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Do you worry you won't be able to continue to HS?

Fo you worry you won't get to HS each year?  

  1. 1. Fo you worry you won't get to HS each year?

    • Yes-I worry I won't get to HS.
    • No-I don't worry I won't get to HS.
    • Other, Please explain.

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I constantly worry that I won't be able to continue to homeschool. I had to put dd in PS in the middle of 2nd grade to go to work for financial reasons. I was able to HS her again for 6th-8th grade. My dd wanted to go to PS for high school and we let her. But I fear that I will have to go to work again and not be able to HS my 3 little ones. Dh's job is dependent on donations (FCA) and doesn't have the security I need. His salary is good as long as we recieve the donations. The thought of having to go back to work always looms over me. I was a former PS music teacher so my job always has security. I don't want to go back to work, so I always live in fear. My dh is always wanting me to figure out a way to make some money. I use to be a part time choir director at our former church, but the church hired a full time person. I honestly can't think of anything that would pay enough money and not take up too much time.


Do you have a fear you wont get to homeschool each year?


What is it?

Edited by Tabrett
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Could you teach music lessons privately?


I don't worry - we set some things up in place when we moved so i that i could stay home. That was the goal. Right now, i can't really make enough in the area we are in to make it worthwhile for me to go back to work. I"d have to work after DH got home to avoid childcare for the youngest.


Overall, school is not an option for the middle child right now - and my parents feel pretty strong about school for the others, so i think i could keep them home.


Anyway, i ponder certain things - but it's normally after hours and weekend work.

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Could you teach music lessons privately?


I don't worry - we set some things up in place when we moved so i that i could stay home. That was the goal. Right now, i can't really make enough in the area we are in to make it worthwhile for me to go back to work. I"d have to work after DH got home to avoid childcare for the youngest.


Overall, school is not an option for the middle child right now - and my parents feel pretty strong about school for the others, so i think i could keep them home.


Anyway, i ponder certain things - but it's normally after hours and weekend work.

My dh's job works crazy hours. I can't rely on him to be home on a consistent basis. If I were to do anything, I would have to take the dc with me. I can't teach private lesson unless I have someone to watch the dc. If I hire a babysitter, there goes the money I just made.:tongue_smilie:

I'm afraid the only reason I'm getting to stay home now is because daycare for 3 dc would take my whole teaching salary. I have two more year until that runs out and I would only have to pay daycare for 1 dc, which would be affordable. I use to watch one or two kids during the day, but dh doesn't like me doing that.

Dh works extra jobs for me to stay home, but he gets tired and feels defeated from working so much. I feel like it is my fault. If I worked, a lot of pressure would be lifted off him.

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I fear that I won't be able to complete homeschooling high school. I have a freshman and I am exhausted. Between my chronic illnesses and trying to homeschool my other kids, I just don't have the energy to homeschool my high schooler. I thought he would be more independent by now, not less. My plan was to homeschool for 2 more years, then enroll in community college for dual enrollment. It does not look like that will happen, unless they perfect cloning or the board fairy turns me into the energizer bunny.

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I honestly don't worry about the financial side of it. We're willing to sacrifice and do what we have to do (including me taking part time work outside of my flute students if necessary) to make it work.


I am worried, though, about federal laws being passed to outlaw homeschooling. The NEA is a very strong lobbying force, and I have grave fears about that particular group pushing through federal laws that would make homeschooling illegal. Not in the near future, but in the next few years, and certainly before dd graduates.



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I voted no on the poll, b/c I don't worry for her listed reason. I do agree with you 100%. I have visions back to proposed legislation requiring every school to be accredited and every teacher to be certified.


This is also a big worry. I figure the private schools would fight it - so i'd have some extra time. We school under an umbrella school in FL right now.


My brother worries about this - and he doesn't have kids! LOL!!! (but his SIL is a teacher).

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I constantly worry that I won't be able to continue to homeschool. I had to put dd in PS in the middle of 2nd grade to go to work for financial reasons. I was able to HS her again for 6th-8th grade. My dd wanted to go to PS for high school and we let her. But I fear that I will have to go to work again and not be able to HS my 3 little ones. Dh's job is dependent on donations (FCA) and doesn't have the security I need. His salary is good as long as we recieve the donations. The thought of having to go back to work always looms over me. I was a former PS music teacher so my job always has security. I don't want to go back to work, so I always live in fear. My dh is always wanting me to figure out a way to make some money. I use to be a part time choir director at our former church, but the church hired a full time person. I honestly can't think of anything that would pay enough money and not take up too much time.


Do you have a fear you wont get to homeschool each year?


What is it?


I don't worry, because I know that any switch to ps (excluding legislation, so thanks for giving me a worry, guys :tongue_smilie:) would be for drastic reasons that would make homeschool/ps the *least of my concerns.

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My kids are both highschool age here in Australia- 13 and 14. I am looking for work. I intend to work part time, and have my kids work independently as much as possible- they could do that a couple of days a week. That's my plan.

If they ended up at school, I would be disappointed but it would be ok, too- they have had 5 solid years homeschooling. I don't think it will be necessary though, but we don't know how bad this is going to get. Both kids have part time jobs though, which, if they continue, contribute considerably to our income- as in, it means they can buy their own "luxuries", pay for camps etc- stuff which constantly erodes my disposable income. Both are learning to use public transport. I think of the kids 50-100 years ago who left school by 14 to work. Kids by 14 are pretty able to work independently with more distant supervision- at least periods of independent work and then times of close supervision, and they are able to hold down part time jobs.

