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My Aldi is going downhill...


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I've been a staunch defender of Aldi for some time. When people come on here and ask "what is the appeal of Aldi?" I have always had something good to say.  


Now I understand the critics.  My Aldi is going downhill in terms of stocking and cleanliness.  While the fruits and vegetables have always needed examination in terms of freshness, they've generally been quite good. The last time I was there I noticed (by smell) rotting potatoes and saw some horribly mashed and moldy avocados in the case. 


Coincidentally (or maybe not) I have noticed that the man I recognized as the store manager has not been visible for a while.  I wonder if he has moved on and the new manager is not as diligent as the earlier guy was.


In any case, I'm looking for the proper place to write a letter to complain -- note I am not asking for anyone here to help me find that; just saying I'm going to do it. 



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I think it really does matter who is running the store. A friend of mine was noticing the store in the next town over was much better about sales and moving stuff than the one in our town. I did start buying fruit and veggies other places last summer. I guess they'll figure out how to make them work or they will be out of a job or some stores will close. Good luck with the letter! Maybe you'll get free groceries. 

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I don't find that the fruits and veggies are cheap (at least not compared to our neighborhood mom and pop veggie store) so I don't ever buy them at Aldi unless I'm in a major time crunch.


For a few weeks two years ago, our Aldi was ALWAYS out of flour. For crying outloud! What grocery runs out of flour???



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I just finally worked up my courage to go into one and while the experience can be soul-searing aesthetically, it is so unbelievably cheap that I need to check the receipt often to make sure they didn't miss anything. Organic chicken and a fridge drawer full of cheese plus all this other stuff and I barely broke 100? I've been back twice this week.

According to madteaparty's pomegranate index, it's 2.5 times cheaper that my regular grocery store. I don't use AOPS or anything, but that's compelling...

Edited by madteaparty
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I complained about mine once and they wanted to call me on the phone to discuss it.  Oh gawd.  I didn't.  I probably should have, but I wasn't sure if they'd keep it confidential. 


I am kinda starting to despise the nearest one.  I'll go there for something basic and quick, but I go to another one that is further to shop. 

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Yeah at the risk of bashing Americans..I think it's a Germans vs Americans thing.  Overall in general stuff in Germany is cleaner than here.


(of course I don't mean there are no individual exceptions..I'm talking very broadly) 


I am continually surprised by dirty grocery stores.  I don't mean Aldi specifically - overall the ones I've been in have been very clean, with the exception of my recent complaint about my closest store.  


You would think there would be company-wide standards for cleanliness and someone at some level responsible for making it happen.


The grocery store (not Aldi) closest to my house is so old and dirty - and smelly - that I don't go in there at all. It's reached the point that it needs to be shut down for a time and redone.  

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I am continually surprised by dirty grocery stores.  I don't mean Aldi specifically - overall the ones I've been in have been very clean, with the exception of my recent complaint about my closest store.  


You would think there would be company-wide standards for cleanliness and someone at some level responsible for making it happen.


The grocery store (not Aldi) closest to my house is so old and dirty - and smelly - that I don't go in there at all. It's reached the point that it needs to be shut down for a time and redone.  


I'd say most of them where I am are pretty clean (for one thing there is a lot of competition so for awhile they were all remodeling and rebuilding so everything is very new).  I have seen some gross ones though. 


Our Aldi is clean except the cart area and parking lot.  They don't seem to pay any attention to that.

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I've gotten moldy produce before at Aldi. That was after finding the same moldy produce at Costco and the other grocery stores.


It's the Law of Nasty Strawberries. Bad strawberries in one store means bad strawberries in all stores (the exception being one pack of $15 tiny more-organic-than-organic, should-be-gold-plated strawberries... and at that point you just say screw it and buy apples).

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I know what you mean about the rotten potatoes.  I always smell the bag before I buy it, from Aldi.  One time my daughter and I found some money on the floor in our aldi and we gave it to the manager.  We called a couple of weeks later to see if anyone claimed it (whenever we've found money in the past, if it isn't claimed we get to keep it) they told me it hadn't been claimed but i we couldn't have it back and that they put in into a "fund" for the store for register shortages.  What?  uh, no that's NOT the way it works so the district manager (that's who i was dealing with) asked me why i even turned it in.  Are you kidding me?  I told him because that's the honest thing to do and that it's not Aldi's money...he ended up giving it back to us but he was not happy about it. I feel like he just made that rule up because it makes no sense.

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A lot of Aldis are now remodeling, especially in the areas where Lidls are opening up.  My Aldi was closed for a while, and the new store is big and beautiful, and more similar to a Lidl.  It even had cut up veggies and spiral veggies and such, like the fancy stories.  And I've noticed that some of the items that used to be "special" items, now seem to be regular items.   I've never had problems with veggies at Aldi, though, not any more than at any other grocery story.  In fact, I think the fruit I buy at Aldi is a much better quality than what I get elsewhere.  For example, at a regular grocery in summer, I would say that only half of the peaches or plums are  good and tasty, whereas at Aldi it is more like 80%. Kroger used to be my go-to store for fruit, but lately I haven't been as impressed.  And surprisingly, the fanciest store around has some of the ickiest fruit -- fruit that never ripens and is always hard and sour.  But hey, it looks good.


One thing to keep in mind, Aldi accepts returns, no questions asked, even if the item is open and used.  Not only will they refund your purchase price, but they will also let you pick out another, similar item for free.  

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Yeah at the risk of bashing Americans..I think it's a Germans vs Americans thing. Overall in general stuff in Germany is cleaner than here.


(of course I don't mean there are no individual exceptions..I'm talking very broadly)

Sure. But US IKEA feels like EU IKEA. It's totally possible to have a nice store experience in the US. It was like they weren't even trying.

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I have noticed this too. Our Aldi has become very popular but they haven't really upped the staffing so I think part of what is driving it is that there is not enough time for the employees to sort through the produce.  I have had the issue with potatoes often enough that I sniff every bag I pick up and check for rotten ones on the bottom. I don't have the same trouble with most of the other produce I buy (peppers, bananas, green onions, etc.).  


They were out of gluten-free bread for almost three whole months due to some labeling issue that required new packaging nationwide. That was pretty frustrating. Now it is hard to find the bread because they sell out of it so fast. Again, I think it is a stocking/staffing issue (they are related).


I also have noted that we seem to have a new manager, so maybe there is something to that as well. 

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 Now it is hard to find the bread because they sell out of it so fast. Again, I think it is a stocking/staffing issue (they are related).




My problem is finding the original sweetened almond milk.  I go every Tuesday afternoon and about half the weeks they are completely out.  When I finally questioned an employee, she said they get a truck every other day.  And once I knew the truck schedule, yep it's every other week when they have it in stock.  I'm glad I have an extra fridge because now I buy 2 weeks worth on the week when the truck came on Tuesday because I know the next week I won't be able to find any and I don't have time to run back to the store a different day.


So find out what their truck schedule is and try to match your shopping to it.

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