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Why do you (Mom or Dad) like homeschooling?

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In the spirit of Quote from Kids on homeschooling, why do you, mom or dad, like homeschooling?


I like it because (a starter list for me - I could go on all day):

I'm home with my boys all day.

I get to make sure their schoolwork is just what they need when they need it.

I get to watch them learn to read (better than watching them learn to walk or talk in my book.)

I get to see the look on other people's faces when I tell them my boys have never been to a traditional school - and yet - they are normal, average boys!

I have great flexablity in my days - this is both a good and bad thing. Some days an outside structure enforced for me would be a relief.

I'm always there to help my children learn and put into practice all the wonderful things I learned in therapy :blush5: that will hopefully spare them some of the angst I've experienced in my life.

I actually enjoy the mundane parts of schoolwork - planning, grading, storing school work. My OCD kicks in....;)


What about you? What do you like about it?

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Here's my list...


1. Continuity in my kids education, we're a military family and had my oldest stayed in PS he would have been in 4 different schools by the time he ended 3rd grade.


2. I love spending the time with my kids.


3. I love seeing the "A-ha" lightbulb moments when something just clicks


4. I love the flexibility it gives us, we can school through the summer if my dh is on deployment and take off all of December or whatever month it is that he comes home.


5. Like pp said, I love seeing people's reactions when they see my kids are homeschooled and NORMAL!


The list could go on and on, but these are the biggest.

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I agree with everything stated so far.


1. Teaching how to read was great! I wouldn't trade that.

2. Making sure they have tons of time to pursue their own interests, and being there to watch it.

3. Enjoying their innocence. Our oldest son learned too much too soon in public school.

4. Feeling so connected throughout the day.

5. Learning along with my boys.

6. Not dealing with homework, PTA meetings, etc.

7. Knowing their formal schooling time is just as long as it needs to be and tailor-made.

8. Not dealing with the social junk of public school -- the who's cool, the what others think of you, etc. Our oldest was in PS through 3rd grade. It's so different with my youngest two.

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Here's my list...


1. Continuity in my kids education, we're a military family and had my oldest stayed in PS he would have been in 4 different schools by the time he ended 3rd grade.


2. I love spending the time with my kids.


3. I love seeing the "A-ha" lightbulb moments when something just clicks


4. I love the flexibility it gives us, we can school through the summer if my dh is on deployment and take off all of December or whatever month it is that he comes home.


5. Like pp said, I love seeing people's reactions when they see my kids are homeschooled and NORMAL!


The list could go on and on, but these are the biggest.


All of this (except it would've been 4 schools by end of 2nd grade, here) and one more:



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I love homeschooling for a lot of reasons.

My oldest is so active, I don't think he'd do well in a regular classroom.

I love teaching, so it's a natural fit.

I want an academically advanced education

It's really, really flexible. I can take off when I want, go where I want, do what I want, and still get plenty of school in during the year.

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I love sharing the "lightbulb" moments.

When they called out, "I can read!" I was the one to hear, not a teacher in class.

I loved watching them work through basic math concepts and see it click, instead of being "rote" memory work.

The memories of fun and joy far overshadow the laundry piling up and the piles of books and notebooks and feeling like I didn't have any other life...

I loved prereading tons of books over the years.

I loved having theme units from time to time - having our living room turn into the rain forest, with large cut outs and posters... having medieval feasts with friends over... cowboy day with the neighbors horse...

In the midst of it, I did enjoy it, but now, I love that I did it.


Now I love that the ps teachers admire what I've done. Some of them didn't alway appreciate homeschoolers, now they have a new view from knowing my children and I and we have their respect.

I love that my dd has very hard AP classes and is responsible.

I love the maturity I see in my teen son. I know this is because I laid the foundation and I thank God for blessing my efforts.


And I confidently look to the future, when the courts may decide that I may homeschool once more and I can undo some of the peer gunk that the ps offers... (courts said children had to ps because of a difficult divorce, I had to work full time at that time and they thought it best for the children... now I don't work full time out of the house and life is quite nicely settled... I hope in another year to have a few home with me again).



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I like coming home in the morning and seeing my children.I wouldn't see them until afternoon if they went to school.I like being around my children;they're pretty neat people (I think).I like knowing when they are understanding something and when they are not.I like being able to follow our own schedule.

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  • not being out of the house at 7:15 am unless we want to
  • I have a wiggly learner, a traditional sit still classroom would stifle him
  • ability to learn with my son
  • a unique bond that we didn't have when he was in private school
  • flexibility to take off as needed
  • flexibility to hang out with dad until 10pm. He'd have an earlier bedtime if we didn't homeschool.
  • classical education
  • superior academics
  • I like to plan and research, I've been working on 6th grade plans today
  • we can pray in school
  • any time can be turned into character developement
  • the time we spend together learning about each other
  • quoting Latin to confuse dad


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:lurk5: not enjoying homeschooling very much these days.


