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Should I go today?


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My mother grew up about 3 hours South of where I currently live.  Every year they have a large family Christmas gathering on the 2nd Saturday of Dec (today.)  I have gone almost every year since I moved here.


This year I really wanted to go because I have one uncle who is not doing well.  He lives there and will (hopefully) be there.  But I also just don't see these folks regularly, so it would be nice to go.


HOWEVER, the weather is not good right now.  Yesterday our local school district cancelled all Fri after school and all Saturday school events due to inclement weather.  My son is actually in a play that has now been moved to next weekend now (although they went ahead and had their cast party last night!  :lol: )


They are predicting snow and freezing rain.  Going this am shouldn't be a big problem.  I am heading away from it.


But I am worried about coming home.  It will be dark when I get back.  


I can't get a firm grip on predicting if it will be bad or not.


DH wasn't going to go, but says now he will go and drive (he grew up driving in snow and such, I did not!)  


I just don't know what to do.

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Can you have a flexible plan to get back?  Do you have a day or so of wiggle room?


I would go in that case, but if not, I wouldn't.  Years ago we had a massive storm across our part of the state.  People who had left on the holidays were told to stay put, and the ones that didn't all got in car accidents (lots of ice, no plows or salt on the freeway because it was a warm weather state).  One girl I knew flipped her week old car.  Her husband's boss hadn't sent the word that they should stay, so they attempted to come back. 


It was a mess that lasted 3 days after the storm.  If you can't be confident that you have the time to spare, or have the ability to stay overnight there, I'd stay home.

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If it were an emergency, we could drive just up to Columbia and get a hotel I suppose, but it isn't ideal.  That would mean leaving our kids alone overnight (they are old enough, but still) and my husband has church duties Sun am (and of course if there is an emergency he can call in and say he can't make it.)


The thing is, I am exhausted.  I mean, bone dead can't cope right now exhausted.  This job is sucking me dry and I wish I hadn't taken it.  The thought of getting a hotel, needing to pack this morning for a just in case overnight, worried about not sleeping (I don't sleep well away from home) and then getting up Mon and starting all over again, makes me want to curl into a ball and hide.


Yes, we could stay the night half way back if necessary......but it will wear me out even more.  

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I would go. You are moving and may not see some of these people again. You know that, that's why you really want to go.


I would pack a change of clothes just in case you need to stop driving on the way back or you decide to stay overnight while there. I believe you work Monday through Friday and not on weekends. Just evaluate what you need to do on Sunday to determine how much wiggle room you have. This stuff should all be gone Sunday.


If you go prepared with options you will enjoy the event worry free and likely drive home tonight with no problems.

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I am in the north, have always lived in the north, and still refuse to drive in bad weather.  We have skipped our annual family party for weather. We've also gone and started driving home only to have me order dh to pull over at the nearest hotel.


I worry more about other people's driving than my own.  I may have a squeaky clean driving record, but that won't prevent someone from sliding into me or keep my tires steady on ice/slush.  Staying home may be WHY I have a squeaky clean driving record!

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I would go.  Sometimes stress and accompanying low-level depression can make it seem easier to just stay home and skip stuff...even activities you are looking forward to.  In general, though, I find if I make myself get up and go, even though it feels overwhelming, that I end up enjoying myself and feeling better afterwards.



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Dawn, I would go. Is the snow supposed to slow down this afternoon? (Most areas around me have several inches already, but it will stop by mid-afternoon.) If most of my travel were along the interstate, I would assume that traveling, even at night, will not be hampered by the weather here. And I would let my husband drive, as long as I didn't have to worry about any weather-related things at home (likelihood of power outage, for example).


I'm sorry things are not great at your job. :(

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Dawn, I would go. Is the snow supposed to slow down this afternoon? (Most areas around me have several inches already, but it will stop by mid-afternoon.) If most of my travel were along the interstate, I would assume that traveling, even at night, will not be hampered by the weather here. And I would let my husband drive, as long as I didn't have to worry about any weather-related things at home (likelihood of power outage, for example).


I'm sorry things are not great at your job. :(


Thanks. '


I guess I am worried about it being icy after the snow and icy rain.  


 I could go into great detail about my job right now, but it is what it is.  I just have to decide how long I can take it.   I never get time for lunch, go in early for meetings and stay late for after school activities......all expected at this job. If I had known that, I wouldn't have taken it.  My teaching job last year went from 7-2 and I could leave at 2pm with no added responsibilities ever (I was at 2 different schools, so it was easier as they never really knew where I was and it was expected of me to not attend meetings or do extra), but now my school goes from 8:30-3:30 and I am often there from 7:30-4:30 or even 5:00.  And it is a 45 each way commute.  I am often gone from 7:00-6:00.  


