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Thinking about buying a laptop---suggestions?

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We've been talking about buying a laptop for Christmas. I've looked online at the Dell Inspiron, the Sony Vaio, and Compaq. My dad really recommends getting a Mac.


Will a Mac laptop run Windows programs? I've heard that the new Windows Vista (which all the new computers seem to come with) needs at least 2GB of memory in order to run, so getting a laptop with 3-4GB of memory is almost necessary. I've been told it is still possible to get Windows XP loaded on a laptop, but that MS will not service XP within probably a couple of years. I've also heard there are a lot of problems with Vista.


So---I guess I could use some good, sound computer advice. Should I look seriously at the Mac, as my dad suggests? Should I stick with a laptop that runs Windows? Can files that run on Mac's operating system be converted to Word files on a regular PC, and vice versa?


I'm just beginning the process of researching this now. Any good advice welcome!

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I run XP on my Mac with VMWare's Fusion. IT works great - i can have both open at the same time! (eta: you have to buy Fusion and a copy of XP though - you can run Apples Boot Camp for free instead of buying Fusion, but you have to reboot the computer into the Windows side, http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/bootcamp.html )


Yes your word files and such can be converted to the Mac side - the only apps that might not be able to are very specialized applications.


I'd do anything to avoid Vista - and yes, at least 2gb of RAM will be needed.


I ran Mac OSX & XP at the same time on 2gb just fine - i upgraded to my machines max of 3gb for another reason.


I vote Mac!

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My Dell Inspiron is giving me lots of trouble. It's less than a year old and frequently runs very slowly, shuts itself off or freezes up. Refuses to get on the internet. The computer people at Radio Shack can't find the problem.


It's the only laptop in the house. We've got four Dell desktops and a something else that work fine.

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I run XP on my Mac with VMWare's Fusion. IT works great - i can have both open at the same time! (eta: you have to buy Fusion and a copy of XP though - you can run Apples Boot Camp for free instead of buying Fusion, but you have to reboot the computer into the Windows side, http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/bootcamp.html )


Yes your word files and such can be converted to the Mac side - the only apps that might not be able to are very specialized applications.


I'd do anything to avoid Vista - and yes, at least 2gb of RAM will be needed.


I ran Mac OSX & XP at the same time on 2gb just fine - i upgraded to my machines max of 3gb for another reason.


I vote Mac!


I agree!


Except I run Windows using Parallels. Things run just fine.

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My husband, an IT professional, likes Lenovo. If you go with Dell, get the in-home warranty. It's nice to have someone come to your home and fix your computer there rather than having to take it in or mail it in some place and not have it at all for a month.


I run Vista and haven't had any problems with it. It just took a while to get used to it.


I do NOT recommend Acer laptops. They are poorly made and require you to mail them your laptop for repairs, which you'd probably need. I've had three problems with mine: space bar, left click, and the thing the cord plugs into. My blog gets a lot of hits from people searching about the same issues with Acer laptops.

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I can't help as far as what brand/company to go with, however I can tell you that we bought one with the mouse pad thing right underneath the keyboard...big mistake! I thought it would be convenient, better than having it at the side. HA! I have lost so many posts because all I have to do is brush it with my palm and my screen clears or it does all manner of odd things. So avoid the center mouse pad. ;)

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I switched over from PC to Mac last year and love having a Mac. Mac software is beautifully designed, a joy to use and fast. Like pp, I also installed Windows XP Pro on the mac (using Fusion) -- there are a number of children's programs we wanted that exist only on Windows.


Visit an Apple store -- they let you spend an unlimited amount of time playing on their computers. Mac are much more expensive that pc's, but they spare you a whole spectrum of viruses, fear & frustration.

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Only PCs in our house, and we're happy. Would not consider a Mac.


I can get picky here - a Mac is a "PC", you know - Personal Computer :D


I've had both in home (Mac since 1987), i've managed both in the workplace (System Admin), my Windows based machines gave me job security - and for my couldn't muck it up project at work, i happily ran a 6 year old mac that did the job better than any Window's machine could dream of doing.


But choice is good in Homeschooling - and in computers..... but really, i don't envy any of my friends who have kids online and have had to fight the malware/spyware/virus issues. I just don't have that problem. They killed their XP machine - and 4 years later i'm still on the same install of OSX (with an upgrade applied to the top of it) for the kids.


Anyway, i had to pick on you because - well, you know, a Mac IS a PC too :D

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I have two laptops- a Toshiba Satellite (4-5 yrs old) and a new MacBook Pro. My kids inherited my 8 yr old MacBook and are making good use of it. I definitely prefer Macs, but they do cost more $$. Overall the Toshiba is fine (no big problems) but I only use it for work, as the Mac is so much easier for me to get along with.

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I just got a MacBook Pro a few months ago & love it! (Be sure to get the educator's discount if you buy Mac.)


I also run Windows programs on it with Parallels Desktop. No problems. In fact, I've always used a Mac and have never had any problems with it.



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A couple of years ago, we needed a new computer. We thought that we had to have a laptop. We purchased one and to be honest, it never leaves the desk! Desktops are less, no matter the brand, so unless you really are going to need the mobility, I would go desktop. As for brand, I have had a Dell, Toshiba, and a HP. I haven't had any real problems with any of them. Our next computer will probably be a Mac. Good luck.

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Yes, technically a Mac is a PC but there are PC's and then there are Macs. I have even brought my IT professional, pc loving husband over to the Mac side.


That said, we are getting each of the kids regular laptops for the Holidays due to cost. For what they will be using the computer for a Dell will suit their needs. I <3 my Mac.

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We have two Dell XPS 1530s that we LOOOOOOVE! They are running Vista just fine. I went with a good model, upgraded a few features, and I haven't touched our desktop since. We had a few problems with Vista in the spring, but it was actually a MS Outlook update that caused the problem.



DS has a Toshiba Notebook and he really likes it too.


If you are shopping, try Googling for the one you want followed by "coupon". I was able to spend a few hours researching coupon codes and got an incredible deal on both laptops (bought at different times). Each were over $3000 originally and I paid about $1500 with software, full 4 year warranties and Lojack on both.



If you or dh work for a major company you also may look to see if Dell has a discount for the company. I think it is Dell.com/epp. This trick alone saved my 12% on our laptops. They also have a student/teacher discount if your not eligible for a discount. Also call and talk to a rep, the last computer I ordered he kept playing with the numbers and was able to save me another $150.

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A couple of years ago, we needed a new computer. We thought that we had to have a laptop. We purchased one and to be honest, it never leaves the desk! Desktops are less, no matter the brand, so unless you really are going to need the mobility, I would go desktop.




Desktop is the way to go. I have a macbook (laptop) and honestly, I waste more time on the computer because the access is so easy. A desktop is cheaper, more powerful, bigger screen, better keyboard and easier to upgrade.


A laptop is convenient if you really want to bring it somewhere or you like to use the computer on the couch, the bed, outside. This = more time on the computer. Is that a good thing?

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My cousin works at a computer emergency room. He recommended IBM thinkpads and that's all we buy now. We had a few Dell laptops and they had all kinds of problems starting the day after the warranty was up. Cousin tells me they call them Dell *raptops because they have so many problems.

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