactly what I was doing and did it anyway. Sigh.

BUT--I counted those calories with today's calories and am only about 185 over, which is not too bad considering we also stopped at McD's for dinner while out shopping. I just had a McMuffin with no Canadian bacon (280) and a Diet Coke. 

Love your updates! See you all tomorrow. :) 


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I'm new around here, but just wanted to suggest a book that has helped us a lot. It is called Eat to Live (The End of Dieting is another one and better, but both cover the same information. Very educational for us.) We've both lost weight fast and no calorie counting (I was so sick of My Fitness Pal...). This is nutrient dense but low calorie meals. It has been a radical lifestyle change brought on because of health problems for one of us, but after just 2 wks the improvements I saw, which weren't sought, had me wanting to stick with it. Joel Furhman is the author; he is a doctor in NJ. Anyway, after 2 months it is pretty incredible how much younger I feel and my pain levels are so low. Just wanted to share for anyone here tired of counting calories and the weight gain/loss yo-yo. 

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2 minutes ago, jjwoll said:

I'm new around here, but just wanted to suggest a book that has helped us a lot. It is called Eat to Live (The End of Dieting is another one and better, but both cover the same information. Very educational for us.) We've both lost weight fast and no calorie counting (I was so sick of My Fitness Pal...). This is nutrient dense but low calorie meals. It has been a radical lifestyle change brought on because of health problems for one of us, but after just 2 wks the improvements I saw, which weren't sought, had me wanting to stick with it. Joel Furhman is the author; he is a doctor in NJ. Anyway, after 2 months it is pretty incredible how much younger I feel and my pain levels are so low. Just wanted to share for anyone here tired of counting calories and the weight gain/loss yo-yo. 

ETL is a wonderful book! I am primarily a plant based, whole foods eater and love Dr.Fuhrman. I have some of his refrigerator magnets as reminders to eat G-BOMBS.

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10 hours ago, Kassia said:

I am starving and trying to hold out until dinner so I am posting here to keep me accountable and busy.  🙂  I ran this morning and had to change my route and ended up running a little farther than I planned so I don't know if that's making me hungrier or if it's just cumulative because I don't think I've been eating enough.  

I get my stitches out tomorrow and am really nervous about that because the incision is still super sensitive and I'm afraid it's going to hurt.  It's only been 8 days since surgery and I wish they gave me more time - I think it's too soon.  Also, it's going to mess up my eating for the day because of the timing of the appt.  I'll either have to move my eating earlier, which means I'll have less to eat later or I'll be way too hungry during the appt.  First world problems.  

@Laura Corin hope you feel better soon!  



I hope the stitches removal goes well. Would it make sense to put a wrist splint on to protect the area? 8 days does seem fast. My son has stitches and they told us 3 weeks. 

I tel people I am like a toddler with my food. If a meal is late I get cranky. My husband and I have had many an argument when we are looking for a place to have lunch and he wants to walk for miles to find the perfect place. Now I keep a protein bar in my purse. And a meal scheduled at an odd time throws me off too. Can you eat half your lunch before the appt and half after? 

We usually eat dinner at 6, and the past two days I have finished mine before dh sat down.  Sorry, I’m not waiting a minute longer 😉  luckily he doesn’t mind.


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6 hours ago, MercyA said:

Last night after midnight, following some emotional upset (PMS + minor tiff with DH) I binged on peanuts and chocolate chip cookie dough. I knew exactly what I was doing and did it anyway. Sigh.

BUT--I counted those calories with today's calories and am only about 185 over, which is not too bad considering we also stopped at McD's for dinner while out shopping. I just had a McMuffin with no Canadian bacon (280) and a Diet Coke.



I'm sorry you had a rough night (or morning).  Let it go and just try to make good choices today (like you did this morning).  We're here for you if you need support. Did you at least enjoy the binge while it was happening?  I think that's one of the worst parts about binges - you just stuff everything down so fast and don't even get any satisfaction over the food you ate.  



4 hours ago, ondreeuh said:


I tel people I am like a toddler with my food. If a meal is late I get cranky. My husband and I have had many an argument when we are looking for a place to have lunch and he wants to walk for miles to find the perfect place. Now I keep a protein bar in my purse. And a meal scheduled at an odd time throws me off too. Can you eat half your lunch before the appt and half after? 

