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A shout out to those whose presence I miss...

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It's become much slower here lately, hasn't it? I'm not around a great deal myself, but when I do pop in, I'm surprised there hasn't been more conversation. There are some regulars in particular whom I miss. Maybe because I'm not around as often, I'm just not crossing paths with them. Or maybe, like me, they're just putting their energy elsewhere. Whatever the case, here's a shout out to anj, Kelli in TN, momtolegomaniacs, Mrs. Mungo....and many others...



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Hi. I am here very rarely lately. At first it was a combination of the yucky threads that will not be named and my own yucky moods made for a bad combination. Then, I was simply on here too much hiding from myself and life. I am trying to get to a healthier place with myself and hiding on here has not been good for that. I miss my friends, but need to balance myself. Not an easy task these days. I do check messages almost daily and do a quick scan.


Thanks for missing me. Makes me feel loved.


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Political discussions here were like dry brush in S. California with the Santa Ana winds blowing.....sparks flew in some cases, some folks felt burnt, some folks left for one reason or another. :-(


At least we have four more years until we have to deal with it again!;)

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I've noticed too! I wonder if the social groups have anything to do with it as well. There may be all sorts of interesting conversation going on off of the general board. Or not....I don't have the time to figure that one out.


It's become much slower here lately, hasn't it? I'm not around a great deal myself, but when I do pop in, I'm surprised there hasn't been more conversation. There are some regulars in particular whom I miss. Maybe because I'm not around as often, I'm just not crossing paths with them. Or maybe, like me, they're just putting their energy elsewhere. Whatever the case, here's a shout out to anj, Kelli in TN, momtolegomaniacs, Mrs. Mungo....and many others...



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Hi. I am here very rarely lately. At first it was a combination of the yucky threads that will not be named and my own yucky moods made for a bad combination. Then, I was simply on here too much hiding from myself and life. I am trying to get to a healthier place with myself and hiding on here has not been good for that. I miss my friends, but need to balance myself. Not an easy task these days.


Good to hear from you, Melissa; I understand what you shared above. Best to you, friend.

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I've noticed too! I wonder if the social groups have anything to do with it as well. There may be all sorts of interesting conversation going on off of the general board. Or not....I don't have the time to figure that one out.


Yeah, I don't have the time, either. I like having conversations in as few places as possible. The social groups feels divisive to me, although I understand that others have the opposite reaction and I respect that.

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While I am sure I am not one of the missed, I miss the camaraderie of the old board.


The boards are no longer interesting or fun since the demagogues have destroyed the ability for intelligent discussion.


I check in to see if any of the people I miss are posting some of their intelligent perspectives, but, alas, they are rarely here.

Edited by 8FillTheHeart
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Traci, I was running yesterday and you popped into my mind. Glad to "see" you.:)

one of the reasons people aren't posting as much is the removal of the rep system. It was fun to encourage people with that.


I think you may be right. I know that while I didn't initially care for the rep system, I came to see its benefits. I know it got abused at times, but some people will always find ways to abuse the system and/or be mean-spirited. And like you say, it was an easy way to encourage people, to just shoot them I thumbs up, so to speak.


Plus it did get rather yucky around here during the election.


Yes, apparently that really got to some folks.

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While I am sure I am not one of the missed


I always enjoy seeing you here. I enjoy seeing anyone here, for that matter.


I miss the camaraderie of the old board.


Yes, I do, too. I suppose it gets tiresome for SWB to hear people lamenting what they miss, but...oh, well. I don't think it hurts to occasionally reminisce.


The boards are no longer interesting or fun since the demagogues have destroyed the ability for intelligent discussion.


Demagogues?:001_huh: To whom are you referring?


I check in to see if any of the people I miss are posting some of their intelligent perspectives, but, alas, they are rarely here.


I wouldn't put it in those terms. It's not as if those currently posting more often don't have intelligent perspectives to offer. Really, I'm being selfish because as I said, I haven't been here that often myself. But when I do stop by, I want everyone to be here.:D

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one of the reasons people aren't posting as much is the removal of the rep system. It was fun to encourage people with that.

Plus it did get rather yucky around here during the election.


I think the removal of the rep system did change things a bit. While it was in place, there was at least some system of accountability. People had to be thoughtful about how they expressed themselves.

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Now that squares are passé, what's the point? Not to mention that I don't really belong here, because I'm no longer homeschooling. And, I'm pretty sure I've never been accused of intelligent discussion.