But there are other things that are making it stressful and several people have told me they are looking for new jobs and plan to leave.  We will see what happens with that and what the turnover looks like.

Edited by DawnM
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Since dh is going with you, I'd go.   Pack just the bare essentials for overnight. Something to sleep in, medications, phone charger. It's ok to wear the same clothes for a few hours on day two.  

Sorry you're feeling stressed. That always makes other things worse.  :grouphug:

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I would be torn with this decision too. I don't mind driving in bad weather, but when I'm exhausted like you describe every issue becomes magnified for me. I think I might go and leave earlier than I had originally planned so that I was doing less driving in the dark. I wish you the best whatever you decide. :)

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I would be torn with this decision too. I don't mind driving in bad weather, but when I'm exhausted like you describe every issue becomes magnified for me. I think I might go and leave earlier than I had originally planned so that I was doing less driving in the dark. I wish you the best whatever you decide. :)


Just not sure it is worth it to drive 6 hours if I am only going to stay 2, you know?


We are going to go, leaving at 9.  It starts at 12, we usually don't eat until 12:30 or so, and then sit around and socialize for a long time, and with so many relatives, it does take a while to talk to everyone and catch up.


We will stay until around 4 probably, so we will be driving home in some darkness, but DH is going and I can sleep in the car if necessary.  i only got 5 hours last night and I was already running on empty.....I just can't shut off my brain, and I even took Benadryl.  

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If it were an emergency, we could drive just up to Columbia and get a hotel I suppose, but it isn't ideal.  That would mean leaving our kids alone overnight (they are old enough, but still) and my husband has church duties Sun am (and of course if there is an emergency he can call in and say he can't make it.)


The thing is, I am exhausted.  I mean, bone dead can't cope right now exhausted.  This job is sucking me dry and I wish I hadn't taken it.  The thought of getting a hotel, needing to pack this morning for a just in case overnight, worried about not sleeping (I don't sleep well away from home) and then getting up Mon and starting all over again, makes me want to curl into a ball and hide.


Yes, we could stay the night half way back if necessary......but it will wear me out even more.  


Given this, I would not go.


You've gone every other year you could.


Your health matters, too. I'm used to snow and storms & I would not go under these circumstances. You will be worried about the trip home the whole time.


Can you skype with them?

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I'm glad you're going, although freezing rain is the WORST.

It's probably too late for this now, but I wanted to suggest reframing this as a weekend away, and PLANNING on spending a night or two in a hotel, making reservations in advance.  You can always cancel them, but then your fallback is well defined.

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We have made it home safely.  It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours?  And definitely not a "night or two."  I have to be at work early Monday morning!

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We have made it home safely. It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours? And definitely not a "night or two." I have to be at work early Monday morning!

Most hotels are cancel by 6:00 p.m. the day of the reservation. Unless you go through one of the discount booking sites at which the room rate is charged immediately and non-refundable. Just get the details when you make a reservation.

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We have made it home safely.  It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours?  And definitely not a "night or two."  I have to be at work early Monday morning!


I'm so glad it worked out.

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We have made it home safely.  It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours?  And definitely not a "night or two."  I have to be at work early Monday morning!


I'm glad you went and got home safely!  


Some reservations are cancellable up till 4 or 6pm of the arrival night.  In my experience that is more typical of cheaper motels along the highway - ones that might get someone coming in without a reservation at midnight after driving all day.  


Once we had a reservation that had to be cancelled 24 hours before.  Our car broke down and we cancelled the day of. They were very gracious and didn't charge us anyway, despite our late cancellation.  Good thing because our towing bill came to about the same amount as the room!   (AAA regular membership only tows so far... :-) )

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We have made it home safely.  It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours?  And definitely not a "night or two."  I have to be at work early Monday morning!

So, glad it worked out. 


IME most hotels have cancel by 6 pm (maybe as early as 4 pm). Only in resort areas have I experienced 24hours or more. 

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We have made it home safely.  It snowed here earlier in the day, but was fairly clear on the way home.


It all worked out well.


As for "just cancel" hotels, aren't most reservations charged if not cancelled before 24 hours?  And definitely not a "night or two."  I have to be at work early Monday morning!


Thanks for the update! I came back specifically to look for it. I'm glad everything worked out well, that you were able to go, and that you didn't regret your decision.  :)


P.S. And OH NO about the job. You'd posted about it, but it certainly wasn't something I could "like."  :(


Edited by ThisIsTheDay
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Glad you went!


In the past year or two we've been booking hotels through sites like booking.com or travelocity.  Quite often they have different rates for whether you want to be able to cancel or not. Kind of like airfare, I guess.  Once we got a rate that included being able to cancel and when we checked in they had plenty of rooms and the clerk 'cancelled' our online booking in order to give us the better rate. Nice!



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