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Who has officially started the school year :-)? Check-in here...

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We have been doing light schooling through the summer, but officially start 8th grade on Tuesday ?!!!  I am spending the weekend finishing up my school room organization and getting a few last things printed out and bound.

Our local schools started this past Monday.  I looked at my friend's FB posts of their kids going back to school, and this is the first year where I didn't feel jealous of the time the mom's were going to have to themselves and/or that I was doing my boys a disservice by keeping them home.  Since I (and DH too I guess -- LOL) have a big decision to make this year about high school for next year, I'm rather surprised I didn't feel these things this year.  Maybe that is telling me something :-) ...  

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We start Monday (we farm - there's no Labor Day around here). I got my oldest's TT subscription up and running today so I think that was the last thing to get ready. ?

ETA: Today was our first day and all went well. Apparently, my 7th grader did NOT want to do French this year so scrapping that. Everything else was good.

Edited by hollyhock2
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3 hours ago, alisoncooks said:

We've had a scattered start back to school. We started 2.5 weeks ago...but we've not been as consistent as I'd like. The school  workload has drastically increased this year (especially for the 7th grader) so we're all getting used to that. 


I could have written this same thing. I think we are starting week four on Tuesday, but we haven't done complete weeks.

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We're a couple of weeks in. I'm coping with a logistics nightmare with kids in part time or full time school at four different schools and some stuff still at home. My oldest goes to school for two classes, two days a week. Second does a project based program two days a week but all his core stuff at home. The next three are in school full time, two different schools and three different schedules (because of half day kindy) and then I'm juggling a three year old and one year old.

Things have been a bit rocky so far.

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We have finished three weeks.  So far so good, especially for DS13 and DS8.  All that time I put in planning over the summer is paying off.  DS10 is a tough nut to crack, though, and I am not sure that homeschooling is really the best choice for him.  Or possibly it's the best choice for him but not the best choice for me.  Not sure yet.  We'll see how things go.  One more full week and then we launch into the Jewish holidays and a very choppy schedule for about a month.

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1 hour ago, maize said:

We're a couple of weeks in. I'm coping with a logistics nightmare with kids in part time or full time school at four different schools and some stuff still at home. My oldest goes to school for two classes, two days a week. Second does a project based program two days a week but all his core stuff at home. The next three are in school full time, two different schools and three different schedules (because of half day kindy) and then I'm juggling a three year old and one year old.

Things have been a bit rocky so far.

My heart goes out to you! Last year we had kids in 1) Ft, 2) half day K, 3) dual enrollment, tech center, and LDS Seminary, and 4) two electives at school and rest home. And to boot there’s an A day B day for the high school/tech center/seminary, a T/Th and M/W/F schedule for college dual enrollment, no bus to school for K, and every Wed the elem let our 2 hours early and the middle/high started 2 hours late ? It was a logistical nightmare!!!

This year is better since youngest is home full time, and oldest takes time between seminary and dual enrollment to study on campus, and DS’s electives are 1st and 2nd period so he can ride the bus to the middle school. I’m just wishing my oldest *wanted* her license - it would make a lot of things easier.  At any rate, good luck with the year!! Sorry it’s crazy ?


We just finished week 3. A few bumps, but nothing terrible so I’ll classify as a good start.

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Our co-op began August 10th, so we started full school the next week. The co-op will take over 6 weeks off for the holidays, but the students will have about 2 weeks worth of assignments during that time. Ds takes literature, physics, and gov/Econ there. 

I just realized this was the logic board. I miss my kids being that young! 

Edited by mom31257
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On 9/1/2018 at 7:57 PM, maize said:

We're a couple of weeks in. I'm coping with a logistics nightmare with kids in part time or full time school at four different schools and some stuff still at home. My oldest goes to school for two classes, two days a week. Second does a project based program two days a week but all his core stuff at home. The next three are in school full time, two different schools and three different schedules (because of half day kindy) and then I'm juggling a three year old and one year old.

Things have been a bit rocky so far.

I don't know how you do it!  I get stressed out trying to homeschool twins and keep up baseball and year round swimming schedules!  Hope things calm down soon as you all get more comfortable with the schedule!

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We started the first full week of August and have been slowly adding things ever since. First we added ballet and soccer, then biology and a photography mentor, then Spanish. This week we are adding the last parts, math and co-op. For most of those we were filling the time slots with review, but now i can take that off my plate.

I like starting like this way. It gives me a chance to shake out the schedule a little at a time. I'm enjoying seeing my older dc become more independent. I'm also looking forward to the week off I scheduled for us at the end of September.