Oh, wait, I wasn't even on the list. Silly me.












Seriously, mostly it was the politics. I found the waspishness of this place during those weeks intolerable. For me, the healthiest solution was to bow out almost completely. For all the reasons mentioned above, it was probably a good thing all the way 'round, so I'm still doing it. I pop in occasionally. Like you, I have noticed the change and regret it.

Edited by Doran
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Now that squares are passé, what's the point? Not to mention that I don't really belong here, because I'm no longer homeschooling. And, I'm pretty sure I've never been accused of intelligent discussion.



Oh, wait, I wasn't even on the list. Silly me.












Seriously, mostly it was the politics. I found the waspishness of this place during those weeks intolerable. For me, the healthiest solution was to bow out almost completely. For all the reasons mentioned above, it was probably a good thing all the way 'round, so I'm still doing it. I pop in occasionally. Like you, I have noticed the change and regret it.
















Oh, wait. I even on your list.



Doran you're a hoot!

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Demagogues?:001_huh: To whom are you referring?



Those that are more interested in getting emotional and name calling when they disagree vs discussing actual facts. Those that will insist that the only valid POV is their own and will never stop the above until every one else stops posting b/c they get tired of it being personal vs conversation......

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Now that squares are passé, what's the point? Not to mention that I don't really belong here, because I'm no longer homeschooling. And, I'm pretty sure I've never been accused of intelligent discussion.



Oh, wait, I wasn't even on the list. Silly me.












Seriously, mostly it was the politics. I found the waspishness of this place during those weeks intolerable. For me, the healthiest solution was to bow out almost completely. For all the reasons mentioned above, it was probably a good thing all the way 'round, so I'm still doing it. I pop in occasionally. Like you, I have noticed the change and regret it.


I always miss you when you are gone. Alphabet Pam too. I miss Colleen and Peek when they are missing too. Most of the people on my radar are people who have been on the board since I first visited, you know, the old timers. :)

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Honestly? I realized that some of the people I thought I "knew" do not practice the tolerance they preach. It can be uncomfortable to know what people "really" think about you, especially when they do a pretty good job at playing friends. I miss the "we're in this together" feeling of the board, but I realize now that it was just an illusion. A grand one at that. But an illusion, nonetheless.



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Oh, wait, I wasn't even on the list. Silly me.


Didn't I write, "and many others"? And didn't I know, as I did so, that some people would be hurt I hadn't mentioned them by name?:tongue_smilie: We women are that way, aren't we? There are a lot of people who are posting less (or not at all), and I'm keenly aware of that. In your case, I have at least seen you here a bit. And I know that among other things, you've just experienced the death of your father so it isn't as if chatting here is your top priority, I'm sure.


Any-hoo. I'm just missing...something/some ones...that gave this place that special feeling.

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Honestly? I realized that some of the people I thought I "knew" do not practice the tolerance they preach. It can be uncomfortable to know what people "really" think about you, especially when they do a pretty good job at playing friends. I miss the "we're in this together" feeling of the board, but I realize now that it was just an illusion. A grand one at that. But an illusion, nonetheless.




I realize I'm not on "the list" but :iagree:

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Hey, I'm here!


I haven't been here much lately, that's true, but I do pop my head in from time to time. I think you're right, Colleen, that we're probably just not here at the same time. I've really been trying to control my screen time, and to actually do more homeschooling, fancy that. ;)

If I let myself hang out here for more than a few minutes I end up reading threads...long threads...sometimes very long threads...and I get sucked in, and that's not good for me. To be totally honest, it was easy to sort of drift off a month or so ago because I wasn't getting involved in the political conversations and there seemed to be so many, and I just really, really dislike unpleasantness.


But that's all done now, and hopefully things will return to normal soon, and I will continue to practice self control with the computer monitor!

Thanks so much for mentioning me, Colleen. I miss your wit and perspective too. It really means a lot that you would ask about me (and everyone else, of course. I feel like the Narrator in Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and I don't want to come off that way! :tongue_smilie:)

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Didn't I write, "and many others"? And didn't I know, as I did so, that some people would be hurt I hadn't mentioned them by name?:tongue_smilie: We women are that way, aren't we? There are a lot of people who are posting less (or not at all), and I'm keenly aware of that. In your case, I have at least seen you here a bit. And I know that among other things, you've just experienced the death of your father so it isn't as if chatting here is your top priority, I'm sure.


