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Poll About Non-Gyno Dr. Appointment and TeA Timing

Crimson Wife

Is it Rude to Have TeA Prior to Non-Gyno Dr. Appt?  

131 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it Rude to Have TeA Prior to Non-Gyno Dr. Appt?

    • Yes, always
    • No, as long as there is a shower in between
    • Other

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It was a routine skin check by the dermatologist (family history of melanoma and fair complexion). Maybe he thought that's more invasive than it really is? Who knows!


I'll bet that's it. He probably thought the derm would be looking at every inch of the spouse and I don't want to get graphic, but maybe he thought there would be some...er...spilled tea in the saucer.

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I think the only restriction is that you not try to brew a cup of Tea IN the doctors office with your spouse between when the nurse leaves the room and before the doctor enters.......or failing that in the lawn in front of the office.....


Happened at the doctor's office where my girls go. 😀

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I think the only restriction is that you not try to brew a cup of Tea IN the doctors office with your spouse between when the nurse leaves the room and before the doctor enters.......or failing that in the lawn in front of the office.....


Happened at the doctor's office where my girls go. 😀



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I'll bet that's it. He probably thought the derm would be looking at every inch of the spouse and I don't want to get graphic, but maybe he thought there would be some...er...spilled tea in the saucer.


This is what I'm thinking.


Every derm I've met has been super fussy, so that might cloud my opinion.


For a regular practitioner and a regular appointment, I wouldn't think anything of TeA beforehand. They see a surprising amount of personal hygiene that hasn't progressed much past Medieval times, lol! And the rise in bedbugs plus lice being more resistant to products that kill them, and STDs with presenting symptoms...a little residue is not going to flip their lid. 

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I'll bet that's it. He probably thought the derm would be looking at every inch of the spouse and I don't want to get graphic, but maybe he thought there would be some...er...spilled tea in the saucer.


You win, Garga!


I can't stop laughing.

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I hope they'd know from the look of me - I'm not the virgin Mary!

Well, given that my doctor is also my children's doctor, and I keep adding patients to her list, I think she probably knows I drink teA, hahaha.  (Despite that fact that she's never actually met my husband.  He sees one of her male partners.)


It would not occur to me to abstain from teA before an appointment, although I'd be clean for the appointment, especially if the appointment wasn't going to involve any intimate areas.  (Dude, I've got a gazillion kids who don't like to go to bed and a 3yo who prefers to sleep next to me and a husband who gets up way too early for work; when everything aligns properly, we take whatever sips of teA we can get!)  The last couple of times I've seen my primary doctor, she's maybe listened to my lungs and heart through my shirt and that's it.  I do generally abstain from teA the night before a Pap, but I probably wouldn't sweat it if we did have teA the night before; I'd probably just shower thoroughly.  OB type people have seen it all.  I was apologetic about having everything hanging out while I was pumping in my hospital room when the male OB residents came through, and about being sweaty because I couldn't get up to shower, but they didn't care.  It's all just body parts.  People have teA.  If they didn't, OBs wouldn't have jobs.


Oh, I'd probably abstain from teA if I thought I might need to give a urine sample.  I had to do that recently at the nephrologist.  I'd prefer that to be as clean as possible so they could detect protein and sugar accurately.  But when I had to do a urine sample at my regular doctor to test for pregnancy -- well, if there had been semen in it, so what?  Wouldn't affect the test.


I'm pretty sure docs have seen a LOT worse than evidence of teA.


ETA: Also, since blood pressure is always a concern when I go to the doctor these days, a nice relaxing cup of teA shortly beforehand would probably be great for that!  Unfortunately, I'm not generally too happy to be awake at o'dark thirty before DH leaves for work.

Edited by happypamama
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I'll bet that's it. He probably thought the derm would be looking at every inch of the spouse and I don't want to get graphic, but maybe he thought there would be some...er...spilled tea in the saucer.

LOL!  Okay, that makes more sense.  But still, a shower should take care of any spills.

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Wut?? Unless the person is having tea in the parking lot, not rude. Strange question.



I'm confused too. How does the spouse think the doctor would even know?



I think the only restriction is that you not try to brew a cup of Tea IN the doctors office with your spouse between when the nurse leaves the room and before the doctor enters.......or failing that in the lawn in front of the office.....


Happened at the doctor's office where my girls go. 😀


TMI warning...


