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What science do you prefer for 3rd-4th grade? Moving from Apologia


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I have done Apologia with my older 3 for the last decade, but my 3rd grader would do better with something that has shorter units rather than spending a year covering Land Animals.  Experiments are not necessary as he is enrolled in a weekly class that does lots of experiments.

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Mystie Winkler from simplyconvival.com has (now, in the past?) used Apologia in a loose fashion.


If I remember correctly, she required her boys to read from one of the science texts so many times per week. But she had ALL of the books available and they could pick from any of them, though each individual book was to be read sequentially, no skipping around.


That way you wouldn't have to buy anything new. Unless YOU'RE ready for something different, which is fine too. :)

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Mystie Winkler from simplyconvival.com has (now, in the past?) used Apologia in a loose fashion.


If I remember correctly, she required her boys to read from one of the science texts so many times per week. But she had ALL of the books available and they could pick from any of them, though each individual book was to be read sequentially, no skipping around.


That way you wouldn't have to buy anything new. Unless YOU'RE ready for something different, which is fine too. :)


That's a good idea!

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We’re using REAL Science Odyssey for third and liking it a lot. The info is solid, and it’s easy to implement.


However, I only bought it because science isn’t my favorite subject, and I wanted to make sure we’d actually do it. I think next year, I may simply order a bunch of Tinker Crates and get library books to go along with them.

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I really like Real Science 4 Kids alot. The texts are short and to the point but the concepts are meaty, and it is explained in a clear way. I can do it as a read aloud or have the kids read the section. I get other books from the library about each topic for the kids to read. The labs are simple to implement but hit the points home. We originally were going to go with Apologia Astronomy this year and started it in the summer. It was fine but due to the Christian nature of it we couldn't use it at our charter school. I went back to RS4K and we are doing physics this semester and chemistry next semester. I really love them because they get done and the kids ask to do science (which I soon realized they weren't asking with Apologia, I do really love Apologia though!)

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We did Apologia last year and it worked okay. It got done. So I got it again for this year and I just think we get bored in one subject all year long so I picked up another text we had called “World of Science†and started in that. I printed off some freebie worksheets and think we will take a break and work through this for a month and just see where it lands. I have a science background but find it difficult to teach and I haven’t found a curriculum I even really like.

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I really like BJU science. The books are colorful and cover several topics of science in a year. The student activity manuals are wonderful, too. 


I liked A Beka's 4th grade science, too. It covered a variety and had a fun study of the state birds in the 4th grade level. That particular grade had the best activity manual, too. I didn't like a lot of the other levels of their science for elementary, though. 


Both have tests and/or quizzes if you wanted to introduce testing over material in science. I like to do that late elementary/early middle to get ready for high school science. 



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I really like BJU science. The books are colorful and cover several topics of science in a year. The student activity manuals are wonderful, too.


I liked A Beka's 4th grade science, too. It covered a variety and had a fun study of the state birds in the 4th grade level. That particular grade had the best activity manual, too. I didn't like a lot of the other levels of their science for elementary, though.


Both have tests and/or quizzes if you wanted to introduce testing over material in science. I like to do that late elementary/early middle to get ready for high school science.

We switched from Apologia to BJU, as well, and it was a very good change for us. I'm enjoying teaching science and DD is really learning and retaining the information.
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Jay Wile's elementary series--5 books which begin with Science in the Beginning.

We did one of these for a break after years of late elem/early middle school in Apologia. I loved the variety of branches of science covered in a historical, biographical context. It was very refreshing. And no other books were needed, since the history and people were included. 

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I really liked Science: A Closer Look textbooks. I bought the workbooks from the publisher for a really reasonable price. We used through grade 5, and it is pretty comprehensive.


Now we're doing Mr. Q Physical Science at an accelerated pace (4 chapters a week! They are small chapters, more like a short lesson each). We watch Bill Nye videos on YouTube, and use Tinker Crates when the correlate. I have a bunch of other supplements we can add, but my goal is to finish by Christmas so we can do Chemistry next semester. We will add in The Elements by Ellen J. McHenry and a bunch of Science activities. I don't really care for many of the ones in Mr. Q, so I have subbed some other things in.

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Science in the Beginning is a good series. I really really liked it and wanted to keep using it but it just wasn't working for us to tie history to science. We needed something that went by topic, but not just 1 topic all year long like Apologia (we tried that and hated it).

So we're using God's Design for Science and while it's not perfect, it's getting done and we like it.


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