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Do you think Oprah will really run for President?


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I agree with the bolded.  But you think she is a narcissist?


Yes, I do.  I think it's extremely difficult for human beings with that much money, power, clout to NOT grow huge egos.  She's been trying to educate people on her nutty form of spirituality for decades and her responses to people who ask logical, reasonable questions about religious/spiritual pluralism and her weird sort of relativism show to me how highly she holds her own opinions. If people are going to consider a candidate's religious beliefs, then I sure hope they will fairly assess some of the whacked out crap she's peddled.  Like the time she had some guru on her show, let them advertise their wellness/spiritual retreat and then when someone died at that retreat, I don't recall hearing a thing from her.  She never retracts when her pseudoscience gets called out.  Someone who can't admit they are wrong?  Narcissist.

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Yes, I do.  I think it's extremely difficult for human beings with that much money, power, clout to NOT grow huge egos.  She's been trying to educate people on her nutty form of spirituality for decades and her responses to people who ask logical, reasonable questions about religious/spiritual pluralism and her weird sort of relativism show to me how highly she holds her own opinions. If people are going to consider a candidate's religious beliefs, then I sure hope they will fairly assess some of the whacked out crap she's peddled.  Like the time she had some guru on her show, let them advertise their wellness/spiritual retreat and then when someone died at that retreat, I don't recall hearing a thing from her.  She never retracts when her pseudoscience gets called out.  Someone who can't admit they are wrong?  Narcissist.


I like Oprah OK , I don't really have strong feelings about her. But Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz are both her creations, and both are truly, truly awful people.


But, she is not someone who never apologizes or admits fault -- or never does it without also unleashing an attack -- or never does it without the threat of serious negative consequence.   Which truly is not something you can say about our two most famous recent narcissistic presidents.

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I think it is important to point out that “narcissist†in popular usage is different from Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is an actual diagnosis. The former generally means someone who thinks highly of themselves and is self-centered, while the later is symptoms that are much more destructive, chaotic, and can even include delusional thoughts when it comes to protecting a sense of self.


In my educated opinion, we have many politicians who fit the former description both past and present, but only one who fits the later, which actually isn’t surprising considering how debilitating NPD usually is.

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I hope not. I think she would actually win over our current celebrity in chief but I would really like his win to be a one time thing. I would like to get someone back in office who actually knows what they're doing besides winning some weird popularity vote. 


If we go this direction, then I'm just going to be very embarrassed to be a part of a country that could allow it to happen. I mean, I'm already embarrassed, but following our current leader with Oprah would make me feel so much worse about where we're going. 

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I hope not. I think she would actually win over our current celebrity in chief but I would really like his win to be a one time thing. I would like to get someone back in office who actually knows what they're doing besides winning some weird popularity vote.


If we go this direction, then I'm just going to be very embarrassed to be a part of a country that could allow it to happen. I mean, I'm already embarrassed, but following our current leader with Oprah would make me feel so much worse about where we're going.

While I also hope she doesn’t run and would love to have actual qualified people on both sides of the ticket next time, I would not feel worse than I do now if she ran and won. It’s actually hard for me to imagine anyone that would not be an overall improvement when it comes to basic qualifications, mental stability, maturity, character, and competency.
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What are you thoughts on this?  


I swear 3 or so years ago I would have said no way could that happen, but now? 


I love Oprah as Oprah, but I'm pretty much OVER having celebrity presidents. Of course, I was three when Reagan ("THE ACTOR???") was elected, so maybe I'm deluding myself but whatever.


Public policy is real work. It is really hard work and it's nothing like making people happy. It's like making everyone as less-unhappy as possible given that you cannot give them each their own separate country.


I hate how anti-intellectual, anti-work, and anti-civil service our country has become.


I'm a die-hard liberal and progressive, but I'd vote for Romney over Oprah. We just need someone with a minimum of respect for the civil service in office and you can't really get the whole respect thing if you haven't lived that personal sacrifice. Or for heavens' sake McCain. I don't even agree with McCain on practically anything but we both agree that a life of service is necessary to lead a country so I'll just have to take that.