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Well poo!  I spent our 1st official day of 8th grade at the urgent care with my 83 year old dad :-(.  He is home and fine, but I was gone for 7+ hours.  Not how I planned to spend our day!  We do school during the summer so it wasn't a huge deal work wise.  Their checklist was ready to go and they got things done.  Just wasn't in the plan.  I knew when the phone rang at 8 am that it wasn't going to be good!

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We are starting week 6 today. . . I was away last week and the kids worked mostly independently so today has been a bit of a scramble to get everyone back on track. I have 2 logic stage students this year, and I have to admit, the concept of them doing work on their own and coming together to discuss and make sure everyone understands and dig a little deeper is delightful. This is our 9th year homeschooling and I am thoroughly enjoying my new role with both older kids. We are doing a BraveWriter style writing and literature co-op twice a month and started that last week. First week went well. Oldest is taking two online classes, the second of which began last week. Tapering the start certainly helped. I am also teaching older dd Spanish with another young lady once a week. dd is enjoying that and it makes me put on my teacher hat a bit and give me some accountability in that area, which has been great.  ds joined a FIRST LEGO homeschool robotics team that meets one day a week. It is a big commitment, but has been a huge blessing so far. 

I am very much enjoying our curriculum choices this year . . . I can't think of anything that is not working. Bible and geography are mom-written this year and are going so well, I am super excited. The switch to CLE math for my ds is proving to be a wonderful decision. The kids are currently watching "How to read Galatians" from Right Now Media and filling out the worksheet I made for the video...giving me a second to jump on here. So far, it seems to be one of our best homeschooling years so far...but I know it's only been 6 weeks. ? 

My only concern thus far is how busy we are. We leave the house every day, which isn't new, but it has become for longer periods of time. Monday-piano, tennis, swimming, gymnastics Tuesday- LEGO League, tennis, swimming, gymnastics, Good News Club Wednesday- chapel (for my dd that swims at a local Christian high school--only for fall) Spanish class, swimming, gymnastics, church  Thursday- Writing/lit class twice a month, tennis, swimming, gymnastics Friday- swimming, gymnastics . . .  add in regular chiropractor appointments for 3 kids, online classes, schoolwork, and regular life oh and competitions/meets. . . ugh. I keep reminding myself I signed up for this. 

Edited by ByGrace3
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On 9/4/2018 at 5:12 PM, mlktwins said:

Well poo!  I spent our 1st official day of 8th grade at the urgent care with my 83 year old dad :-(.  He is home and fine, but I was gone for 7+ hours.  Not how I planned to spend our day!  We do school during the summer so it wasn't a huge deal work wise.  Their checklist was ready to go and they got things done.  Just wasn't in the plan.  I knew when the phone rang at 8 am that it wasn't going to be good!

So sorry!

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6 hours ago, Megbo said:

Wow, most of you started so early! Our oldest had his first day last Wednesday, and we started at home today - 5th grade, 3rd grade, and Pre-kindergarten. So far, so good!

I bet you live on one of the coasts! In the Midwest schools start in August and finish in May, but on the coasts they tend to run Labor Day to, what, end of June? 

That said, in our house I feel better starting a few days earlier than local schools so that I have a bit of margin if things come up. This is week 6 for us, but the first week with everything official. Week after next we are taking the week off (of the classes i control). I'm looking forward to a break, and we will be half way to Thanksgiving.

Over all things are going well, but I underestimated the time we need for grammar and for American history. However, they are at the bottom of my priority list, so I'm going to just see how things go for the next few weeks.

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13 hours ago, Megbo said:

Wow, most of you started so early! Our oldest had his first day last Wednesday, and we started at home today - 5th grade, 3rd grade, and Pre-kindergarten. So far, so good!

One summer we moved from state where school ended June 23 to a state where school began August 11 - and my oldest was in public full time then. While the break was short, it set the pace for how we did homeschool later.

We used to run “full tilt” from Sep-May, and August was ramp up and June was ramp down. And July was fully off. It was easier for me to add in a thing or two each week in August than to start up everything at once. And by the time May was over so was I, but we continued with math, writing, and Latin so as not to lose too many skills over summer.

Now I have one full time in public and one part time dual enrollment so we go by district/college schedule.

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Dd loves, loves Angelina Stanford's Lit class!! I knew she would. 

BF geography is a hit. A little young for my kids, but relaxing and fun to do together and good review.

Very happy with WHA Algebra 1 and Latin 1 with CLRC so far. 

Our homemade history is good, but my kids don't love history like I do. 

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