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Can I get some thoughts on a tween-related period issue?


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There's a tween in our lives who got her first period about 3 months ago (age 11). It was a real, full period. Since then, she's had one or two instances of spotting--rarely enough to make it to the undies, but enough to show on toilet paper. Sometimes the instances of spotting only come a couple of weeks apart, and sometimes they can last on and off for 10-12 days without turning into a full period.


I don't remember anything like this from my own childhood (I was also 11 when I had my first period), and my oldest DD was like clockwork for her first year (she was also 11), so I'm not sure whether this is in the range of normal. 


Does this sound like something for which one should call the GYN? We're worried about missing something important vs. scaring the heck out of a young girl for no reason. 



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It's normal. The system is gradually ramping up to full function.


Does she have any of the common "about your body" books for this age, such as Care and Keeping of You? A book that explains all this might put your and her minds at ease. There's also the classic Our Bodies, Our Selves, which is a bit of a tome, but explains everything. It might be a good read for yourself, and for the girls in your life as they get older.


But just in case you ever have occasion to take her to the doctor for anything like this, it shouldn't be a gynecologist. Just take her to the pediatrician to talk. It would be an extremely unusual situation that would cause them to proceed to an internal exam.

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Normal. I have one dd who is very regular now (more than I ever was), but she didn't get her second period until about 10-11 months after the first one. I just wouldn't worry about irregularity or spotting at all for the first year or two. If it was excessive bleeding I would be more inclined to see a doctor.

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Whew! That is a weight off my mind, and it will go a long way toward making her feel less concerned. 


She's had her own copy of the Care and Keeping of You book for a couple of years now, but I'm not sure what she remembers or even if she actually read it. I'll remind her today and see if she wants to take another pass through it. 


Thank you all!

Edited by ILiveInFlipFlops
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Sounds exactly like what happened with my DD.   When the next "real" period came after 3 months of irregular spotting, however, it was a doozy.   I think it was 11 or 12 days and extremely heavy.   Along with reassuring her that this is completely normal, you may want to prepare her that it might show up "heavier than normal" so she doesn't think she's bleeding to death.    After that monster of a period, DD became very regular for about a year, then this summer has become more irregular again.

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It is normal to have irregular cycles at least the first year after starting periods.


ETA - the acog (American college of gyn), does recommend an evaluation if no period after 90 days even in adolescence, but it's unlikely to be anything except an anovulatory cycle. I bet their recommendations are to pick up big problems, like pregnancy, hormone disorders, etc, that are unlikely at that age just to make sure.

Edited by displace
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Normal. And as mentioned, the next may be very heavy (or might not).


And a certain percentage of the population never become clockwork regular until after having a pregnancy... hopefully not the case for her. (I am/was. And I was 35 when my oldest was born.....)


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My oldest had spotty periods for her first couple after the initial period with cycles ranging from 6-10 weeks.


My middle dd had regular monthly periods starting from the very first one.


My youngest is 19yo and has had irregular periods the whole time. Even now, there will sometimes be several months between them.


My periods were very irregular all the way up until I had my first child. 

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