My mom went back to school for a nursing degree when I was in high school.  Part of her program included rotations in different nursing specialties, and her OB/GYN rotation included an internship at a public health clinic.  Apparently there WERE actually people brewing a cup of TeA in the parking lot, then coming in for pelvic exams.   Or very, very shortly before coming in for their appointments.   And the doctors could tell.

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LOL! Okay, that makes more sense. But still, a shower should take care of any spills.

You know that and I know that, but I'm not sure that all men know that. Just going from some old conversations I had in my twenties with some male coworkers. :).

Edited by Garga
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TMI warning...


My mom went back to school for a nursing degree when I was in high school. Part of her program included rotations in different nursing specialties, and her OB/GYN rotation included an internship at a public health clinic. Apparently there WERE actually people brewing a cup of TeA in the parking lot, then coming in for pelvic exams. Or very, very shortly before coming in for their appointments. And the doctors could tell.

I get that TeA has a distinct smell that those of us with super noses are cursed to notice. I don't get how they'd pick up on this if the patient showered before going.

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I get that TeA has a distinct smell that those of us with super noses are cursed to notice. I don't get how they'd pick up on this if the patient showered before going.


They can tell.  I've heard that some men in particular find the smell of other men particularly repellent.


Years ago, the first time I ruptured an ovarian cyst it happened right after TEA.  Condom had broken.  It hurt, but I went back to sleep afterwards.  Probably 12 hours and two showers later I went into work at a second shift.  I worked at a hospital.  I complained of Lower right quadrant pain, which worsened as I walked around.  i got sent to the ER for suspected appendicitis. I was diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst but one of the doctors suggested I had a bacterial infection because my vagina "smelled" even though the test was negative.  I'm sure it was the scent of semen, my ex smelled really strong.  I could smell him for 3 days despite numerous showers afterwards strong.


But besides that I've never met a doctor who cared.

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They can tell. I've heard that some men in particular find the smell of other men particularly repellent.


Years ago, the first time I ruptured an ovarian cyst it happened right after TEA. Condom had broken. It hurt, but I went back to sleep afterwards. Probably 12 hours and two showers later I went into work at a second shift. I worked at a hospital. I complained of Lower right quadrant pain, which worsened as I walked around. i got sent to the ER for suspected appendicitis. I was diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst but one of the doctors suggested I had a bacterial infection because my vagina "smelled" even though the test was negative. I'm sure it was the scent of semen, my ex smelled really strong. I could smell him for 3 days despite numerous showers afterwards strong.


But besides that I've never met a doctor who cared.

Well then . . . asked and answered. I'm not remotely surprised that it comes down to smell.

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LOL I too was thinking smell.


I also wondered if TeA changes that person's appearance and/or demeanor so much that others can tell "something is different."  Not that that would bother me, but maybe it made someone's dh feel odd.

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But I want to be sure I smell like Pink Chiffon and not Girls Gone Wild.


maybe he thought there would be some...er...spilled tea in the saucer.

One must be careful when reading WTM in a doctor's office. The hysterical laughter might disturb the other patients. :) :) :)

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LOL I too was thinking smell.


I also wondered if TeA changes that person's appearance and/or demeanor so much that others can tell "something is different."  Not that that would bother me, but maybe it made someone's dh feel odd.


I can see that, but then whose doctor knows them well enough to know that a happy bubbly post-orgasm demeanor isn't the way the person normally is?  Especially for a checkup.  It's not like most people don't see doctors only when ill.

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I can see that, but then whose doctor knows them well enough to know that a happy bubbly post-orgasm demeanor isn't the way the person normally is?  Especially for a checkup.  It's not like most people don't see doctors only when ill.


Patient had never before seen this particular dermatologist.


Patient is glad to see that ZERO of the poll voters agree with squeamish spouse. Patient could not tell squeamish spouse this because then he'd know that the Hive knows that a couple who has been married 18 years and has 3 kids enjoys TeA (the scandal!) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I'm not dissenting, exactly. My first impulse is to roll my eyes and say, "oh come on, you've got to be kidding."


The thing is, human s=xuality is complex, and if a partner gets squeamish out about this issue, then I would respect it because I respect my partner. His or her reasons are his own, and I don't have to understand or even agree with all of them. If the spouse has a lot of issues and phobias concerning sex or often finds reasons to avoid sex, then that's the real problem that needs to be addressed.

Edited by trulycrabby
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