To keep my mind on the goal of homeschooling though I'm contemplating putting together a box of personal encouragment so I can remember why I'm putting myself through this kind of torture instead of enjoying a latte in an office with a view.


Today I'm coming up dry . . . other than dh won't let me quit. He's going to fill me in this evening and help me remember why in God's green Earth I allowed myself to get into this kind of a committment.


Of course, by the then roller coaster will have stopped (please God!) and the baby will do something cute that I might have missed, or one of the other kids will do/say/make something incredibly nice/cute/thoughtful/intelligent and I'll glimpse have a glimpse through the looking glass at my desired reality.


But today--it's just grin & bear it.

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:iagree:Home education has been our way of living for 22 years! The time is short with each child and I wouldn't want to miss it. We have had ups and downs, students that seemed like sponges...they soaked up learning, students that grumbled, yawned, fell asleep in their math books, kids that could invent words, disrupt the lessons with dancing on the tabletop...really. Our children have enjoyed more time with their siblings than would have ever been possible with Christian school or public school. I love the lack of artificial age grouping. The children schooled themselves and each other while I was out with morning sickness(more than once) and they did a great job! Our teens have been able to volunteer at the Children's Hospital and the local library and establish friendships with adults. Our eldest was able to be a mother's helper to a neighboring mom who was blessed with two sets of twins. Home education seems like a better preparation for real life, because it is real life.

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I have the usual ones....


Spending time with the kids.


Seeing them grow up, learn, and mature.


Giving them the education they need, especially since both of mine would have issues in public school. One would be bored and the other left behind.


Life is so much less hurried. We don't have to get up or be out the door early. Our evenings are spent at home or having a fun evening together because our extracurriculars are during the day and we have no homework.


My kids have time to play and enjoy childhood.



But I also have selfish ones...


I find what we learn in history and science interesting. Why didn't I learn that in school?


I like our read alouds. I'm missed most of the classics when I was a kid so they are new to me too.


I like going on field trips, day trips, live theater, etc. Now I have an excuse to spend the time and money doing these things.


I like doing craft projects. I have the excuse to do them now.

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I love having this time with my children.

I love not having to be up and out of the house every day by a specific time unless I have scheduled something.

I love that if the weather is crummy we don't have to go anywhere.

I love that I can go on vacation on my schedule not the schools.


I could go on.

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Shallow reasons:


I don't have to get kids ready to catch the bus by 7 or 8 or whatever time it is that the bus cruises by here in the morning. :001_huh:


I don't have to worry about PTA, PTO, being room mom, baking 74 cupcakes for a class party, etc. etc. etc. [interject more serious reason - that stuff is not "me." I would have a hard time being more involved in the girls' education if they went to ps.]



Better reasons:


Flexibility - complete flexibility. We can take time off when we want and fill in on a Saturday if we need to. We can start the day with any subject we want, take a long lunch break, learn in the car or at Grandma's. If I want to take longer studying Ancients or the human body, we have the freedom to do so. If Becca doesn't get a math concept, we can stay on it for a bit longer until she does get it.


Loving the classical education and teaching history chronologically. It makes complete logical sense to me and I'm happy with it.


I love that Becca can get a hug and a kiss from her teacher anytime during the school day. :D


I love cross-learning. We color Egyptian puppets, and I can conveniently slip in a little Latin - this is a vir. This is a femina!


I can bond even more with the girls and for right now DH and I remain the number one influence in their lives. We don't have to counter unwanted outside influences.


And I'm really having a blast learning along with Becca.

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I'm so glad I don't have to fight the school district over special ed accomodations. Even keeping up with the paperwork to receive speech services is a pain, I can't imagine what hiring a lawyer and going through a due process hearing would be like.


Ds is able to keep up academically because of the 1 on 1 attention. I didn't realize how amazing that is until a friend decided to pull her HFA ds and found out he's 2 years behind in both reading and math.


I love being able to explore interesting topics with the kids. We love reading books, watching history and science shows together and going on fieldtrips. We have a lot of fun and the kids have picked up a lot of information from our sometimes random rabbit trails.


I'm glad ds can participate in extracurriculars. If he was in school, the only afterschool activity he could do would be therapy. He's a total ham, so I'm glad he can take dance, music and theater classes.


I'm glad my dd can spend the bulk of her day playing dolls, drawing and running outside.

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