We usually eat dinner at 6, and the past two days I have finished mine before dh sat down.  Sorry, I’m not waiting a minute longer 😉  luckily he doesn’t mind.



I always carry a protein bar with me, too.  Like you, if it's meal/snack time I have to eat right then.  Any later and I'm hangry.  


@WendyLady I think shoveling definitely counts!  Can you do an indoor walk on the days you can't get out or go to the gym?  I tried the one posted above and it was really fun.  There are lots of them on youtube or you can just do your own while listening to music or watching tv.  I run and don't mind the cold but can't handle it if it's really windy and cold.  

Off to workout...hope everyone has a great day! 

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11 hours ago, PrincessMommy said:

Today I've done well again. I kept busy, which helps so much.  I'm still coming in at under 1400 calories.  I've checked and checked again and I'm sure I got it right.  I'm not that hungry either, so I'm a bit puzzled.  I'm normally so hungry most of the day.  Well, I'll take it.  I'll probably have a very small snack - like 2oz of cheese and some tea tonight.  


I was actually going to post about this, it is crazy to me the difference I find at different parts of my cycle- what foods I crave, my appetite etc. I used to think it all had to do with what I ate but realize now there are factors beyond my control. 

9 hours ago, MercyA said:

Last night after midnight, following some emotional upset (PMS + minor tiff with DH) I binged on peanuts and chocolate chip cookie dough. I knew exactly what I was doing and did it anyway. Sigh.

BUT--I counted those calories with today's calories and am only about 185 over, which is not too bad considering we also stopped at McD's for dinner while out shopping. I just had a McMuffin with no Canadian bacon (280) and a Diet Coke. 

Love your updates! See you all tomorrow. 🙂



Yes, keep at it, you can do it!


Food good 🙂 Supper was lentil tacos w/ cilantro rice; lunch hodge podge of this and that- chickpea patty (baked) bit of rice, bit of leftover curry, huge heap of roasted cauliflower. Snack was a bell pepper w/ hummus and a bit of blueberries. Dessert last night was 3 Dove dark chocolate hearts 🙂

Not sure what I'm doing for breakfast yet- something w/ blueberries; lunch will be same as yesterday (curry, chickpeas, cauliflower or lentil tacos), dinner is korean chicken w/ rice and broccoli

Oh, and Aldi had the dessert hummus back- so I'm for sure having that as a snack sometime today- the vanilla hummus is soooo good. I've got to try and look for a recipe again, last time I tried I didn't have any luck I'm sure I could make it much cheaper---Ohhh quick search and I'm finding all sorts of recipes today- 



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I’ve done decently well this week (so far!), with the exception of last night. Ds had a basketball game that was two hours away. We left at 4pm and didn’t get home until 11pm. I stopped at a Chic-fil-a on the way home for the boys and because it was late and we wanted to get home, I ran through the drive thru. Of course I was hungry so I got chicken tenders and fries. If we had been sitting down, I would have gotten a salad (and used little dressing), but chicken tenders and fries were way easier to eat in the car. 

So I know I need to be better at planning. How do you handle times like these? What are your “throw in the car” foods that prevent you from eating fast food?

I will be taking ds to a basketball tournament next week that lasts for three days (we will stay out of town in a hotel). I imagine we will primarily be eating at restaurants with the team, but I need to think of some food to bring along to keep me mostly on-plan. 

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8 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

I’ve done decently well this week (so far!), with the exception of last night. Ds had a basketball game that was two hours away. We left at 4pm and didn’t get home until 11pm. I stopped at a Chic-fil-a on the way home for the boys and because it was late and we wanted to get home, I ran through the drive thru. Of course I was hungry so I got chicken tenders and fries. If we had been sitting down, I would have gotten a salad (and used little dressing), but chicken tenders and fries were way easier to eat in the car. 

So I know I need to be better at planning. How do you handle times like these? What are your “throw in the car” foods that prevent you from eating fast food?