Anyway, that's what is mulling around my brain at the moment.

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It already happened here. I put the boys in school in Feb. 2008 after homeschooling for 15 years. With two kids in college and the economy the way it is, it's a blessing I found work when I did.


Our public school system is excellent, so I didn't have any worries in that regard. The boys have made good friends. I'm glad I homeschooled as long as I did, and I'm also glad that everyone is happy, including me!



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My dh feels strongly both about homeschooling and about me being here for the baby. If necessary, at this point in time while I have a small baby, he would get another job (he is already working 7 days a week but could work weekday evenings) so that I could stay home. I do hope that by next year I can earn some money, but I have would only either work from home or in the evenings/weekends once the baby is old enough to manage without me.


And I don't worry about legislation outlawing homeschooling either. Private schools do not have certified teachers. Charter schools are only required to have 50% certified teachers in my state. I am qualified to teach college since I have a master's. If necessary, I would get a teaching certificate, but I doubt it ever will be.

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No, because dh is at least as pro-homeschooling as I am, and maybe even more so. We're committed to making whatever financial sacrifices necessary to keep that going. Of course if something truly catastrophic happened, which made it impossible for dh to work, we'd have to think differently about it, and while it would be really disappointing, we'd make it work. But we will do without a lot to be able to homeschool.

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I'm afraid the only reason I'm getting to stay home now is because daycare for 3 dc would take my whole teaching salary. I have two more year until that runs out and I would only have to pay daycare for 1 dc, which would be affordable. I use to watch one or two kids during the day, but dh doesn't like me doing that.

Dh works extra jobs for me to stay home, but he gets tired and feels defeated from working so much. I feel like it is my fault. If I worked, a lot of pressure would be lifted off him.


Does dh not support your homeschooling? That could be a big reason why you feel so uncertain about your future homeschooling. If both parents aren't in full agreement, it's much harder to feel secure about the future. I have a few friends whose husbands "allowed" them to homeschool for a little while, but when it really came time to sacrifice (esp. financially), they realized their dh's hearts had never really been in it from the beginning, and they ended up sending their kids to school because their dhs insisted on them working. I felt really sad for them, and wished they could have found a way to work it out.


If that's the root problem here, maybe you could think of ways to help your dh come to really appreciate homeschooling. It's possible that his work burden wouldn't feel so heavy, if he felt that he were supporting something really important.

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I don't want to go back to work, so I always live in fear. My dh is always wanting me to figure out a way to make some money.


Me, too. I work part time now, and it is so hard to make hsing work that way. Read-alouds don't get done, "extras" like art and music are usually skipped. I must always be one step ahead of the game to stay on target with our hsing- I don't have time to run out at night and grap somehting needed for a science project, for instance.


Forget anything I like to do like scrapbooking, etc.:glare:I am pretty burned out. It doesn't help that we are in an area where if I went to work full time, I could double our income. But geez- that would mean kids in school, and after and before school care, and I just can't imagine that. I think DH just sees dollar signs.:sad:I know he values hs'ing, but...its to the point that I am pretty sure he values financial security more. I can't say he's *wrong* exactly, but I don't feel that way.I love, love hsing and being with my girls, and I long so much to just do that, not split my time, energy and focus between the job and them.


Thats my really long way to say: yes, I do worry. One upset and we'll come crashing down here- DH loses his job (not likely, but...), major injury, etc.

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My husband is very much for homeschooling and me staying home with the kids yet I still worry about both laws forbidding homeschooling being passed and financial issues.


Right now our finances are impossible. My husband's job cut his pay 25% without warning. We were living pay check to pay check before so it put us under what we needed at a minimum even with frugal living. There was no hope of it getting better so he quit to focus on getting his part time business up and running to full time. DH cashed out his small 401K to help pay the bills until we are able to get enough income to pay them. We expect to have enough money until around April. Hopefully, he'll be able to grow the business enough by then.


I'm doing everything I can (except drop our World Vision sponsored child) to cut expenses and trying to bring in a few dollars from online sources. All of my spare time is going to increasing those few online dollars.

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If it came down to losing the house, yes, we would have to put the kids in school.


When DH was hired, we felt so secure. It was like belonging to a club. No one was ever let go unless they did something very bad. Fast forward ten years and times have changed. I've lost count of the lay offs and early "retirement" packages that have been offered, etc. A round of lay offs just took place and luckily they found a different job for DH within the company. But, I don't feel secure about it all! Now the company is talking about outsourcing. If DH still has his job in another 2 years, I'll be surprised.

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Yes... I am a terrible housekeeper and I am afraid that will break us one of these days. DDs behavior is terrible at times and it would be so peaceful with her in PS, and family members and friends think I am crazy for keeping her around. And... finances, of course. We go through worries of the company closing every year. DH cannot cash his check for several weeks quite often.

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Although I try not to worry, the truth is I do all the time. I am the only one bringing money into our house right now and it will probably remain that way. If the economy continues the way it is (which is VERY likely) I will need to increase my days of work. DH has made it very clear that he support ME homeschooling but, HE will not homeschool. So honestly it is only a matter of time.

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I voted no on the poll, b/c I don't worry for her listed reason. I do agree with you 100%. I have visions back to proposed legislation requiring every school to be accredited and every teacher to be certified.


:iagree: I'm concerned about possible future legislations, moreso now than 2 weeks ago.

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