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Strange situation- WWYD?


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I woke up from a nap to find the gf of 19yo ds had parked her car illegally in front of my house. We cannot park on the street but people do sometimes but usually halfway in the grass. Her car is parked at least a foot out into the road facing the wrong direction. It is a small black car. They will not return until about 11:00 tonight. It is already dark.


At the moment I am sitting in my car in front of illegally parked car with my lights on. Our street is not a main road but a neighborhood street people drive 25-30 mph. Very few dim streetlights. Basically I think there is a pretty high probability of someone hitting her car because they just don't see it/expect it there. The liability and expense is a concern of course but I can't bear the thought of someone getting hurt when I could have somehow prevented it.


I don't have safety cones or reflective equipment. Even if I wanted to demand my ds and his gf return they are a couple hours away. For now I am sitting in front of it with my lights on contemplating how I will handle this.




This is what my parenting teens and young adults is like. Being faced with stupid scenarios that I never once thought out in advance how I would handle.

Edited by teachermom2834
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It isn't your car. I would text her and let her know she is parked illegally and runs the risk of a parking ticket and/or having someone run into her car. Then I would chalk it up to "Not my circus, not my monkeys." 

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It isn't your car. I would text her and let her know she is parked illegally and runs the risk of a parking ticket and/or having someone run into her car. Then I would chalk it up to "Not my circus, not my monkeys."

I realize it is not truly my responsibility but I do still feel responsible. Not because she would get a ticket or her car hit but because someone else could get hurt in the process. But I totally hear what you are saying.

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Do you have any flashlights or battery powered lanterns you could use to set on the car to alert oncoming traffic to something being there? Run some Christmas lights out there (lol, but seriously)? I'd also call and tell them it's a problem and you hope nothing bad happens before they return.

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Do you have any flashlights or battery powered lanterns you could use to set on the car to alert oncoming traffic to something being there? Run some Christmas lights out there (lol, but seriously)? I'd also call and tell them it's a problem and you hope nothing bad happens before they return.

That is the current plan. We have a couple battery powered lanterns we are placing on the car and we just strung a small string of battery powered Christmas lights around the side view mirror and along the side. Anything that will alert drivers it is there should help.

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Is there a particular reason, such as a blind corner,  why parking on the street is illegal on the street?  I would think that the chances of the car being hit are still small.  Although people may not be expecting a car, they would have the headlights on and would see it just as they would an animal or something else in the street.    

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Where are they? Out of town it just out on a date? Because I would definitely call her and tell her she needs to come and move it.

They are out of town. If they were local I definitely would have made them come move it. I could demand they come home immediately but that would only get them home two hours earlier and it would ruin something they have planned for awhile and purchased tickets to. I feel like demanding that would be overreacting and even if justified - I just don't want to do that.


I am the first to admit I err on the side of being soft with my young adults and their significant others. I am mainly upset with my ds. He knows how to park in our neighborhood. I really don't want to make the gf feel bad or embarrassed even if what she did was unwise.

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Have you tried going out with your car and then approaching from afar with your headlights on? It would give you a better sense of how visible it is to a moving car.


Parking is allowed on our street but people generally don't because the road is so narrow and most houses have decent driveways. But every once in awhile I'll be driving home and suddenly come across a parked car. I have never once come even close to hitting a parked car, even though there is a hill that makes it rather blind in some spots. The danger may not be as much as you fear.

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Yes, you run into all kinds of situations when children are this age.  We have a single driveway and parking on our street is illegal between 2:00am and 5:00am  (and tickets are freely given for parking on the street during those hours).  We have gotten in the habit of asking dc's friends to leave keys accessible when their cars are at our house--we have a special hook for keys--so that people do not get blocked in or cars don't get left on the street in afterhour times

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Yes, you run into all kinds of situations when children are this age. We have a single driveway and parking on our street is illegal between 2:00am and 5:00am (and tickets are freely given for parking on the street during those hours). We have gotten in the habit of asking dc's friends to leave keys accessible when their cars are at our house--we have a special hook for keys--so that people do not get blocked in or cars don't get left on the street in afterhour times

Yes, covering with the younger teens home right now things like "leave your keys when you are going to be gone awhile in case someone needs to move your car for some reason"


I think it was a thoughtless thing to do but I think this is how people learn things, so I'm annoyed but I remember being 19 yo. Young people just don't always see the big picture. My 17 yo who just strung the Christmas lights on the car will likely never make this same mistake. Not will gf who will be embarrassed to pull up and see her car "decorated".

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Yes, you run into all kinds of situations when children are this age.  We have a single driveway and parking on our street is illegal between 2:00am and 5:00am  (and tickets are freely given for parking on the street during those hours).  We have gotten in the habit of asking dc's friends to leave keys accessible when their cars are at our house--we have a special hook for keys--so that people do not get blocked in or cars don't get left on the street in afterhour times


We've got plenty of parking room here, but we have the same rule.

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If you really believe a driver is going to hit the car, if it's pretty much inevitable, call a wrecker and have it towed.


Gf and possibly ds will never forgive you...but if it's actually illegally parked they don't have to know you were the one who called. (Feigning ignorance won't work if you've already got the whole household in an uproar with your fussing.)


I don't know. I'm not saying I would do this. But if this is not only an illegal but also potentially a life jeopardizing mistake, your conscience might like you to call.

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Is the road so narrow that people drive right next to the curb? One foot into the road isn’t even as wide as a normal bike lane. I would go back inside and not worry about it.



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There is a foot between where her car is in the road and the yard. So her whole car is way out in the road. The road is narrow enough that a car would have to move over and go around it. So a driver paying attention would see it and go around but you could not hold your lane and not hit the car.

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