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If I see any more Hannah Montana junk in the stores I'm gonna spit! Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, every piece of clothing or toy or food!

Yuck, yuck, yuck! She's a horrible role model. At 15 her favorite show is "Sex in the City", she poses nude, then half nude w/her dad (wierd)...This makes me sick. She's shoved down everyone's throat. If I were starving I wouldn't buy a sucker with her face on it.


There. I feel better.

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If I see any more Hannah Montana junk in the stores I'm gonna spit! Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, every piece of clothing or toy or food!

Yuck, yuck, yuck! She's a horrible role model. At 15 her favorite show is "Sex in the City", she poses nude, then half nude w/her dad (wierd)...This makes me sick. She's shoved down everyone's throat. If I were starving I wouldn't buy a sucker with her face on it.


There. I feel better.


Not really a rant but my dh made a funny comment about Hannah Montana merchandise. We were shopping for school supplies at Wal-Mart. Dh looked around and said, "Apparently only girls do school work". EVERYTHING from crayons to protractors was Hannah Montanna colored. :lol:

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I couldn't agree with you more!!! Ick! Yuck! Ptooey!


Fortunately, dd can't stand her either. We have a little inside joke for whenever we see HM merchandise: Whoever sees the item first says, "Don't look now, but there she is again! She's following you!"


With any luck, dd's disdain for HM and smoking will be lifelong habits!:D



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If I see any more Hannah Montana junk in the stores I'm gonna spit! Everywhere I go, everywhere I turn, every piece of clothing or toy or food!

Yuck, yuck, yuck! She's a horrible role model. At 15 her favorite show is "Sex in the City", she poses nude, then half nude w/her dad (wierd)...This makes me sick. She's shoved down everyone's throat. If I were starving I wouldn't buy a sucker with her face on it.


There. I feel better.


Really? Nude? I didn't know that. I'd heard about some 'risque' photos, but nude? Wow! Even without knowing that, I totally agree with you. I am so sick and tired of Hannah Montana.



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One of the only places I've ever seen (noticed, perhaps I should say) the name Hannah Montana is on this forum. I couldn't tell you what she looks like. One of the joys of avoiding much of the mainstream when shopping is avoiding the in-your-face advertising like you've mentioned. Maybe you can try some other shops?:)

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I'm right there with you. While doing our back to school shopping this fall I was hoping to find some cute fun supplies for the DC's but they only thing outside the plain and ordinary was Hannah Montana. UGH!


In addition, we don't by ANYTHING that says GAP, TOMMY, POLO, or HANNAH, etc., because like I tell them, "Are they paying you to advertise their product?" "Uhhhhhh, No." Our clothes are not for advertising.


:iagree:We have the same attitude here. I don't pay good money for clothes to advertise brand names.

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Really? Nude? I didn't know that. I'd heard about some 'risque' photos, but nude? Wow! Even without knowing that, I totally agree with you. I am so sick and tired of Hannah Montana.





Okay, with only a sheet in Vogue magazine. Just to clarify, I don't read or buy Vogue. The picture was all over the news and her father didn't care. Let me also say I have never seen a show, nor do I or will I.:tongue_smilie:

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Well, I feel like venting myself for feeling the same way about Rachel Ray. I know, I know, she is cute as a bug...but honestly, she annoys me to death! We were on the grocery cracker aisle and there was her face, plastered on every. single. box. all the way down the row. We turned the corner and there she was again, on huge bottles of olive oil. At the checkout there she was again on magazine covers. I need her to go cook quietly somewhere, far, far away.

Ginger (who has issues with Hannah and Rachel)

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Well, I feel like venting myself for feeling the same way about Rachel Ray. I know, I know, she is cute as a bug...but honestly, she annoys me to death! We were on the grocery cracker aisle and there was her face, plastered on every. single. box. all the way down the row. We turned the corner and there she was again, on huge bottles of olive oil. At the checkout there she was again on magazine covers. I need her to go cook quietly somewhere, far, far away.

Ginger (who has issues with Hannah and Rachel)


yeah, her too

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Marketing. It's all about marketing and that's what I stress to my kids all the time. These are adults marketing everything and anything they can to make money off of kids. We live in a world where everything can be put out there - like a teenage girls face on our food. crazy.

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I can't stand Hannah Montana. My dh says it's because she's blonde and I have an issue with blondes :glare: That's a whole other story.


My dh bought some HM candy at Walmart after Halloween for 5 cents a bag. I made sure to open the candy before I gave it to the kids so they weren't looking at HM. Can't stand her.



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The pleasure of living overseas. Tell me again who is this Hannah Montana:-)


Although we are OS, we still have HM merchandise here- and Im OK with that.

I enjoy the show ( oh- as do the kids)


There isnt a huge amount of merchandise to choose from, but Im actually happy to buy it.

As for the pics with her dad- I never saw anything weird in it- and nor did my kids, they thought they were nice pics with her dad.

Adults tend to sexualize these situations and see things in other ways....I personally thought they were OK

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The other biggie I've been seeing is High School Musical. Ugh. My dd justs looks at the stuff and rolls her eyes. Of course, I don't allow her to watch any of the teenage-geared shows at all. She knows it and she knows exactly why. My dh's great-nieces (5yo) have both requested stuff from both HM & HSM for Christmas. We have absolutely refused to do it and told them to give us other choices. The parents are actually having fits. :glare:

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One of the only places I've ever seen (noticed, perhaps I should say) the name Hannah Montana is on this forum. I couldn't tell you what she looks like. One of the joys of avoiding much of the mainstream when shopping is avoiding the in-your-face advertising like you've mentioned. Maybe you can try some other shops?:)


It's not as easy here to avoid it by avoiding mainstream shopping. For example, my dd went to the dentist yesterday and got 4 HM stickers from the receptionist on the way out.

Her best friend is having a HM birthday theme party for her 5th b-day.


My dd has never seen the show or heard her sing but if you ask her, she "loves Hanhah Montana". :ack2:

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