I will be taking ds to a basketball tournament next week that lasts for three days (we will stay out of town in a hotel). I imagine we will primarily be eating at restaurants with the team, but I need to think of some food to bring along to keep me mostly on-plan. 

It depends on how much time I have- usually I'll have us just bring a bar and then eat when we get home. But if we're out for the day I'll do traditional cold lunch foods- lunch meat, chips, fruit, nuts, rice cakes. I enjoy a serving size of chips w/out guilt. At Chik Fil A the naked chicken, waffle fries, and water are reasonable calories- 12 ct chx+ sm fries is under 500. Sometimes I make smoothies to take. If I'm going away like that I'll buy more convenience foods or premake stuff and keep in a cooler (or hotel frig). Yogurt travels well, salads(homemade or premade), hummus and chopped veggies. cheese sticks for the kids(I' don't eat much cheese)

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36 minutes ago, Just Kate said:

I’ve done decently well this week (so far!), with the exception of last night. Ds had a basketball game that was two hours away. We left at 4pm and didn’t get home until 11pm. I stopped at a Chic-fil-a on the way home for the boys and because it was late and we wanted to get home, I ran through the drive thru. Of course I was hungry so I got chicken tenders and fries. If we had been sitting down, I would have gotten a salad (and used little dressing), but chicken tenders and fries were way easier to eat in the car. 

So I know I need to be better at planning. How do you handle times like these? What are your “throw in the car” foods that prevent you from eating fast food?

I will be taking ds to a basketball tournament next week that lasts for three days (we will stay out of town in a hotel). I imagine we will primarily be eating at restaurants with the team, but I need to think of some food to bring along to keep me mostly on-plan. 

Eating on the run is so hard.  There's almost never any good choices.    

FWIW, Chic-fil-a's chicken wrap is pretty easy to eat one-handed.  It's pretty much a salad in wrap form and you don't have to add the dressing (it comes on the side).  

Hard boiled eggs and cheese & grapes (I try to do LC) are good on the run.  

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1 hour ago, PrincessMommy said:

Eating on the run is so hard.  There's almost never any good choices.    

FWIW, Chic-fil-a's chicken wrap is pretty easy to eat one-handed.  It's pretty much a salad in wrap form and you don't have to add the dressing (it comes on the side).  

Hard boiled eggs and cheese & grapes (I try to do LC) are good on the run.  


I forgot about their wraps! I think they have one which is actually low-ish carb. Oh well, I’ll remember that for next time. Thanks!!

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I had a terrible stomachache this afternoon, and the only reason I can think of is that I tried some chia seed pudding. I ended up eating some white bread to soothe my stomach and it seemed to work. So odd. Luckily I feel much better now, but I don’t think I will try it again. 

Dh and I were supposed to start Scottish Country dancing tonight but he has to do a conference call. Thinking of doing a dance workout since my steps are low. 

Food today was ok. Breakfast & lunch were the same as yesterday, plus that blasted chia pudding and a big bowl of steamed broccoli. So for snack I had white bread, and then I had my dose of chocolate ;).  Dinner was teriyaki chicken and riced cauliflower. Finished up under 1600 and I’m happy with that. 

I still need to plan tomorrow’s food. Maybe stuffed pepper casserole for dinner. I actually prefer to have the heaviest meal at lunch, so I might plan on having just a little for dinner. But I’m not sure what to make for lunch. Choices, choices!

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5 minutes ago, ondreeuh said:

I had a terrible stomachache this afternoon, and the only reason I can think of is that I tried some chia seed pudding. I ended up eating some white bread to soothe my stomach and it seemed to work. So odd. Luckily I feel much better now, but I don’t think I will try it again. 

Dh and I were supposed to start Scottish Country dancing tonight but he has to do a conference call. Thinking of doing a dance workout since my steps are low. 

Food today was ok. Breakfast & lunch were the same as yesterday, plus that blasted chia pudding and a big bowl of steamed broccoli. So for snack I had white bread, and then I had my dose of chocolate ;).  Dinner was teriyaki chicken and riced cauliflower. Finished up under 1600 and I’m happy with that. 