Of course I'd much prefer someone whose policies I agreed with but at this point I'll take basically any functioning sane adult whose career exists outside of Hollywood.


Not to diss Oprah but for real... she's an entertainer and artist and media mogul. Please can we have people who have lived the lives they will be leading?

Edited by Tsuga
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I don't think she will. Just a gut feeling. I think she enjoys the freedom of picking her causes and platforms. When you're President you have to deal with a wide range of issues and may have to drop some of your priorities.


I worked in D.C. for some time and dealt with a wide range of people on the Hill and government officials. There are a lot of narcissists in D.C., not just in the White House. It's just the nature of it. I'm glad I did that because I learned that logic doesn't always rule; power is often the stronger driver.

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While I also hope she doesn’t run and would love to have actual qualified people on both sides of the ticket next time, I would not feel worse than I do now if she ran and won. It’s actually hard for me to imagine anyone that would not be an overall improvement when it comes to basic qualifications, mental stability, maturity, character, and competency.


I guess though, one time might be a kind of fluke, but twice in a row seems to point to something more fundamentally wrong.

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I've been mulling this over and I think it would be a bad thing.

But I also think it would be better than Trump and I can't help but feel that the centrist and left is being too noble and ethical about 'proper' candidates when the other side isn't. 


If the people want a celebrity candidate & are not turned off by even a total unqualified moron, then why shouldn't the Dems run a smart celebrity candidate who at least actually IS a business success (& not just a money laundering front), is competent enough to surround herself with other intelligent people, take advice and delegate appropriately, and who bottom line, appears to be kind...  

So I guess it would depend on whether Trump resigns, is impeached, is carried away strapped to a gurney etc. If he's gone, then I think everyone will step back and say let's get back to real candidates with experience in the political sphere. If he somehow survives, then I'd say the US is toast and you might as well put her on the ticket. 


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I think it is important to point out that “narcissist†in popular usage is different from Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is an actual diagnosis. The former generally means someone who thinks highly of themselves and is self-centered, while the later is symptoms that are much more destructive, chaotic, and can even include delusional thoughts when it comes to protecting a sense of self.


In my educated opinion, we have many politicians who fit the former description both past and present, but only one who fits the later, which actually isn’t surprising considering how debilitating NPD usually is.


I think narcissist is practically a qualification for an extremely high profile, high stress office like the presidency.  Who else would think they are the most qualified person to make decisions that directly affect 320ish million people, plus the ripple affects throughout the rest of the world's population?  DH is a good man, but if he can't even be sure he'd make the best decision for everyone in our household about dinner, well...


It is nearly unethical to sentence an entire family to the tortuous lifestyle, brutal criticism, and loss of privacy that comes with running for the highest office.  At the very least we can pick someone who really doesn't care.


Given what's going on in my state re: politics today, I shake my head every time someone is shocked that politics attracts self-centered nincompoops.

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At least Oprah came from nothing and climbed her way to the top. And used her power to try to do better and used it show and discuss others thought processes. And tried to enlighten people thru somewhat self awareness. She has more in common with me background wise than most politicians. I feel she would understand my position better than those in national politics currently. If she didn't, I don't get the impression she would belittle me or mock me or be unkind.

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I don’t think she’d run. Her entire empire is based on the facet that people “love†her. Running for president would destroy her Oprah empire. I can’t imagine her going through the primaries and being willing to have her name dragged through the mud the way most candidates do.

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I remember the beef lobby fiasco - she said after that episode of her life, that she'd never do anything that risked another such dragging of her name (and her life) through the mud. She said she wouldn't risk it.


I think running for president opens one up to an awful lot of that kind of trouble...?


That is a good point.  I also think that even though she praised the media a bit in her speech, does she REALLY trust them with the "narrative of her life" in a no-holds-barred presidential campaign?  It would be hard for ANYONE to!

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