Any-hoo. I'm just missing...something/some ones...that gave this place that special feeling.



I hope you don't think *I'm* seriously hurt. (It's just a flesh wound! :lol:). I just wanted to jump on your thread and figured I'd rib you a bit at the same time.


Like I said, I miss "it", too. And, yes, while I'm periodically sad about losing my father, chatting with friends was one of his favorite pastimes, even up until the very end, so I'm glad to carry on in that fine tradition when (?) the camaraderie returns here.

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Hey, I'm here!


I haven't been here much lately, that's true, but I do pop my head in from time to time. I think you're right, Colleen, that we're probably just not here at the same time. I've really been trying to control my screen time, and to actually do more homeschooling, fancy that. ;)

If I let myself hang out here for more than a few minutes I end up reading threads...long threads...sometimes very long threads...and I get sucked in, and that's not good for me. To be totally honest, it was easy to sort of drift off a month or so ago because I wasn't getting involved in the political conversations and there seemed to be so many, and I just really, really dislike unpleasantness.


But that's all done now, and hopefully things will return to normal soon, and I will continue to practice self control with the computer monitor!

Thanks so much for mentioning me, Colleen. I miss your wit and perspective too. It really means a lot that you would ask about me (and everyone else, of course. I feel like the Narrator in Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and I don't want to come off that way! :tongue_smilie:)


But, anj......who am I gonna get all silly with if you are off being responsible?!? Elaine is awol too!

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But, anj......who am I gonna get all silly with if you are off being responsible?!? Elaine is awol too!

You're on Facebook, and you're my on my friends list. Get all silly with me there! I check that a few times a day.

As a matter of fact, I sent something silly like that to a couple of people the other day. I'll send it to you right now! :auto:

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Hi Colleen,


I'm here and not really here for many reasons. In the past six months, the climate of this board has changed and it's not a friendly-feeling place any longer. For months, I've checked the board for prayer requests and genuine questions ... the rest ehhh... I have three teens here and I don't need to seek snarky online too. For me this board has been a fun place and I've loved getting to know so many members. But ... times change, members change and I don't feel comfortable here in the way I used to.


Also, as my kids get older, I find myself more settled in our homeschooling routine and don't feel the need to ask as many questions and I'm not compelled to answer as many questions either. I think it's a natural progression in homeschooling.


Mostly, it's not a friendly place, imo. It's become political and I can get that anywhere. This site used to be a place that felt safe. It no longer does. I came here mostly for the interaction on the general board. It's not fun any longer. I've learned a lot from the high school boards and the other boards, but the main attraction to me was the General board.


I keep in touch with people lately through my blog and Facebook. There is enough conflict in my life without having to deal with "real politics" on the homeschooling board. The General Board used to be fun. It's not been fun in months and months. I had hoped once the election was over things would go back to sort-of-normal, but that hasn't been the case. And, reading SWB's blog and her take on the election and the recent turmoil on the board makes me feel even less welcome. But, I'm glad I read it and now I know the lay of the land.


I'll check in periodically, but I doubt I'll ever become a "regular" member of TWM boards again. It makes me sad, but I think that's my only choice.

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Hi Colleen,


I'm here and not really here for many reasons. In the past six months, the climate of this board has changed and it's not a friendly-feeling place any longer. For months, I've checked the board for prayer requests and genuine questions ... the rest ehhh... I have three teens here and I don't need to seek snarky online too. For me this board has been a fun place and I've loved getting to know so many members. But ... times change, members change and I don't feel comfortable here in the way I used to.


Also, as my kids get older, I find myself more settled in our homeschooling routine and don't feel the need to ask as many questions and I'm not compelled to answer as many questions either. I think it's a natural progression in homeschooling.


Mostly, it's not a friendly place, imo. It's become political and I can get that anywhere. This site used to be a place that felt safe. It no longer does. I came here mostly for the interaction on the general board. It's not fun any longer. I've learned a lot from the high school boards and the other boards, but the main attraction to me was the General board.


I keep in touch with people lately through my blog and Facebook. There is enough conflict in my life without having to deal with "real politics" on the homeschooling board. The General Board used to be fun. It's not been fun in months and months. I had hoped once the election was over things would go back to sort-of-normal, but that hasn't been the case. And, reading SWB's blog and her take on the election and the recent turmoil on the board makes me feel even less welcome. But, I'm glad I read it and now I know the lay of the land.


I'll check in periodically, but I doubt I'll ever become a "regular" member of TWM boards again. It makes me sad, but I think that's my only choice.