I still need to plan tomorrow’s food. Maybe stuffed pepper casserole for dinner. I actually prefer to have the heaviest meal at lunch, so I might plan on having just a little for dinner. But I’m not sure what to make for lunch. Choices, choices!

Scottish country dancing sounds so fun. What a great idea for exercise

And I'm glad you're feeling better. I wouldn't try it again either.

I prefer my heaviest meal at lunch too. I figure it gives me half a day to work it off instead of just a few hours before bed.

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@ondreeuh and @stephanier.1765 I am a heaviest meal at lunch person too!

@MercyA drink a bunch of water and dust yourself off. I have done the same MANY times.

Feeling  B L O A T E D today. My weight is up 2 pounds. I am 100% positive it is from the weight lifting and from the extra salt I added to my food yesterday, but it still feels gross.  Banning use of the salt shaker for the rest of this week. (I have issues with a love of sodium.)

Everything going well today. Eating on point. Prepping for another possible school cancellation tomorrow. This is unfun because I have one kid in brick and mortar public school who will get the day off and one kid in online public school who won't. Joy.

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1 minute ago, Lady Florida. said:

Thank you for the walking video link @ondreeuh. I still like Jessica Smith but this will allow me to mix it up a bit. Also, what a deal on those dresses! And congratulations on the size difference.

I did the 90s dance walk this morning and re-did the 2019 dance tonight. My arms got tired! I don’t think she always uses 8 beat sets in her routines so that throws me a bit, but it’s still such fun. She has professional ones for sale on her website and I might give one a try. I’ve spent so much $$ on videos lately but as long as I use them, it’s all good - right?

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So when my son was in the hospital, he got like 12 days of hospital food. It followed the European custom of a big lunch and tiny breakfast & supper. I took photos of as many meals as I could because I found it so interesting. For breakfast he got coffee, 3 slices of wheat bread, and either spreadable cheese, Nutella, jam, or cookie butter. So basically caffeine and carbs. Then noon lunch was a huge, gorgeous, restaurant-quality full meal with soup and dessert. Then six hours later, more coffee and bread and a wee bit of protein - like a bit of pâté, prosciutto, egg salad, or sliced cheese. Then nothing until coffee & carbs 15 hours later. I couldn’t start my day like that, but the lunch & supper made sense. 

So for those of you who have a bigger lunch than dinner, does your family do the same? Hubby starved himself at work and wants a big family dinner. Honestly though, he is super flexible and understanding, so he would probably be ok with adjusting. Maybe I could make yummy lunches and send him to work with leftovers. As long as we sit together, it doesn’t matter if we eat simple food at 6 (right?). Half the time I don’t eat what they eat, so I guess I could keep doing that. It is easiest to find time to cook in the evening. Hmm. 

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21 minutes ago, ondreeuh said:

So when my son was in the hospital, he got like 12 days of hospital food. It followed the European custom of a big lunch and tiny breakfast & supper. I took photos of as many meals as I could because I found it so interesting. For breakfast he got coffee, 3 slices of wheat bread, and either spreadable cheese, Nutella, jam, or cookie butter. So basically caffeine and carbs. Then noon lunch was a huge, gorgeous, restaurant-quality full meal with soup and dessert. Then six hours later, more coffee and bread and a wee bit of protein - like a bit of pâté, prosciutto, egg salad, or sliced cheese. Then nothing until coffee & carbs 15 hours later. I couldn’t start my day like that, but the lunch & supper made sense. 

So for those of you who have a bigger lunch than dinner, does your family do the same? Hubby starved himself at work and wants a big family dinner. Honestly though, he is super flexible and understanding, so he would probably be ok with adjusting. Maybe I could make yummy lunches and send him to work with leftovers. As long as we sit together, it doesn’t matter if we eat simple food at 6 (right?). Half the time I don’t eat what they eat, so I guess I could keep doing that. It is easiest to find time to cook in the evening. Hmm. 


The hospital menu is so interesting. Good food for thought.

My dh doesn't eat all day until he comes home from work so I still make a regular size dinner however my portions are smaller. I let lunch be the one meal where I'm actually full, if that makes any sense. I don't starve myself the other meals but I don't feel sated like I do with lunch.

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