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How do I cook meatloaf?


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Stupid question, I know.  But seriously.  DH put together a 2lb meatloaf before he went to work this morning.  Usually he'd cook it, but he won't get home until our late dinner tonight (about 7:30).  What temperature?  How long? How do I know it's done?  It's been about 15-20 years since I've cooked meatloaf.

And yes, I'd ask *him*, but he works in a place that he can't have his cell and if I call the direct line they'd have to hunt him down, and he'd think there was an emergency.  So just help me out here, pleeeeeeasse?

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Chris in VA said:

Just for the future, if you cook it in a ring instead of a loaf, it cuts down on the time for cooking. Good for when you want meatloaf but either don't want the oven heating up the kitchen that long or don't have that much time to cook it. 


Growing up we had beef ring, not meatloaf. :laugh:

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2 hours ago, Chris in VA said:

Just for the future, if you cook it in a ring instead of a loaf, it cuts down on the time for cooking. Good for when you want meatloaf but either don't want the oven heating up the kitchen that long or don't have that much time to cook it. 

We cook our meatloaf in individual portions, in a muffin tin. :p

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2 hours ago, Chris in VA said:

Just for the future, if you cook it in a ring instead of a loaf, it cuts down on the time for cooking. Good for when you want meatloaf but either don't want the oven heating up the kitchen that long or don't have that much time to cook it. 

Good to know!  I'll pass that on to dh.  I have issues with touching raw ground beef.  Which probably explains the lack of meatloaf on my nights to cook. ?

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42 minutes ago, tbog said:


Like a Bundt pan? Never thought of that but it would make it so much easier considering how often hubby likes meatloaf.

I do ours in a large round cake pan (about 14" I think). I do baste mine a few times. My dad refused to eat meatloaf (from his stories, memories of bad meatloaf during his time in Air Force in Korea???) and so my mom found this recipe and presented it as "beef ring". :laugh: Meatloaf was never mentioned in my house growing up.

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I have started shaping mine into patties (like hamburger patties) and cooking them in the oven. Leftovers fit nicely on a bun for a sandwich. I do mine at 350 until it is 160 degrees in the middle. Not sure how long that is, as I just keep checking. Timing obviously depends on the shape and size anyway. 

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I put it in a ceramic or glass 9 inch "brownie" pan. I just shape it into a ring that fits, with about, IDK, 3 inches of space in the middle? 

It doesn't make nice slices, but we only make a small one anyway, and I can go from counter to table in about 30 mins. Usually bake 25-30 mins at 375, or until 165 degrees. 

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Thanks, all!
I ended up baking it at 370 for 1h20min, then letting it rest for about 15 minutes while I got the rest of dinner done.  It turned out beautifully!  Dh thanks you, too, because he said he was going to tell me 350 for 40 minutes, and that wouldn't nearly have done it.  In a way I'm kinda glad he forgot to leave instructions. ?

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6 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

We cook our meatloaf in individual portions, in a muffin tin. ?

I was going to say, I scoop mine with a large cookie scoop and bake them like big meatballs on a tray. I based them with a mix of ketchup & barbecue sauce, so they are tangy. Yum! I'm going to have to make them this week...

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8 hours ago, extendedforecast said:

Okay, I’ve never had meatloaf, and now I feel like I need some. Recipes please?

This is our favorite by FAR! I've tried a million, lol. 

Also, rather than cook it in a loaf pan, form it into a loaf shape and bake it on top of a broiler pan. It cooks more evenly and doesn't get weirdly soggy in the middle, and the fat drains away through the broiler pan. 

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20 minutes ago, alisoncooks said:

Here's what I make:


I leave out the onion (just use a little powder instead) and serve with a ketchup/brown sugar sauce. 

I'm not a meatloaf fan but I make it occasionally for my husband.  I might try this recipe next time.  This site seems to be pretty reliable with recipes that work. But, though love the idea of doing it in a muffin pan, I generally prefer to bake it on a rack so the fat can drain.  

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10 minutes ago, marbel said:

But, though love the idea of doing it in a muffin pan, I generally prefer to bake it on a rack so the fat can drain.  

Yeah, when I make this, I splurge on the leanest beef I can afford. (I've never made "normal" meatloaf. Maybe I'll try it on a rack, shaped into meatballs, with the less expensive ground beef...)

Edited by alisoncooks
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I have never followed a recipe for meatloaf.  I learned that from my mom.:)

Good ground beef, garlic powder, worshershire sauce, salt, pepper, 1 or 2 eggs,( depending on size), chopped onion(this is so essential-it adds the moisture it needs), a splash of milk, ketchup, enough oatmeal to hold it all together.  Free form in a 9x13 glass pan.  Spread on a mixture of ketchup,mustard, brown sugar, salt, pepper.  Bake @350 about an hour(check temp with thermometer.

It's my kids' favorite meal. 

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Meat loaf is incredibly adaptable. I don't measure anything. I just use a couple pounds of ground meat (beef, chicken, pork, any combo), chopped onions and green peppers (because we like them), salt, pepper, whatever spices you like, some kind of sauce (often that Hunts sauce for meatloaf), some kind of dry stuff (bread crumbs, cracker crumbs, oatmeal, ground up croutons, even crushed potato chips), and an egg or two. I like to put ketchup or some sauce on the top before baking as well. Mine is probably never exactly the same. Last time I threw in a bit of shredded cheddar. Was quite tasty.

I think I want to try a pizza one next time, like a pp mentioned. Might even include some pepperoni. 


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