I think it will go back to being how it used to be. I think it is just a cycle.

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Mindy, I've been on this board for 8-9 years. This is not a cycle thing.


Well, I'm still holding out hope that it will be! :-) I've been on for 7.5 and I will admit this appears to be one of the lower places, but I'm hopeful it will bounce back. I've been accused of being optimistic more than once. :001_smile:

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Well, I'm still holding out hope that it will be! :-) I've been on for 7.5 and I will admit this appears to be one of the lower places, but I'm hopeful it will bounce back. I've been accused of being optimistic more than once. :001_smile:



When the skies are brighter canary yellow

I forget ev'ry cloud I've ever seen,

So they called me a cockeyed optimist

Immature and incurably green.


I have heard people rant and rave and bellow

That we're done and we might as well be dead,

But I'm only a cockeyed optimist

And I can't get it into my head.


I hear the human race

Is fallin' on its face

And hasn't very far to go,

But ev'ry whippoorwill

Is sellin' me a bill,

And tellin' me it just ain't so.


I could say life is just a bowl of Jello

And appear more intelligent and smart,

But I'm stuck like a dope

With a thing called hope,

And I can't get it out of my heart!

Not this heart...

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I have this aunt, she isn't the nicest person in the world. She has treated my mom badly for years. She gets toasted at family gatherings and says ridiculous things. I haven't seen her in years...and I miss her.


Sometimes the crankiest among us become the most endearing. Weird, huh?


The board has more rudeness than I like but where are the voices of reason telling them they are being rude? I think there has always been the nincompoops, they were just called out more in the past. Or maybe I'm remembering wrong?


I hope it is a seasonal thing. When we have all recovered our energy from the political season then we will muster the courage to be tolerant again.



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Good morning, Ladies.


I too am a long term participant (7 years?) on these boards, but have not been as active as many on the general board. Often I felt that I was not a member of "the clique" (although I hesitate to use that term because I don't wish to sound snarky). My comfort zone had been the curriculum board and now the high school board where the focus was and remains on educational matters.


But that does not mean I have not appreciated the general board. I enjoy the recipes, Amy in Orlando's tales of disaster, Doran's wit, and many of the thoughtful conversations on dealing with family members. But not every thread is for me.


Although I voted for banning political threads, I found myself reading many of them in amazement. There was the voice telling me to stay over in high school land, but I would sneak a peak at some multiple page thread which often had some insight--before turning sour.


Guess it just goes to prove that Mom was right (yet again) about not discussing politics and religion. And don't forget: guests and fish stink after three days. (Thanks Mom--miss you at times like this!)




ETA: But here is the question: instead of bemoaning what was, what can we do to elevate the tone? (Yikes--I have become my mother!)

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Hi Colleen,


I'm here and not really here for many reasons. In the past six months, the climate of this board has changed and it's not a friendly-feeling place any longer. For months, I've checked the board for prayer requests and genuine questions ... the rest ehhh... I have three teens here and I don't need to seek snarky online too. For me this board has been a fun place and I've loved getting to know so many members. But ... times change, members change and I don't feel comfortable here in the way I used to.


Also, as my kids get older, I find myself more settled in our homeschooling routine and don't feel the need to ask as many questions and I'm not compelled to answer as many questions either. I think it's a natural progression in homeschooling.


Mostly, it's not a friendly place, imo. It's become political and I can get that anywhere. This site used to be a place that felt safe. It no longer does. I came here mostly for the interaction on the general board. It's not fun any longer. I've learned a lot from the high school boards and the other boards, but the main attraction to me was the General board.


I keep in touch with people lately through my blog and Facebook. There is enough conflict in my life without having to deal with "real politics" on the homeschooling board. The General Board used to be fun. It's not been fun in months and months. I had hoped once the election was over things would go back to sort-of-normal, but that hasn't been the case. And, reading SWB's blog and her take on the election and the recent turmoil on the board makes me feel even less welcome. But, I'm glad I read it and now I know the lay of the land.


I'll check in periodically, but I doubt I'll ever become a "regular" member of TWM boards again. It makes me sad, but I think that's my only choice.


Amy, thank you for writing this. You summed up my thoughts. It isn't fun here anymore. I open some threads that are purely innocent questions and the tone in there just leaves me stunned.


I agree about SWB's blog as well. I voted for politics to be banned. I avoided them when I could. However, now I feel like an unwelcome visitor. Habits die hard. But this one is gasping.

