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Attending funeral, is this weird...


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A few years back I had these two boys multiple times over a few seasons in my swimming classes. I got to know the dad and mom a little bit. The boys are about 3 years apart in age. They also attended the same daycamp for two weeks one summer with my ds. They were very nice to ds. My ds has intellectual disabilities so this is a big deal. It was just a regular community program, not something advertised as "inclusive."


So that's my connection to the family. I haven't seen them in a couple years. I changed jobs so I don't know if they continued swimming--the older one would have aged out by now. However, I know quite a few people who know them.


During the time I regularly saw them the mom had cancer and then had a recurrence. I since heard her cancer was back again last year. She died 12/23. The funeral is this morning.


I'm thinking about going to the funeral. Is this weird? They are a really nice family. I always enjoyed those kids. Once I ran into the mom in the store and she told me her kids didn't get into my class. This was just when her second round of cancer started. I went into work saw how long the wait list was a requested my class be over enrolled to the point where her boys would get in. She was happy, but I was too because I liked having them in class.


Anyway, it's been awhile since I've seen them. Should I go?

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