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Which superhero movie/ TV show should we start with?


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We're totally new to superhero shows.

Dd saw Wonderwoman today and wants more.

Since we were looking for a new series to watch on Netflix anyways...

Which should we start with?


Captain America is the only superhero show I've ever seen.

(No restrictions here on violence or adult content, teens are old enough & we watch after the littles are in bed)


Whatcha suggest, hive?

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I like Supergirl a lot, though they can be a little preachy. And by "a little preachy", I mean "I cringe a bit, and I agree with their politics". They've been having a field day with the current presidency.


Unfortunately, this season was largely taken up with pointless romantic drama. So was The Flash, and what really bugs me is that I get the feeling that this was all so we could have a musical cross-over ep. Which wasn't even that great, even though - wow, those actors can sing! (Turns out I really ship Kara/Barry, though I'd love to see a Kara/Barry/Lena threesome. NO DRAMA, NO LOVE TRIANGLE. The three of them are capable of sharing, thank you.)


Arrow is a bit too broody for my tastes. Flash is fine, but the morality is skewed - lots of "lie to the person I love for their own protection" and nobody ever really addresses the fact that having a secret prison is very, very wrong. (It's wrong on Arrow too.)


Teen Titans (not Teen Titans Go!) is great fun and not too silly (see Teen Titans Go! for silly). You should definitely watch that one. (Also, no secret prisons.)

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If you've seen Captain America, I'd watch the Avengers next. Or Thor. The thing with the Marvel movies is they use a lot of the same characters, and their stories intertwine to the point that you will find yourself wanting to watch more of them to get more of the story.


From there you can watch Captain America Winter Soldier, and Avengers Civil War, and Thor Dark World. There are also several Iron Man options. And now Marvel is introducing newer characters like Dr. Strange to their movie universe. If you haven't seen any of them, try to pick an earlier one to get more of a feel for the story.


And if you tire of Marvel, there's the X-Men series, of which there are currently 6 related movies.


These are all big hits with our family.

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For a DD14 as main interested person?  Start with Agent Carter group and proceed with others that fit that world like Agents of Shield, Iron Man group, etc.  Could also see the Supergirl group. I personally find them a bit silly, but a 14yo might like them better.


Agent Carter is not exactly a Superhero, but it fits the genre, sets the early stage for Captn. America etc., and is a strong female character. 

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Agents of SHIELD is an amazing series. It's now one of my favorites of all time. Watching that with the appropriate Marvel movie sequence is a lot of fun. Even just watching the movies first and then the series, it's cool to see how they intermingle. Like, it's up there with Babylon 5, Firefly, and Chicago Hope in terms of engaging characters and plot. So so well done. The first few episodes feel slow but you must must just stick it out to the end of season one. You will thank me.


I want to love the D.C. Universe but most of them stink. Even Arrow, which I'm watching and enjoying, has extraordinarily shallow character development compared to SHIELD.

Edited by Arctic Mama
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My 14-yo daughter is taking me through a curated Marvel tour this summer.  So much fun.


I surprise myself, but I think of the Marvel / Avengers / Captain America crowd I end up most liking Iron Man most -- the idea that he created himself (instead of having his serum / gamma / spider bite / etc thrust upon him, or being trained up like Natasha & Wanda) puts a different agency into his story; and that as a character just so.dang.flawed, keeps on making the same mistake over and over again.  You can watch his development interspersed with the Avengers or just watch the three with him in sequence; it'll work either way.



I regret to report, however, that nothing holds a candle to Wonder Woman.  Holy cannoli.

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I'd try to watch them in order/near the order they were released. I'm actually a bit behind.


Basically I'd recommend seeing some of the individual character films before some of the group ones


There are 3 Iron Man movies. I didn't like them all. But I'd definitely recommend the first.

Love Captain America.

Thor films

Ant Man (love this, too. I recommend you watch this before Civil War)

Spider-Man (I did not like the Amazing Spider-Man (2012 with Andrew Garfield), but I liked the first one (with Tobey Maguire 2002). I haven't seen the latest.

The Avengers movies

Guardians of the Galaxy movies


I have not had a chance to see Wonder Woman or Black Panther but intend to see both. I passed on Dr. Strange... preview didn't look appealing to me but I might change my mind later. I will definitely see Thor: Ragnarok later this year, too.


Although Superman is one of my favorite characters, I did not care for Superman films much. I would consider the show Smallville, though. I saw the entire 10 seasons.


I'm really behind on the tv shows. I watched part of Arrow and The Flash. Only a couple eps of Agent Carter and SHIELD and Supergirl. I watched the limited number of eps they released on hulu of The Powerless (just a silly superhero show).


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Marvel Netflix shows: Daredevil and Like Cage are good. Jessica was meh for us. Iron Fist is uber campy. Haven't had a chance to watch Agents of Sheild.


We like Marvel movies Iron Man 3 was meh. I'm looking forward to Thor 3 this fall. Winter Soldier and Civil War seemed like drawn out backstory. Don't get me started on X-Men. I still need to see Logan. I'm looking forward to Black Panther. I recently ran across this article: https://www.cnet.com/pictures/watch-every-marvel-cinematic-universe-movie-in-the-right-order/?ftag=ACQb4020c1&vndid=1861198001&nan_pid=1861198001&ad_id=6592789


D.C.- wise: Gotham is really good. Flash is ok-good. Arrow is campy, eye candy fun.

Supergirl is ok but preachy.

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And I'd argue the strongest female characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU is the common abbreviation you'll see a lot) are in Agents of SHIELD, if strong females is a draw. Just, you know, have to prop it up a little bit more. All the current seasons are on Netflix right now too, and Season 5 isn't coming out until January. Perfect timing! But I can't emphasize enough - do NOT give it up before coming to the end of season one. A lot of people did and those who came back and watched it again were smacking themselves.



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This is a graphic that shows what order to watch the Marvel movies/tv shows to have the correct chronology.




Right now they are working on a two part Avengers movie that will have the original Avengers, Dr. Strange, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and maybe a few others.  I'm debating whether I want to spend the time rewatching in the order above.  

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