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How often do you vacuum?


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I didn't used to "get" why anyone would sweep. I saw it as very inefficient compared to vacuuming. I had (and still have) a big vac, a stick vac, a rechargeable handheld vac-why would I want to sweep? And then ever so slowly the noise started grating on me more and more. And more.  :w00t:  Now I don't even think of vacuuming if I can sweep or Swiffer instead. 


Ok, I admit it, I have this issue too. Dh vacuums with industrial hearing protection on; maybe I should start. 


And yeah, I find swiffer and broom so much nicer. But the dogs???? I still can't find a solid floor that will be kind to old giant dogs.


Unless - Can I cover my whole house with rubber horse stall mats? 

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As far as noise, the regular canister vac gives me headaches. The rooomba is annoying and droning but not particularly loud. Shutting the door helps. If it's in a hall and you're using barriers, you can hear it, yes. But it's just a drone, not so loud that it gives you migraines. Hopefully.

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I have two dogs, but one is a longer-haired GSD who sheds like crazy.


Between that, boy crumbs (because everything they eat seems to create crumbs they trek through the house with), and the flea issue from the summer that I'm still terrified of, I vacuum about daily.


I definitely try to hit the rug in the living room daily. The rest of the main level of the house is hardwood, and I try to hit that at least every other day. The second floor is carpet, but the dogs aren't allowed up, so I do that once or twice weekly, typically. When the flea issue was at a head, upstairs was daily, too. Almost 5000 square feet of vacuuming about twice daily during that time in our lives, and it's my understanding that it may be typical for this area in the warmer months, so... bleh.

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It was almost daily, until 2 weeks ago, when we all started getting sick, and then a helpful relative broke our vacuum.  I just got another delivered today, but this one is cordless.  Since the thing that bugged me the most was the cord, I'm hoping this will make me more cheerful when I'm sucking up lint, leaves, and dog hair.

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When the kids were young and we had 2 cats and one dog, I vacuumed every single night before I went to bed in the one main room -- which is a living room/dining room combined and where every single thing took place in our house.  (We only have those rooms, a small kitchen, and small bedrooms.)  Our Persian rug was navy blue and every single hair and crumb showed up on it.  I only spent 5 minutes on it -- that's all it needed.  But I liked starting every day with it looking fresh.



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Not often enough.  We have three dogs: a German shepherd mix, a who-knows? mix, and a rough collie. Really ought to vacuum every day, but that doesn't happen.


My 22yo is supposed to vacuum every time she has a day off from work. She usually works 5 days/week, but her days off vary. She also cooks pretty frequently and helps with the dishes.


My 24yo is supposed to sweep and mop every time she has a day off from work along with keeping up with the dishwasher. She usually works 4-5 days/week and her days off vary.

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