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You are absolutely one of my favs and one of the people I miss most.


I am not overly optimistic about the tone here changing any time soon. Perhaps a phoenix occurance will happen. I know I don't have the time nor the energy to help it along.


Hope you and ds are doing well. We are heading to TN to visit ds for Thanksgiving. (Dinner w/ the entire family in his apartment with no table, etc.......the things we will do for our children! :) )

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Honestly? I realized that some of the people I thought I "knew" do not practice the tolerance they preach. It can be uncomfortable to know what people "really" think about you, especially when they do a pretty good job at playing friends. I miss the "we're in this together" feeling of the board, but I realize now that it was just an illusion. A grand one at that. But an illusion, nonetheless.




A few people who I really enjoyed have gone completely and it is sad to me because they were here long before I came. I don't know what the old board was like. By the time I came, it was already election time and the chaos was in full swing.


It's a shame, but really, if a person is snarky or makes offensive remarks, it's going to come out in any thread- politics, religion or not. Just look around at the parenting threads, Halloween, etc. People will say hurtful things. I, personally, was greatly hurt by a racial remark in a Target thread a few days ago.


See, when you talk about illusions, that's the nature of a board like this.

People have control over what they reveal about themselves. When they reveal more, that helps you see things more clearly but that can be positive, negative, or neutral.


I'm very proud to be an African American. Can you tell? Did you guess that about me? (You certainly can't tell by my avatar:001_smile:.) I think my race is nothing negative to most people here. The reality is, it could be to some, but that's how life is anyway. I assume it's not a problem unless I see very clear evidence otherwise.


I'm also a Christian. Not a problem for most people, I guess. But, as you say, when someone you considered a friend drops the illusion in a particularly nasty way, it hurts.


In either case, I do the same thing I would in real life. Enjoy conversation with the other people who are looking to exchange ideas in a respectful manner- whether we agree or disagree. (To tell you the truth, I don't mind knowing what I'm really dealing with)


I have to admit, though, some things have made me lesson my time here.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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It's November. Always slower on the boards November, December, and July--holiday months.




But some folks have flat out left the boards - cutting off their own noses , as my mom would say. Well, if they did not want to play nicely on our sandbox here...

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Hi Colleen,


I'm here and not really here for many reasons. In the past six months, the climate of this board has changed and it's not a friendly-feeling place any longer. For months, I've checked the board for prayer requests and genuine questions ... the rest ehhh... I have three teens here and I don't need to seek snarky online too. For me this board has been a fun place and I've loved getting to know so many members. But ... times change, members change and I don't feel comfortable here in the way I used to.


Also, as my kids get older, I find myself more settled in our homeschooling routine and don't feel the need to ask as many questions and I'm not compelled to answer as many questions either. I think it's a natural progression in homeschooling.


Mostly, it's not a friendly place, imo. It's become political and I can get that anywhere. This site used to be a place that felt safe. It no longer does. I came here mostly for the interaction on the general board. It's not fun any longer. I've learned a lot from the high school boards and the other boards, but the main attraction to me was the General board.


I keep in touch with people lately through my blog and Facebook. There is enough conflict in my life without having to deal with "real politics" on the homeschooling board. The General Board used to be fun. It's not been fun in months and months. I had hoped once the election was over things would go back to sort-of-normal, but that hasn't been the case. And, reading SWB's blog and her take on the election and the recent turmoil on the board makes me feel even less welcome. But, I'm glad I read it and now I know the lay of the land.


I'll check in periodically, but I doubt I'll ever become a "regular" member of TWM boards again. It makes me sad, but I think that's my only choice.


Yes. What she said. :001_unsure:

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ETA: But here is the question: instead of bemoaning what was, what can we do to elevate the tone? (Yikes--I have become my mother!)



It is funny that our parents grow smarter as we get older. At this point my kids still think I have all the answers, but I know in time I will become a complete idiot to them. :tongue_smilie:


I like your attitude, and I hope we can restore levity to this board. I am concerned that it is going to feel like a trip to the inlaws where we all have to smile and pretend we like each other for the sake of keeping the peace.

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But some folks have flat out left the boards - cutting off their own noses , as my mom would say. Well, if they did not want to play nicely on our sandbox here...


Hmmmm.........my observations from life with my children has revealed that typically it is the nice children that simply walk away from the sandbox and leave the bullies in the sandbox by themselves.

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